blushcrush @ 2003-08-07 00:36:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Mummy, come home.
It's been horrible around here lately with Mum gone, Dad's so depressed. I wish I'd been there to run after her and stop her leaving, but I was upstairs with Cho for most of the party. Dogear Wryde has loads of rooms, you know? We got a bit lost and fell asleep in one of the rooms, and when we woke up in the morning Professor Lupin had left us a note to come down and have a proper breakfast, which was really a little embarrassing. We didn't mean to fall asleep and stay all night! Oh, Cho brought me a tiara, too! She has a matching tiara, and they're terribly lovely. She called me "princess" and - well, anyway, I did have fun, and it was great to get out of the house and see everyone again. I don't understand why Mummy got so upset.
Well, anyway, while Mum's been gone I've been at Dad to let me get a job, just for the rest of the month, to help out round the house. He hasn't let me yet, but he did say I could go to work with him if I liked, so tomorrow I'm going! I haven't been since I was really little, and all I did then was scribble on memos and accidentally send them to the Department of Magical Transportation. I hope this time I'll get to do something other than sit around. I can handle working, Dad!
la_pensee @ 2003-08-06 10:56 pm UTC |
Oh, Ginny, it is really terrible about your mother. I do hope that she comes back quickly because your father really is such a lovely man.
However, I am quite excited to hear that you shall be coming to work with your father. I had felt quite terrible that I was unable to see you at the party this weekend when I had told you I was likely going. (My father had come home that day and my mother insisted on us three spending time together.) Would you perchance accept an invitation to lunch to make up for my absence? I would simply love to see you tomorrow if you could spare the time.
blushcrush @ 2003-08-06 11:06 pm UTC |
Oh, goodness, I thought I saw you at the party! I'm so silly. No wonder you never came up to talk to me! I wish you'd been there, you always wear the nicest things to parties.
About my mum, thank you, I hope so, too. We just aren't the same without her. I think she's just quite upset right now, I know she could never really leave us, she cares about us more than anything in the world. Maybe she just needs a holiday.
Ooh, lunch, really? I reckon my dad would let me. That sounds really fun, thank you for askingme! It's very nice of you! Where would you like to go? I hardly ever go to restaurants, you'd probably know more places than I would!
la_pensee @ 2003-08-06 11:37 pm UTC |
Darling, such flattery! You were not mistaken in seeing me, however, as I was there for a very short while. I had apparated over quickly in hopes of making at least a brief appearance before my mother noticed my absence. I had looked for you in order to say hello, but I am afraid I must have missed you among the other guests. I do apologize because I wish I had seen you at the party as I am certain you would have looked particularly delightful that evening. Of course that is only to be expected as you would have looked wonderful regardless of what you wore, with that lovely Titian hair of yours.
I do hope you are quite right about your mother because it must be very hard on all of your family, though especially your father. It is so nice to see that you, however, have managed to maintain such an optimistic view about things. I have always thought there are few things as attractive as positive outlook.
In any case, I really am quite thrilled that you shall let me take you to lunch. Why there is just the most darling restaurant that only takes a minute or two to walk to, and they have such delicious food!
blushcrush @ 2003-08-06 11:51 pm UTC |
Titian hair? I don't think I've ever heard someone call it Titian before! You really think so? I think it's just kind of carroty, me. I wouldn't say I looked delightful, but I was wearing a tiara for a good portion of the evening!
I'm really looking forward to lunch! I want to ask you all about what you do at the Ministry, I mean, maybe I can get a job there next summer. I'm sure you get much better marks than me, though, I mean, I haven't even taken my O.W.L.s yet so who knows! Oh, goodness, it's getting late! I'll see you tomorrow at lunchtime!
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-08-07 12:12 am UTC |
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-08-07 12:31 am UTC |
Why? Just because you forgot about mum doesn't mean I have to.
