crabbe @ 2003-06-20 00:29:00

Current mood: good
Current music:goblinsmack

today for dinner i had pork chops and roast lamb. it was good. there was trifle for dessert. i also had peppermint humbugs. i like them a lot. our exams start monday. my mother is really angry that i did not get too many owls last year. i hope i get good exams this year. i hope the leaving feast is good too. last year there were not any peppermint humbugs. we got miranda mulligan's pig tail last week. i held her down while malfoy cut it off. she bit my hand so i punched her in the head. then malfoy stole her axe and she tried to curse him so i punched her in the head. malfoy said she is not very girly so it is ok. he fights with millicent all the time any way. he is out late because we have history of magic in the morning so we will all sleep then any way. i am going to go to the kitchens and get something to eat soon. every one stays out late on thursdays because professor binns is boring. i lost queenie greengrass's gobstones. she is angry.


erniemacmillan @ 2003-06-20 01:34 am UTC

Peppermint humbugs are awful!

crabbe @ 2003-06-20 01:35 am UTC

it is past your bed time hufflepuff.

erniemacmillan @ 2003-06-20 01:38 am UTC

It is not! We're in History of Magic with you tomorrow!

crabbe @ 2003-06-20 01:44 am UTC

oh. i forgot. do we have an exam for that.

erniemacmillan @ 2003-06-20 01:45 am UTC

Hey! Be cool, man! Get that icon out of my face!

crabbe @ 2003-06-20 01:48 am UTC

my icon is cool.

missgranger @ 2003-06-20 01:39 am UTC

You don't really think you're allowed to go gallavanting around the grounds just because you have History of Magic, do you? You can stay up late if you want, but you still have to abide curfew.

crabbe @ 2003-06-20 01:44 am UTC

says who. i do not care what you say. i am getting a snack.

missgranger @ 2003-06-20 01:46 am UTC

It's rather silly to tell a prefect when you're sneaking out, don't you think?

crabbe @ 2003-06-20 01:48 am UTC


missgranger @ 2003-06-20 01:54 am UTC

Prefects are here to enforce the rules, and you'd be breaking them. I'm on prefect's duty right now, actually, so you just told me exactly where you're going.

crabbe @ 2003-06-20 01:58 am UTC

oh. sorry. i just went and got a snack while you were ansering.

missgranger @ 2003-06-20 01:59 am UTC

But you can't just do that!

crabbe @ 2003-06-20 02:03 am UTC


missgranger @ 2003-06-20 02:05 am UTC

It's against the rules, of course, and I just told you not to!

crabbe @ 2003-06-20 02:09 am UTC


missgranger @ 2003-06-20 02:12 am UTC

No one is allowed out after curfew! Malfoy had better hope I don't catch him, either. I have half a mind to tell Professor McGonagall that you were out in the kitchens. We're not even allowed in the kitchens.

crabbe @ 2003-06-20 02:16 am UTC

sorry. i was getting another snack.

missgranger @ 2003-06-20 02:23 am UTC


scotchtartan @ 2003-06-20 02:27 am UTC

Crabbe, please cease and desist terrorising the prefects.

Professor M McGonagall


erniemacmillan @ 2003-06-20 02:33 am UTC

Just the Deputy Headmistress I was hoping to see!

What do you think of... "Ernie Macmillan: More Vigilance than the Italian Mafia."

scotchtartan @ 2003-06-20 02:34 am UTC

I have to go now, Macmillan.

Professor M McGonagall

crabbe @ 2003-06-20 02:38 am UTC

