blushcrush @ 2004-05-03 06:09:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
The bloody match.
All right, to get this load off my mind: I didn't start the whole mess with everyone whipping it out mid-air, but I did disarm Graham Pritchard after he'd disarmed me, so I could get the Quaffle back. It's no more fair, really, but I thought it was at the time. I reckon that's really what started Gryffindor down the wrong path with yesterday's match, and I apologise, especially for all those jinxes Ben hurled just because he felt like he could. That match was ridiculous. I know Quidditch is not a clean game but there are rules and we ignored probably all of them. People were fouling all over the place. Gryffindor and Slytherin both cheated. I cheated, we all cheated, we didn't even think about it. It was probably the most unfair match ever played and while you do run into cheating in the leages, it's something professionals would never get away with, ever! We're all lucky we're even being allowed to have a rematch, if you ask me, since neither of our teams really deserve it after Saturday! Evan's broom is totally destroyed, I suppose Clarence doesn't care but now he's going to need a new one and I feel he shouldn't have to pay for one when someone else set it on fire. It only kept flying 'cos he kept casting sodding Levitation Charms on it! As it is, Evan's now smeared down from navel to knee with burn paste, Ron's knees are slowly and painfully crawling around his legs back to their proper places, Millicent Bulstrode's clavicle was broken and so was Ben's arm, Andrew's had a tooth knocked out (he grew a new one but it's made him start lisping again, and he hasn't done that for ages now!), and Draco Malfoy looks like he got suckerpunched which I suppose he really was. Although he escaped the pitch relatively unscathed I think Hermione was angry enough about the match to give him a piece of her mind. Hermione should be a Beater, honestly. I should have trained her up. She was just as excited as the rest of us were, possibly because she had a prime seat in the commentator's box.
Cheating aside, I've never felt so bonded with my team. We were saving each other every other second out there, and sometimes, it's not like that, you know? Sometimes there will be an off day where it feels like there's no communication at all between players, no real team camaradarie, no drive, and while we may score or pull off a good move, it feels as if we're all out there on our own. But I felt like I was watching out for everyone and that they were all watching out for me, and I suppose that's why I felt safe even with all the hex-hurling and fouling. I felt recklessly determined to win it for my team since I knew if I fell I would be caught. Cheating aside, I think that was brilliant, Gryffindor. I can't wait for the rematch.