blushcrush @ 2002-07-01 02:43:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | none |
Ooh, my head feels funny.
Well, it was a Hogsmeade weekend. I love going to Hogsmeade! It really breaks up the monotony of being at school every day; it's like a little holiday. Everyone always goes straight for Honeydukes to stock up on their big blocks of chocolate, because you can't buy it anywhere else and it's so tasty. Madam Pomfrey keeps massive stocks of it in the hospital wing. Soblessa and I decided to share a block and spent the leftover change on some Fizzing Whizbees. On the way to the bookshop, we were debating on how high one would levitate if they could somehow manage to eat more than one in the brief amount of time you levitate after eating - they're so massive that I'm sure you couldn't get very high. That just isn't safe. But Soblessa dared me to eat three just to see, so we went down an alley beside Spellbound Books and giggled while I gorged on two and a half (I couldn't eat more!) Fizzing Whizbees, and floated up what must have been a whole meter, which is much higher than usual!
Then Soblessa dragged me by the leg into Spellbound Books, while I was still bobbing up in the air! I had to direct her to take me to the back, where I always go so I can look at fairy tale books that are high up on the shelf. Of course, I usually climb the ladder, but today I pulled myself up along it, until the Whizbees started to wear off and I climbed the rest of the way. Their leather-bound fairy tale books are kept up at the top of the shelf away from children because they are such huge, expensive volumes, so nice, each volume hand-copied and illustrated. I would never be able to purchase one unless I saved for a long time, so I thumb through them every time I can and memorise the illustrations. (How come princesses never have red hair?) Soblessa wandered around underneath me and found a book of naughty limericks and read out loud from it. *giggles* She is so silly! I could never read those things out loud like that; I just imagine Mum's face and can't do it. She read one about a wizard from Crete twice. I almost fell off the ladder laughing. Actually, I was laughing so hard that I wasn't minding my hands and ended up dropping the book I was pulling out (a copy of the scandalous Manipulative Mistress: The Fairy Godmother Exposed) directly on Cho Chang's head. She was kneeling on the floor looking the very small selection of Chinese spellbooks; thankfully, the book wasn't so big, because the spine landed right on her head and toppled right over. I felt so horrible! I hurried down the ladder as fast as I could and Soblessa and I helped her up; she looked dizzy, but she said she was okay and even laughed with us when she saw what I had dropped on her head. She's so nice, I feel just awful for not being more careful! I guess what happened at the Three Broomsticks was Fate's way of conking me right back!
After apologising profusely and saying a long good bye to Cho, we started along High Street again. I still wanted to cry because of what had happened with Cho, but then I perked when we saw Ron, Harry, and Hermione just outside the Three Broomsticks, and we stopped to say hello and they asked us to join them for a butterbeer. Soblessa was quite excited to say hello to Harry. I've told her all about how he stays with us during the summer hols. She thinks I fancy him still, and I don't think I still do. There are times, though, when he asks me to pass something at the table and I feel like I'm going to drop it because I'm shaking. (Or perhaps dropping things is just what I do when someone is nice to me.) Anyway, it was pretty crowded, so we all fit around one table, and Harry volunteered to go pick up a tray of butterbeers for the lot of us when, quite suddenly, a fight broke out between two people over on the other side of the tavern. Everything was so chaotic that it took me a minute to realise that it was Professor Snape and Professor Black, throwing punches like they were drunk, and Professor Lupin was in the middle of it, too, and Madam Hooch was yelling and she was wearing her Quidditch gear, and it was madness! I've never seen anything like it! It's as if there has been a fighting bug going around lately. First it bit Malfoy, then it bit the professors! It rivals the chaos of the Quidditch World Cup I went to a couple of years ago, except there were no floating Muggles or Dark Marks. But they are professors! I am sure they are in real trouble! They should be in more trouble than students should be, fighting like that!
Anyway, we all leapt up, and someone was picking up a chair and rushing into the fray, so Ron shouted for us all to get under tables. More people can fit around tables than under them, so Hermione and Ron scrambled under the one we were at while Soblessa and I ducked and crawled under the one next to them, even though there were people sitting at it and we were poking out a bit. I was scared, but I don't think Ron and Hermione really were, because when I looked over at them, they were sharing a snog! I can't believe it! My brother, kissing a girl! Kissing Hermione! It was so cute! But that's the last thing I remember, well, that and some fruit flying by, because I woke up in the hospital wing a few hours later with my head aching and Madam Pomfrey trying to shove yet more chocolate at me. I didn't know what happened, but I was really tired and kept wanting to just sleep, and she kept trying to keep me awake. I drank some really foul stuff, and my head stopped pounding, but I went to sleep again soon after.
Madam Pomfrey woke me up again later, and sunlight was streaming into the wing. Ron and Hermione had come by to visit, Ron with Dante under his arm. Hermione assured me that I wouldn't be spending another night in the wing, but Ron had insisted on bringing Dante because he thought it would cheer me up. After that, they told me that Professor Snape and Professor Black were in jail! Ron seemed pretty excited by it, and Hermione was properly horrified by the whole situation. And I noticed they were holding hands.
