deanthomas @ 2003-05-20 15:51:00

Current mood: grumpy

Just got back from the library. I was going to try and find a book on how to render with coloured pencil, since I've never been any good with it. Instead I found my boyfriend and Draco Malfoy giggling over magazines.


No words can describe my horror.

I am going to go drown my sorrows in art.


just_harry @ 2003-05-20 02:28 pm UTC

They're giggling?

deanthomas @ 2003-05-20 03:41 pm UTC


just_harry @ 2003-05-20 03:51 pm UTC

You have to be kidding. Paper dolls?

seamus_f @ 2003-05-20 02:36 pm UTC

Dean! We were just, um, cutting out pictures and stuff.

C'mon, you don't even like fashion. And you were busy! Would you rather that I had annoyed you with it?


I have dinner for you . . .

deanthomas @ 2003-05-20 03:30 pm UTC

Cutting out....?

What is this, arts and crafts with the Slytherins day? PLEASE tell me you weren't making paper dolls of the students and staff...


I just know that this is going to end with me in velvet pants.


I'd say more, but I'm really hungry, and I'd rather have the food in my mouth than on my head....

potterstinks @ 2003-05-20 02:54 pm UTC

I will have you know that this was merely a charitable activity in which we were merely attempting to arrange some fashion advice for peers. The cut-outs were only guidelines. Just because your head looked horribly small in comparison to the body I pasted on is no reason to get huffy.

That's the last time I try to do anything generous. I do not giggle. You, Thomas, are rude.

deanthomas @ 2003-05-20 03:32 pm UTC

Oh god, you WERE making paper dolls....


as for the giggling....whatever. You and Shay could give Lavender and Parvati a run for their money....

potterstinks @ 2003-05-20 03:49 pm UTC

They weren't paper dolls. I don't even know what paper dolls are, but I assure you they had nothing to do with dolls.

deanthomas @ 2003-05-20 03:53 pm UTC


somebody back me up, here....

just_harry @ 2003-05-20 03:57 pm UTC

They were what?!

potterstinks @ 2003-05-20 04:02 pm UTC

They were photographs with other photographs Spellotaped onto them. All right, so we cut out the outlines of the clothing, but surely you can see how this was necessary.


knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-21 04:47 am UTC

Definitely paperdolls, even Ginny agrees!

potterstinks @ 2003-05-21 09:40 am UTC


knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-21 09:43 am UTC


just_harry @ 2003-05-20 03:57 pm UTC

What were you doing?

potterstinks @ 2003-05-20 04:03 pm UTC

Trying to brighten the world one sad fashion victim at a time. It's not as though we were having a tea party.

just_harry @ 2003-05-20 04:16 pm UTC

Where are you now? Are you still in the library?

potterstinks @ 2003-05-20 04:27 pm UTC

No, I'm presently in the Slytherin common room and watching Goyle dissect a cauldron cake. This is a full evening. I certainly hope he doesn't decide to settle down and actually eat the thing, as I'd hate for my spontaneous and uncharted evening of adventure to peak too soon.

just_harry @ 2003-05-20 04:48 pm UTC

Well, I wouldn't want to keep you from that kind of excitement.

potterstinks @ 2003-05-20 05:02 pm UTC

He's just taken the plunge. We are onto cauldron cake number nine. I could, of course, be preparing for my exams, but this is a lesson in life that cannot be earned from books.

just_harry @ 2003-05-20 05:09 pm UTC

Is this all you do every evening?

potterstinks @ 2003-05-20 05:34 pm UTC

No. I also frequently go outside as is evidenced by the grass stains on my elbows.

just_harry @ 2003-05-20 06:04 pm UTC

I got all my homework done earlier and I don't have any magazines to cut up and Goyle's not here to keep me entertained, so I think that's where I'm headed right now, actually.

My picture didn't really stand around and wait for you guys to tape clothes on it, did it?

potterstinks @ 2003-05-20 06:13 pm UTC

Good to know.

No, Potter, we put Freezing Charms on them. Once we'd removed the heads from the bodies with the clothes, those pictures just went dormant. So when we pasted them on the only thing that any of you could move was your heads. Weasley's tried to chew its own robes off. I don't see why. They were a nice shade of maroon.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-21 04:47 am UTC


knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-21 04:45 am UTC

Hey Dean, do you need any help with whatever the bloody hell you've been doing? All that papers flying around the common room, you look like you need some help!

deanthomas @ 2003-05-21 05:25 am UTC know that sheet I've had hanging on the wall over my West Ham poster? Do you think his face looks too squashy? I think it's too squashy....

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-21 05:27 am UTC

Uh squashy?? It looks fine to me... who is it suppose to be??

deanthomas @ 2003-05-21 05:46 am UTC


ok, time to start over again...

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-21 05:56 am UTC

What why?? Need help??
