deanthomas @ 2003-04-04 11:16:00

Current mood: anxious

Still waiting....
I mean, how long does it take to write a letter? My parents never take this long to write back...

Maybe they didn't get my owl?

I guess I'll give it another couple days...


seamus_f @ 2003-04-04 01:30 pm UTC

Dean, I'm sure it will be fine! Think positive thoughts. And if it isn't, well, we'll worry about that then. No borrowing trouble. Okay?

Sorry about that detention from Lupin. Another one of my bright ideas, I'm afraid. And I had got the Hogsmeade passes from Vector and everything! Perhaps we can think of it as a nice afternoon walk in the forest?

If not, I'm sure we can find a way to cheer you up after dinner. ;)

deanthomas @ 2003-04-05 01:57 pm UTC

A nice afternoon walk with Ron and Professor Lupin. :)

And, um....maybe we should find someplace other than our room to do our...cheering? I keep getting funny looks from Neville....

divineparvati @ 2003-04-04 02:09 pm UTC

I shall Contact the Aether for you, Dean. Do not Give up Hope.

deanthomas @ 2003-04-05 01:56 pm UTC

Thanks, Parvati! Hope you have more luck with the Aether than I've had with the post. <:)