My eyes were drooping, though, and my head was starting to ache again, so Ron left Dante on the bedside table and I slept for another couple of hours, but woke up when I heard loud nasally whining on the far side of the hospital wing. It was Draco Malfoy, of course, and he was barefoot and Madam Pomfrey was bandaging his pointy little white elf feet, sitting patiently through his complaints about how far Hogwarts was from Hogsmeade and how unfair it was that the carriages would not stop so he could board them, and how painful it was to walk in such fine shoes. I just wonder what made him wear them to Hogsmeade in the first place, because he knew he would be walking! I giggled slightly and he glared at me, and when Madam Pomfrey told him to leave, he got up and came over to me. I didn't talk to him because my head hurt so much and I couldn't think of anything to say back, but he certainly did take the time to tell me how awful my purple forehead looked with my red hair and sorry he was that I was so unloved that I had no one keeping me company except for my stupid stuffed dragon. Then, he said he'd be careful if he was me, about leaving it lying around like that, and took it. He took Dante! And he called me Weaselette! I was going to tell Madam Pomfrey, but I couldn't yell for her and she didn't come back until I had fallen asleep again, then when she woke me up, Ron had come to fetch me and walk me back to the tower. So I just told Ron instead, and then Harry and Hermione when we got back to the common room. They told me not to worry and that they'd get it back for me, so I hope Malfoy didn't just hex it into pieces of fluff! He is so mean, for no reason! Mum says people like that are mean so they can make themselves feel better. If I were a Malfoy, I would feel pretty bad, too.
Okay, I'm sorry for laughing at dirty limericks and dropping a book on Cho Chang. Can I have my dragon back now? :( I am sure McGonagall would search the Slytherin dorms if we asked her to.
Even if it's just a stuffed animal.
Gosh, it just took forever to type that up, and my head is really aching, so I'm going to go down some more potion and get to sleep. Maybe I can skip my classes tomorrow, if it still hurts.
Soblessa tells me my forehead is a terrific shade of green now. I don't think anything goes with Weasley red.
potterstinks @ 2002-07-01 08:24 am UTC |
Elf feet? I'm afraid you have elves confused with aristocracy. Of course, you surely wouldn't know a thing about either, seeing as you're clearly too poor to have a house-elf, and well.. do we even need to go on?
And I'll have you know that there is no excuse for poor fashion. The fact that I would be strolling around that mediocre excuse for a village certainly doesn't serve as an excuse for me to wear common burlap shoes like you and your close family.
Was that your stuffed animal? Lord, I'd thought the wretched thing belonged to a first year. I was only taking it back to the Lost and Found, of course. Although, now I think you'll have to prove that it's yours. How do I know you're not trying to steal it from an unsuspecting Hufflepuff?
Most amused,
blushcrush @ 2002-07-01 11:09 pm UTC |
I don't really care how much you insult me. I really don't. All I want is my dragon. Everyone knows it's mine; you can ask anyone you like, and I don't think anyone else would try to lay a false claim to it. And I don't know why you'd want it. Just give it back to me. Please. I didn't do anything to you.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-07-02 01:48 am UTC |
I don't want your sodding dragon. What would I want with a STUFFED DRAGON? Really, Weaselette, why would I waste my time stealing ugly things? As I said, how should I know it's yours?
(parent)blushcrush @ 2002-07-02 03:10 am UTC |
If you don't want it, give it back, because I do want it. And you know it's mine, you're just being a stupid prat.
(parent)blushcrush @ 2002-07-01 10:48 pm UTC |
Keep your shorts on, Ron, I didn't mean anything by it. >:o
(parent)onourbrooms @ 2002-07-01 03:50 pm UTC |
How come princesses never have red hair?
If you were to familiarize yourself with the works of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, you would find that they (and Rossetti in particular) have an absolute mania for portraying red-headed damsels, in distress and otherwise.
blushcrush @ 2002-07-01 10:50 pm UTC |
Gosh, thanks, Madam Hooch! :) I'll try and look it up in the library and ask the man at Spellbound about it!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2002-07-01 03:51 pm UTC |
blushcrush @ 2002-07-01 10:54 pm UTC |
RON, I WASN'T THE ONLY ONE WHO SAW YOU! Don't get Dante back, then, if you don't want to! >:( I'll get Harry to do it. Or I'll do it myself.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2002-09-04 05:42 pm UTC |
I'm sorry I yelled at you, Gin, you do know I didn't mean it, right? It was a bad week with everything and nothing just bloody happening, so.. forgive me?
(Say no and you're never getting Dante back! ;D)
perfectprefect @ 2002-07-01 09:38 pm UTC |
I am most distressed to hear of your recent head-injury at Hogsmeade. While I am well aware of the fact that this is, by all means, not your fault, I worry that perhaps you should not have been in a tavern--where things like this may happen--in the first place. I am entertaining the idea of writing to Headmaster Dumbledore in regards to the age minimum for Hogsmeade weekends. You must understand that it is only your best interest that I am looking out for. I do not wish to see my sister hurt.
As for Malfoy thieving your hospital bed, I feel you would be perfectly in the right to tell Professor McGonagall to search Slytherin Tower. This is no manner for a Prefect to be acting in. In my day, the Prefect badge was worn with respect and pride. He is only tarnishing something that once gleamed. To put it simply, he must be stopped.
I do hope that you are feeling all right so that you can manage to attend your classes. It will only further hinder you if you were to fall behind in your academics due to this.
blushcrush @ 2002-07-01 11:03 pm UTC |
Merci, Percy, but I'm feeling lots better now. Don't be silly about The Three Broomsticks; students are always welcome there. It isn't our fault that our professors decided to start the fight - there is another tavern they could have gone to if they wanted to drink or argue. You know perfectly well that the tavern is not a dangerous place to be. You probably went there yourself.
And about Dante - it's all right, if I don't get it back soon, I'll go straight to McGonagall. Though I'm not sure what sort of priority a stuffed dragon will take on her list.
I slept in today and missed History of Magic, but I went to all my classes after that and they went fine. Speaking of History, Perce - are you sending me corrections on my essay?