deanthomas @ 2003-04-23 21:48:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
So...had a really great time at the Finnigans' with Seamus. They have this really great old house out in the country, and his family was really really nice. I was worried because I haven't spent a lot of time in wizarding houses, so I didn't know what to expect....I shouldn't have underestimated the Muggle half of the family.
There are SO MANY OF THEM. When Shay said his family was really Catholic, I thought he meant they were know...religious. But it turns out he was talking about numbers more than anything else. I haven't seen so much sandy blonde hair all in one place in...well, ever. And they were all very nice, and since Shay, you know...."came out" to them a while ago, they were just fine with meeting his boyfriend.
Well, most of them anyway. I was a little scared of Grandma Finnigan. She kept looking at me...well, like I was a gay black wizard, I guess.
still haven't got used to using that word..."gay"'s such a weird word, when you think about it....but then, "homosexual" is a little long...anyway...
So there were a lot of people. The wizarding half mostly left me alone...I think the Muggle half was really happy to see me. They all seemed to think I would be a good influence, being Muggle born myself, and that I'd keep Shay from straying too far from his roots. It's funny...I guess the fact that I'm a black kid from London dating a white boy from Ireland sort of doesn't matter anymore when the whole wizard/muggle thing comes up. No one except his grandmother seemed to even care. Not even his dad, who really, I was SO AFRAID OF when I first saw him. He's really really....tall. And I mean, I've met him before...but that was before I started dating his son.... O_O
The fact that the house was so full was good in one way, thought. Shay and I both had to share rooms with his cousins Fiona and Sinead and Agatha...and they thought that we were "cute" after all the adults went to bed, they all went into one room and Shay and I got the other all to ourselves...
so yeah. that was really cool. :)
And EASTER...easter was great. Eggs everywhere. HUGE HUGE HUGE turkey. Great fun. I really didn't want to leave....
and that I'm back and I checked my email? I really really REALLY wish I'd least we didn't have internet accesss....
First, I got a whole bunch more cards from friends and relations. Get Well cards. For a person who IS NOT ILL.
And underneath the pile was an email from my cousin Sarah. I had asked her what the hell was up with all the cards. So she showed me this:
"Hello, everyone!
Our Dean has fallen ill, and we're all very worried about him. Please send him your thoughts and prayers in this difficult time.
Mike and Carol Thomas"
yeah. -_-
anyway. good weekend. bad return. figures.
seamus_f @ 2003-04-23 10:21 pm UTC |
mmmm, brilliant holiday. Very spoiled by sleeping arrangements. Current roommates unfortunately not quite so understanding. Quite tired me out, you did . . .
Don't worry about Gran, she'll come around. She always does. And Da loves you!
YOUR grandparents, on the other hand, are mad. What is anthropomorphic about those sunflowers? And that kitty is just creepy.
It will be okay, Dean. Honest. We'll go up to the roof and look at the stars or something, after everyone has gone to bed.
la_pensee @ 2003-04-25 03:22 pm UTC |
What an interesting collection of cards. It is misfortunate that your parents feel this way. It's terribly unfair, isn't it? At the very least, now you know.
deanthomas @ 2003-04-25 03:27 pm UTC Re: | I know....
and knowing is half the battle, right? -_-
lupercus @ 2003-04-25 05:33 pm UTC |
I wish that I had some professorly words of wisdom to impart here, but I'm afraid that I don't. Your family is behaving badly and if experience has taught me anything, it's that you cannot force people to accept something they are not yet willing or able to accept. All you can do is be yourself and maintain the immeasurable grace and dignity you have so far shown, and Godric-willing, they will come round and realise you are the same boy you have always been, and that they love.
And they do love you, Dean. In an awkward, misguided way, this is their way of showing it.
Just nod and smile, Dean. Nod, smile, and snog your boyfriend at every given opportunity. He won't mind.
My door is of course always open should you need anything.
-Professor Lupin