dooglevoluna @ 2002-06-06 14:50:00

Current mood:knowing

June 6.
There is an article in The Quibbler this week about the origin of fair haired people. The ones without colour, you know? There are so many of them around now. It's amazing.

Once upon a time, everyone had hair of many colours. Green, purple, magenta, sapphire, brown, TURQUOISE, lime, and sometimes even red. Everyone was happy until one day, a lady with blue hair became unhappy with her hair. She wanted red hair. It was all she could think of, it will make her life complete, she felt. So she tried to add Red to her hair but it turned the colour of a purple towel.

Well, if anyone wants to know how the myth ends, it's in The Quibbler, but I suppose watching our Professors hex each other like children is more interesting. At least I think it is.

