divineparvati @ 2004-06-22 06:57:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
I've only just now finished reading the application we got from Hermione Granger for our flatmate advertisement. Padma read it first, because she's a faster reader than me, and it still took her eight hours and twenty-three minutes. I only know this because she timed herself each time she sat down to continue reading it and then she added all the times together. Anyway, she gave the application to me on Thursday and told me to read it, so I did. Hello, I had to have a life as well, which is already getting sucked away because of N.E.W.T.s.
Anyway the point is, in between eating and sleeping and breathing and studying, it took me until a few minutes ago to finish reading it. I think there were seventeen pages, or something like that, and Hermione has small writing too. I meant to finish it last night, but I woke up this morning to find I'd been using it as a pillow - I don't feel that stupid because a lot of my friends are finding lately that books make suitable pillows, too.
Hermione, I'll come see you later but Padma and I both think it would be interesting, you living with us, so thank you for your novella and you're accepted! That sounds really pompous to say but I didn't know how else to say it!
In other news, I got an A for my journal, seeing as everyone seems to be comfortable with sharing their marks. And I haven't burst into tears over exams, but I think I'll add a "yet". I've yet to investigate the sympathy mark.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-22 12:15 pm UTC |
No tears! These exams aren't worth it. Besides, it annoys Black, and I can't imagine that Snape gives any sympathy marks.
Sprout, on the other hand. Hrm.
Well, you certainly already know what living with Hermione is like, and you know what living with Padma is like, so there likely won't be many surprises. This is probably good.
Today is a free day and I think we should take advantage of it but I'm not sure what we should do. Any ideas?
divineparvati @ 2004-06-22 12:23 pm UTC |
Actually, you're right, Snape will probably just deduct marks at any sign of human emotion. Seamus, I am so paranoid, haha. I don't even know what I want to do with my results and I'm paranoid anyway.
I feel so horrible about you know who and I bet you know who feels like I'm rubbing it in you know who's face but, oh I don't know, I just feel horrible. No buts.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-22 12:36 pm UTC |
Sprout seems like a soft touch, but I was mostly saying that because Herbology is the mark I'm concerned about. I've been doing O level work in Potions for two years so I should be able to pull off an E in the exam, particularly as I've revised so much, and even did a little review with Malfoy and we all know how well he does. DADA, honestly, is a risky thing but I really think I can do it. My Charms exam was yesterday and it went brilliantly so that's done, and I couldn't possibly get below an E on Transfiguration, really.
But Herbology? That's the concern. And Sprout, well, she's a Hufflepuff, isn't she? More likely to be sympathetic than a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin at least.
No buts. You know who will, I reckon, be glad that it isn't someone new who has come on the scene. Think of it that way. And You know who isn't leaving. She'll come around. I'm very sure of it. Anyway, what is to be done? Nothing.
Let's do. Perhaps we could take Leigheas out ; he can run faster and further than either of us. Anyplace but these stuffy rooms. I am looking forward to being in London and finally not living in a castle; I've only ever lived in them, you know.
Speaking of which, Lupin has offered to me his flat in Chelsea at least for a while. Where do you think you ladies will be looking?
divineparvati @ 2004-06-22 12:51 pm UTC |
Seamus, I honestly don't know what you're worried about, you're brilliant. You're going to be amazing. Please, lend me all your notes you have ever made. I realise it is too late for this but I'm wonder if I could absorb them through osmosis.
Leigheas would be brilliant! We could get far away, very quickly. I hope it's legal. Wait, we won't lose House points for leaving grounds or anything will we? I suppose we wouldn't have to leave grounds. Ugh, but I really want some ice mice. Do you think someone will barter with me? Seamus I slept two and a quarter hours last night, why didn't I just sleep in? I forgot we had a free day, is why. And now I'm all awake and can't sleep again and quick, let's get outside before I go bonkers.
Also, we have to talk to Hermione to see where she's interested in living. Actually, I think there was a chapter of that in her application so maybe I should reread it. Maybe I should reread it later but hopefully near Chelsea! Or, you know, hopefully near a decent fireplace! I'm glad it's Hermione actually because her parents live... somewhere, I can't remember, though I think her history's tagged with the pink tag so I should go double-check that. I should go double-check that LATER.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-22 01:11 pm UTC |
Thank you for your confidence in me! I will lend you the notes when we return.
But a morning run seems just the thing. We can go out to the far pasture, and the fresh air will relax you, and then you can have a nice nap after lunch and that will make up for not sleeping in.
Oh, you know, I won't be able to do this in London, will I? Just gamble about? Hell.
When we return, you should ask Ernie about the ice mice. He always seems to know who has what available for trade at any given time.
Meet you in the common room!
missgranger @ 2004-06-22 12:56 pm UTC |
Oh! What good news! Thank you very much. I'm sorry if it was quite long, but I felt it best to be detailed!
turpinol @ 2004-06-22 10:03 pm UTC |
Lavender, would you like me to take you to see Justin Wandcorefake over the summer?
(parent)pinkstarsgirlie @ 2004-06-23 03:56 am UTC |
OMG YES *^_^* Do you like Justin too?? I didn't know that! (",)
(parent)divineparvati @ 2004-06-23 09:10 am UTC |
Oh, Lav, I did read it and I want to talk to you about something.