blushcrush @ 2004-05-28 00:15:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
An entry I am aware will be graded.
Well, we all got a big shock earlier when Professor McGonagall told us that these journals are going to be graded. I'm not sure how I feel about this at all. At first I thought it could only be a rumour, until I checked and saw for myself. Lately I haven't felt like posting... am I going to have points taken for not having interesting, funny things to say right now, when all I can seem to think about is what's happened to my family? What about last summer, when I was in so much shock over Soblessa and the attack on Hogwarts. Should I have updated daily? Should I have been watching my posts for length and content? It seems so. I don't mean any disrespect, but to be graded on personal thoughts and feelings -- and these journals do get personal, don't deny it! -- seems so, I don't know, strange. As for participation, I read every single entry that everyone makes, but I know I am not welcome to comment on all of them. Am I going to be marked down for not ever commenting to a person who hates me?
Guess who I chatted with in the library the other day. Filbert Snodgrass! I didn't even recognise him 'cos he'd got rid of his glasses and his hair was combed. I mean, it was quite tidy! Shocking, that was. It was a new look for him indeed, and he looks quite a lot better. The library's been cleaned up since it got ink all over it but sometimes when people pick books off the shelf near where the book exploded, their hands get all inky, so Filbert had gotten ink all over his hands, and after I said good-bye, he SLAPPED ME ON THE REAR and got a handprint on my skirt. Filbert Snodgrass is amazing. I hope Evan never finds him 'cos sometimes Evan gets this gleam in his eye and you know it means half-four in the morning practises or other means of certain death.
I'm not sure if it's because I dated a witch for a long time or because I snogged Luna at that party or 'cos I had that conversation about g-spots with Ernie on his journal, or what, but lately I have gotten all sorts of crap like that from boys in this school. Filbert's one thing... he's always been sort of like that. Apparently thinking girls are attractive or talking to a bloke about sex suddenly makes me wildly promiscuous in the eyes of some. I don't know if you lot are aware of this, but liking girls and boys doesn't make me a slut, or indecisive, or anything. It doesn't suddenly make me a different person, a total stranger. Knowing myself, and feel free to take that as wrongly as you like, does not make me unusual or anything other than downright clever. I feel quite confident, now, comfortable with who I am and what I look like and what I can do. So what if I'm covered in freckles? So what if I've got a big arse and a small chest? So what if I talk about g-spots or snogging girls? Most people talk about stuff like that, only not in a forum where everyone can watch them. I hope I don't get marked down for being obscene or something, but I'm not going to ask Ernie to delete any of it, and I'm not modifying a single thing on my journal. But I am really hexing the next person who asks me if I'll make out with a girl in front of them.
Anyway, I've decided to try out for Seeker next year. It's really weird to think about Harry not being Gryffindor's Seeker, I mean I can't even imagine it being anyone else. And really whoever follows Harry is going to need to live up to a lot. I'm not saying I've got what it takes, but my brother Charlie was Seeker in his day and Evan thinks it's a good idea, so we'll see what happens there. I'll train over the summer. I wish Charlie could give me some pointers. It's such a waste, you know? That he can't. That all this talent and personality and wisdom is laying there in St Mungo's staring at the wall. I think this every day. I suppose that can't be helped. I don't really want to make journal entries and put thoughts like that down for everyone else to read; it seems so self-pitying, and I don't want to seem like I'm obsessing over Charlie and George. What's happened haunts my every waking moment and there's a sad ache in my heart that will probably never go away, but we're all continuing on with life as best we can manage to and that's all we can really do. I'm not sure what else there is to say about it, here. People have already forgotten; I know it doesn't matter to anyone else like it does to my family but to see fellow students deliriously happy over what marks they got on a homework assignment or saying their life is over because someone found out they stuff their bra is just so insulting to me sometimes. I hate to say that but it's true. Sometimes I feel guilty for laughing, or I'm hugging Evan and I feel guilty for thinking about him instead. Getting back to Quidditch though, Ron's said he'll help me train, but he's got bigger things on his mind right now. I feel so proud when I see him cramming in the library. My big brother's growing up.
In happier news, Pansy and Hermione both bound exactly 116 books during their book-binding competition, which works out very well for me since I am friends with both of them.
dooglevoluna @ 2004-05-27 11:15 pm UTC |
I was posting in the journals before anyone knew I was here. Do you think my mark will go up or down for that?
I hope you get seeker. The snitch looks nice on someone with red hair!
blushcrush @ 2004-05-28 12:44 am UTC |
I think you'll get extra credit. You kept a journal without being required to, and that is special.
(parent)dooglevoluna @ 2004-05-27 11:30 pm UTC |
I have a small chest too LOL.
I am really short and almost skinny and my toes are long enough to peel bananas. Did you ever notice?
blushcrush @ 2004-05-28 12:46 am UTC |
It must seem so because it's personal, but it really isn't thoughtful at all.
(parent)missgranger @ 2004-05-28 12:49 am UTC |
I disagree. To examine oneself so honestly takes thoughtfulness, as does acceptance, and you've really always had that.
(parent)scotchtartan @ 2004-05-28 04:09 am UTC |
I believe I have given you the wrong impression, Weasley. We will not be examining the content of these journals as far as the feelings go. We will be looking at the amount of journal entries within each student's user information, as well as examining whether someone has 78 one sentence entries or 23 six inch entries. The grading shall come down to overall use, rather than a set amount of journal entries each student should have.
There has never been a need for you to leave comments to those you dislike, Weasley. While we would prefer to promote inter-House unity, this is sometimes impossible. We do understand that some people do not wish to unite.
Furthermore, what has happened to your family is undoubtedly the most personal thing that you could share with us. You are certainly not required to do so, and I am sorry to hear that I led you to believe you were.
blushcrush @ 2004-05-29 05:14 am UTC |
I'm awfully sorry if it was disrespectful of me to say any of that about the journal project, Professor. That really wasn't my intent, just my initial reaction I reckon. Thank you for clarifying!