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-08-07 12:36 am UTC |
I can't believe you just said that to me. I haven't forgotten Mummy at all, did you read my comment to Pansy? You just don't want me to have any friends. Stop being a git.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-08-07 12:39 am UTC |
I can't believe you're even TALKING TO HER! Is this some of of leftover Harry thing? He's friends with Slytherins so you have to be too? Now really! When have I ever stopped you from having friends? See Luna? Good person! Not Slytherin! No objections there!
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-08-07 12:48 am UTC |
Why am I having to defend myself to you? Yes please, Ron, when I talk to people, I'm only emulating Harry. I'm only gay because Harry's gay. I'm even getting glasses to match his. Will you stop being so outlandish? I'm going to bed. You can come tuck me in if you want to, but I won't hold my breath. Good night.
I'm really sorry about this, Pansy.
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-08-07 12:50 am UTC |
That's not what I meant! I'm only looking out for you because you trust ANYTHING! I'm on my way.
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-08-07 12:54 am UTC |
Ginny, there isn't a reason to be sorry. You have been nothing but a darling to me throughout the whole situation, and I wish I could show you how grateful I am for defending me. I only wish Ron wouldn't be angry at you on my account.
(parent)seekercho @ 2003-08-07 11:40 am UTC |
Firm handshakes are very good ways to show gratitude. BRIEF firm handshakes.
la_pensee @ 2003-08-07 01:55 pm UTC |
I have always preferred hugs to handshakes, at least among friends. But to each their own, I suppose.
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-08-07 12:09 am UTC |
Titian seemed to be the only word I could use, Ginny. The other adjectives felt too commonplace to describe your hair because it really is quite lovely. Perhaps you would someday let me show you how to do a few styles that I think would really quite suit you.
It is quite late, so I too should get going, but I shall be quite excited to see you tomorrow. I would love to discuss the ministry with you and perhaps if I talk to my supervisor I can convince her to let me show you around the front desk a bit.
PS. If you ever do need any help with your school work, I would be more than happy to aide you in such an endeavor.
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2003-08-07 12:33 am UTC |
My sister doesn't need help from dirt, she's got a Ravenclaw girlfriend, in case you haven't noticed.
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-08-07 12:40 am UTC |
Cho is a very clever girl. But she has finished with school this year, hasn't she? I thought perhaps since I would still be at Hogwarts next year that it might be more convenient.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-08-07 12:42 am UTC |
Knock it off, if Ginny needs any school help we have HERMIONE. Surely you've heard of her, TOP WITCH IN THE SCHOOL HMM?
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-08-07 12:46 am UTC |
She also has a big brother such as yourself to take care of her.
It was merely a friendly offer.
la_pensee @ 2003-08-07 12:08 am UTC |
Why, Ronald, I didn't think you cared! Now you are making me blush.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-08-07 12:09 am UTC |
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-08-07 12:14 am UTC |
Oooh, Ron darling, you remembered how much I adore all capitals.
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-08-07 12:18 am UTC |
No need to be jealous, Ron. You know I still find you adorable.
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-08-07 12:25 am UTC |
Oh, Ron, you are so very adorable. I am flattered you scream such passionate utterances because of me.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-08-07 12:32 am UTC |
Why don't you go grow some on SOMEONE YOUR AGE and leave my family alone then
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-08-07 12:37 am UTC |
Hello, gorgeous! Glad to see you! Tell Ron to shut up, won't you? He listens to YOU.
(parent)seekercho @ 2003-08-07 11:38 am UTC |
Hello Princess! I miss you, how are you!
Um I think I might have put on your socks by mistake when we left the party. Not that I mind but my mum was very confused about why I was wearing green knit socks with "Gs" on them. Oops!!
Do you think your dad will let you come and spend a day in London with me? Mum wants to meet you. My grandmum doesn't but guess what? SHE MOVED BACK TO CHINA!!! I am so happy and Mum and I don't have to live like Muggles anymore and it is brilliant. So come and visit if you can!
And bring the tiara! ;-)