boot_boy @ 2002-09-10 20:13:00

Current music:Smashing Puffskiens

L'enfer, c'est les autres
I should not have encouraged Myrtle. She has been following me around all day leering and trying to introduce her ectoplasmic tentacles to my nether regions.

Dean Thomas thankfully tipped me off that high-pitched noises are useful for getting rid of ghosts. I'd best avoid Granger for the rest of the week as I don't think she appreciated me stomping on her mangy cat's tail.

Tonight, then, I'll be under the stairs. You know where, when and why.


hannahabbott @ 2002-09-10 06:19 pm UTC

You reap what you sow, Terry.

turpinol @ 2002-09-10 06:49 pm UTC

Why thank you for letting us all know about such an effective ghost repellent.

I think I can finally take a bath without feeling like I'm being watched.

moaningmyrtle @ 2002-09-10 08:40 pm UTC

terry is my only love. you needn't worry. i know you hate me. *sobs*

hannahabbott @ 2002-09-10 08:47 pm UTC

You and me both, Lisa!

moaningmyrtle @ 2002-09-10 08:42 pm UTC

*cries* i can't touch you! is it not enough that i'm constantly reminded of this? we're so star-crossed! *moans*

missgranger @ 2002-09-10 11:09 pm UTC

You... you... you horrible boy! How could you be so cruel to another creature?? Especially when you could have performed a simple Shriekonus Spectorus spell to get rid of Myrtle! Weren't you paying attention in Charms 5th year?!?!

Thirty points from Ravenclaw for cruelty to animals!!

knight_to_h3 @ 2002-09-11 05:17 am UTC

You STEPPED on Crookshanks?! It's been nice knowing you, Boot.

eloisemidgen @ 2002-09-11 06:54 pm UTC

It was incredibly cruel of him, wasn't it, Ron? I can't believe that someone would be so malicious to an innocent Kneazle. But then again, Kneazles are terrific at detecting unsavory characters, so if Crookshanks was making him uneasy that's probably just because he's an all around shifty lemur.

knight_to_h3 @ 2002-09-11 08:17 pm UTC

He's not going to have much chance to be shifty after Hermione ground his bones to make soup!

onourbrooms @ 2002-09-12 02:12 am UTC

Would make a pretty poor soup, but even an attempt at that would surely provide a good source of entertainment for all. Boot's not much except bones. Bones with sloppy eyeliner.

While she's at it, I can think of some others who would make a lovely stew. We'd be spitting pink glitter and toad bones for a while, but the world would be a better place for it.
