blushcrush @ 2004-06-30 09:41:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Next year.
A lot of people won't be back next year.
I will be, though.
Who can I talk to about planting a tree on the grounds? Pansy did it for my family after George and Charlie. I want to do it for her, now. She was so kind to me, and I learnt so much from her.
I'll be back next year to plant it.
dooglevoluna @ 2004-06-30 03:42 pm UTC |
I wil be back too.
I never knew her very wel, but a tree would be perfect. You could plant pansies around the trunk, or is that too much?
blushcrush @ 2004-06-30 03:47 pm UTC |
I'm really glad you and Evan and Colin will be back, too!
No, I don't think it's too much at all. Maybe you would like to plant them with me.
dooglevoluna @ 2004-06-30 03:54 pm UTC |
I would like that. Did you see that my L's are coming back? Not al of them but most. I think a few may have been swept up with the rubble.
(parent)blushcrush @ 2004-06-30 03:57 pm UTC |
Oh I think all your Ls will find their way back to you. Except for maybe one which I've taken a liking to, so I might keep it. But you can come visit it every day if you like!
(parent)dooglevoluna @ 2004-06-30 04:00 pm UTC |
LOL I guess you don't know that I sent that one to live with you two blue moons ago.
(parent)missgranger @ 2004-06-30 03:52 pm UTC |
Hahahaha. Well it would not do to leave him here, naturally!
(parent)blushcrush @ 2004-06-30 03:55 pm UTC |
No of course not. I'd miss him so much I'd have to write awful Dante poetry and send you copies.
(parent)perfectprefect @ 2004-06-30 03:55 pm UTC |
I did not know that you were interested in poetry.
(parent)blushcrush @ 2004-06-30 03:59 pm UTC |
I love poetry! I write it, too but mostly I only showed it to Charlie.
(parent)perfectprefect @ 2004-06-30 04:04 pm UTC |
I have some fascinating volumes of German poetry. If you would like, I could give them to you.
(parent)blushcrush @ 2004-06-30 04:05 pm UTC |
Are you excited? Will you need help moving in? Do you need anything sewn? Will you invite me for sleepovers on odd Fridays?
(parent)divineparvati @ 2004-06-30 04:27 pm UTC |
Want to come shopping with me on the weekend? I need a new bedspread, I want a bright one.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-30 06:02 pm UTC |
Hermione! I didn't know you had it in you? Where have you been all my (shopping) life?
(parent)divineparvati @ 2004-06-30 05:09 pm UTC |
SEAMUS! YOU. ME. SHOPPING. Do you two have things for your place yet? The smallest things are making me excited lately, I feel ridiculous. Oh, and I want new shoes.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-30 05:26 pm UTC |
We have nothing. We'll have to go through his things that are there, and see what Sirius and Harry want, and what they'd want to sell, and what we might want to keep, and what we're going to do to redecorate, and I haven't even dealt with any of that yet.
I have new shoes, but they're Leigheas shoes.
I want to go shopping with you when I'm excited, too. Hopefully when we get back from our trip I will be. And we'll have a painting party. And we'll want to see your place.
divineparvati @ 2004-06-30 05:49 pm UTC |
I think I am getting excited over the smaller things to make up for the bigger, more awful things. It's working most of the time. I think a painting party would be brilliant. Hopefully by the time you get back, we'll have found somewhere lovely and done some brilliant things to it. Can you imagine me, Padma and Hermione living together? Hahaha, no doubt you'll hear all about it when you get back. I hope you have a wonderful time.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-30 06:10 pm UTC |
Well, I am excited over the trip. And I can't wait to hear about your moving in pains. You must owl us all the time while we're gone so we have something to talk about. But you've already lived with Padma, and you've already lived with Hermione, and Hermione and Padma are similar in some ways, so I think it will be brilliant, truly!
And then you can come help us shop.
artistic_flower @ 2004-06-30 04:28 pm UTC |
We're thinking of going looking on Monday, is that too soon for you? I'm so excited.
(parent)missgranger @ 2004-06-30 04:33 pm UTC |
Monday's great! I'm having lunch with my mum, but after that's all free. If you like, you could meet her!
(parent)artistic_flower @ 2004-06-30 04:48 pm UTC |
Sounds brilliant! Parvati and I will be scouring Diagon for holiday sales to see if we can pick up anything we might need. Meet outside Flourish & Blotts? Or should we rudely interrupt the end of your lunch?
(parent)missgranger @ 2004-06-30 04:51 pm UTC |
I'll meet you outside Flourish and Blotts! If you see any sales on Self-Alphabetising Bookshelves, let me know, won't you?
(parent)artistic_flower @ 2004-06-30 04:55 pm UTC |
Oh, wonderful! I'll split the cost with you, if you like, and then it'll be cheaper for the both of us!
(parent)artistic_flower @ 2004-06-30 05:12 pm UTC |
Me too! Hooray, new reading! You don't paint at all, do you?
(parent)missgranger @ 2004-06-30 05:14 pm UTC |
Well, honestly, I've never really tried to paint. I've discovered that I like to draw sometimes, though I'm not very skilled.
(parent)artistic_flower @ 2004-06-30 05:22 pm UTC |
I've got some marvellous pencils and plenty of sketch pads if you ever feel like joining me on the couch. You are bringing a couch, right?
(parent)missgranger @ 2004-06-30 05:23 pm UTC |
Er. I thought you and Parvati were bringing the couch.
(parent)artistic_flower @ 2004-06-30 05:42 pm UTC |
I specifically tagged the eighth page of your application wherein you listed the items you could bring to a share situation. Couch was one! I'm onto you.
(parent)missgranger @ 2004-06-30 05:50 pm UTC |
Hahaha. Don't worry, I've got the old couch from my father's study all lined up and I've found a really tricky charm to fix it up with!
(parent)artistic_flower @ 2004-06-30 06:04 pm UTC |
It's not a cleverly disguised dentist's chair, is it?
(parent)blushcrush @ 2004-06-30 05:36 pm UTC |
Yeah, that was pretty spectacular. No offence, Harry, but I'm not sure why Ron didn't steal your position more often!
(parent)blushcrush @ 2004-06-30 05:39 pm UTC |
Anyway, if you don't come visit us we'll all be very offended! You can even have two celery stalks.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-30 05:58 pm UTC |
I think planting a new tree is a very nice idea, Ginny.
I hope I see you a good deal before you leave for school again.
![]() blushcrush @ 2004-06-30 06:10 pm UTC |
I hope the same, Seamus! I hope you have lots of parties and invite me to all of them.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-30 06:29 pm UTC |
We will invite you to all of them even if you are at school and can't attend.
and, I read above, and I think you should keep sending your poetry to Charlie because he likes getting owl posts. He smiles at them. And it can make you feel better to send it to him.