divineparvati @ 2003-10-11 09:48:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | [Paves the Way] Brooms and Bluebottles |
Sometimes I think about missing Divination and all that silly palm reading and embellishing of stories and Drinking far too much tea just so as to stare at the dregs left behind and Shift them around with fingers until they look like something, and then we'll have fish for dinner One night and I'll change my mind about thinking about Missing Divination, because really. One shouldn't dwell on choices one Has made.
I suppose it's too Late for a Hallowe'en ball this year, but maybe there's time yet for a Yule ball, or something of The sort. It would be so anti-Climatic for our final year to pass by So unmomentously. Momentously in a good way, though. I do so pity last Year's seventh year students.
Turquoise is this season's In colour, which is funny because it's been largely unpopular for the last Few years. Nobody can Forgive the favouritism of garish Prints over plain bold colours, though, so I'm glad to an extent That plain colours are back in fashion. All the celebrities are Doing turquoise, as well as grey being the new black, but grey is so dull Compared to turquoise so I'll just say more about turquoise alone, shall I? The stone is a healing stone But that probably doesn't mean much to the fashion world, and I Can approve because I like both blue and green (but Never together) so turquoise is a nice blend. You could argue jade or aqua (which is silly because Doesn't aqua mean blue? it's not a blue/green blend if it means blue in Another language) or many of the other blue/Green hybrid names out there but you'd be wrong, the safest bet is turquoise because it's also the currently trendiest bet, And trendiest is often best. Except for when hot pink is trendiest, or perhaps orange. I could never, Ever appreciate orange.
It's going to snow on Tuesday so everyone should probably get their scarves Out. Just saying.
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-10-11 03:38 pm UTC |
:D :D You have to help me pick my robes for the Hallowe'en ball! ^_^_^_^_^_^
divineparvati @ 2003-10-11 04:06 pm UTC |
Oh, Of course. I didn't think The blistered Heels had anything to Do with the snow.
(parent)divineparvati @ 2003-10-11 04:17 pm UTC |
Oh, nothing. Oh, hey! Would you like me to Teach you a traditional Indian dance in time For the Ball?
(parent)pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-10-11 05:23 pm UTC |
Yes!!! OooOooOoOo it will be so pretty!! *_*
Why would it snow Tuesday, Parvie? Don't be silly, it's October! %_%
divineparvati @ 2003-10-13 02:21 am UTC |
It's not going to Be heavy but the cold Front's going to set in. I might be wrong, You know. It's just - what I heard. On the news.