blushcrush @ 2002-07-04 23:24:00

Current mood: confused
Current music:WWN

Oh no, I've gotten detention... I hope Filch doesn't make me go too near the girls' bathroom on the first floor for whatever I end up having to do. That place holds some nasty memories... and the toilets always need scrubbing. :( Not to mention Moaning Myrtle has never liked me too well.


moaningmyrtle @ 2002-07-04 09:50 pm UTC

no one likes to have books chucked through their heads! oh it's all funny to you! you are all so insensitive! myrtle doesn't care if she has books thrown at her! myrtle doesn't care if her toilet is mucky! myrtle doesn't mind sitting alone in the u-bend for all of eternity! how could she care? she's not alive or anything to care! just because i'm dead and i can't feel anything, it doesn't mean that i can't feel anything! who cares if pimply, fat, miserable moaning myrtle doesn't have friends? *sobs* at least i've seen harry potter naked!

wheresmytoad @ 2002-07-07 08:13 am UTC

Hey Ginny!

I'm glad you're feeling better after that fight.

That *was* awful scary.

Did you want to come play with Trevor II and Petunia? They're good about being held.
