erniemacmillan @ 2004-05-02 16:47:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
What the hell, people? Everyone sucks, that's how Quidditch is when it's at its best! Live with it!
So the match started off well enough. MacDonald scored about two minutes in, then Ginny Weasley twice after that and Gryffindor was off 30-0. Landgreen and Clarence scored at the same time, 40-10, it was pretty quick and confusing BUT they were both clean scores. No cheating at all. Gryffindor, three more times, thought Potter spotted the Snitch but it was probably Malfoy's hair. Pritchard scored under Weasley's ankle, 70-20.
Kirke and Gross went to hit the same Bludger at each other, Sinistra tried to call a foul and they both slammed her. She and her broom went flying and then a grey streak went out of the sky and there was a skunk riding a broom! It would have been bloody funny if not for the fact that the skunk couldn't control the broom and she hit the ground. She's in hospital now, you great arses. Honestly, she's just the referee. Anyway there was some confusion down on the pitch then to see who'd go in, and this is when it started getting really treacherous up in the sky. Bysmal scored, Ginny Weasley scored, Pritchard shouted EXPELLIARMUS and got the Quaffle from Ginny Weasley. Ginny Weasley got it right back the same way, and then there was a big mess of the two of them doing it.
Clarence made off with the Quaffle, stuck a Jelly-Legs Jinx on Kirke, Slytherin scored a cool four times in a row! Come on, Weasley, don't get caught up worrying about your sister in the middle of a Quidditch match. Landgreen got another score in, but Slytherin followed up with another four while Weasley was trying to get the water out of his eyes from Pritchard's spell. Slytherin 120, Gryffindor 110.
Then Malfoy used A SUMMONING CHARM to get the Snitch. Potter was almost at it and Malfoy stole it out from under him in a really underhanded way, it was awesome. Madam Hooch finally went in then and put the Snitch back in the game, MacDonald scored off a penalty, and then BEN HERDER Stupefied Hooch. Herder was a little Stupefy happy, no? I mean, she'd just awarded a penalty to Gryffindor, what the hell?
I suppose Daisy Clarence thought that was pretty good, since she SET LANDGREEN'S BROOM TAIL ON FIRE. It was really quite scary for a moment there because it set his robes on fire but he got it out and flew around on it for the rest of the match. Which was kind of dumb, I mean, why didn't he call a time and exchange brooms? Quidditch captains.
Landgreen scored twice, Gryffindor 130, Slytherin 120. Ginny Weasley scored again, and around this time Haydt started putting Full Body Binds on the Gryffindor Chasers, which was a stroke of underhanded genius. If you're going to play dirty, at least be clever about it. Which Herder also demonstrated by putting a Conjunctivitis Curse on Bysmal.
Landgreen had to fix Ginny Weasley, and meanwhile MacDonald scored twice. Gryffindor 160, Slytherin 120. Landgreen scored again, Haydt put a Full Body Bind on him.
Bysmal cleared up her Conjunctivitis Curse enough for the Slytherin Chasers to go in a Hawkshead Attacking Formation, Slytherin scored twice. 170-140.
Herder, again showing tremendous pluck, put a Hurling Hex on Pritchard's broom, and off he went. Slytherin was then short a Chaser, and I suppose Malfoy thought that was unjust, so he did that Avis thingy at Potter, which was really wicked! Little white birds all over the place, I thought Potter was going to fall off his broom when they started batting at him. Bulstrode smacked Kirke across the face with her bat and a tooth went flying, and I reckon the birds caught on, cos they took a nose dive into the ground. Poor birds!
Landgreen scored again, 180-140, and then Bysmal just started PUMMELING the Quaffle at Weasley and Slytherin scored four times within, like, ten minutes! It was awesome and not only that but it brought the score up to 180-180! INTENSITY IN TEN CITIES! Clarence stole the Quaffle from MacDonald, 190-180, Slytherin, Bysmal got it after, 200-180. Landgreen ashed his way over and passed it onto Ginny Weasley, who was playing pretty fierce, 200-200! You could feel the tension in the air!
Bysmal and Clarence scored three times in succession, right after Bulstrode hurled an Impediment Jinx at Weasley. Things were looking pretty rough for Gryffindor, so Herder decided to Stupefy the Slytherin Keeper. That left the scoring area open for Gryffindor to score TEN TIMES in a row, taking the score up to 300-230, Gryffindor. Bulstrode smashed Herder's arm with a Bludger, but the MAN IS A MACHINE, he just kept going! GO HERDER! Bysmal scored again and Herder turned around and put a Full Body Bind on HER!
Slytherin scoring area still open by now, Gryffindor scoring five times in a row. Ginny Weasley and Landgreen seemed to be having a good time of it, I've got to say.
Potter either went for a Wronski Feint or spotted the actual Snitch, who can tell, but Bulstrode put another Impediment Jinx on him, right under the Gryffindor scoring area. Ron Weasley must've been mad because he JUMPED ONTO HER BROOM. He was hanging off the tail!!! Of course the broom tipped and there was some tussling and out they went. Stupid if you ask me, Gryffindor had a huge advantage with Haydt taken out, and Weasley sacrificed himself so both Keepers were gone.
Gryffindor kept scoring and the Slytherin Chasers swept in, it was totally disgraceful by this point, hardly resembling a regulated Quidditch match at all! No Keepers, Chasers just throwing into the hoops over and over, unbelievable!!! IT WAS THE MOST EXCITING MATCH OF MY LIFE. Finally it was 410-310, Gryffindor, but then! Malfoy started doing a nose dive into the pitch and he was going so straight I thought it was suicide but no! He spotted the Snitch! And poor Potter, trying to make his way across the pitch too late! Slytherin won, 460-410!! It was all over.
But seriously it was such a wrong game! Everyone was USING THEIR WANDS all over the place, the biggest foul of all! They're right to call a rematch! Minnie and the others had to do some discussing and I think they made the right decision.
Anyway I get to do another commentary! Next Saturday! I'M WEARING A CAULDRON HELMET. Hermione seemed pretty shocked at sitting next to me the whole time, I reckon my voice was kind of loud, sorry about that!
This morning we didn't know there was a rematch yet and there was so much bloody Slytherin celebrating going on so I went out to the lake and who did I find? Malfoy and Parkinson, holding hands, which was disgusting!! And just sitting there, talking!! Does he not care about Quidditch at all? I mean really!
Now I think I'll go have some crisps! I'm hungry!
potterstinks @ 2004-05-02 12:13 pm UTC |
First of all, you've left out the fact that MacDonald cobbed me in the face repeatedly before Sinistra was even turned into a skunk.
Secondly, why are you writing about Pansy and me? That's rather rude. What business is it of yours?
erniemacmillan @ 2004-05-02 12:21 pm UTC |
That wasn't her elbow, you horse, it was her hair! I saw it!
And what the hell, man, it's my journal! To post my observations!
potterstinks @ 2004-05-02 12:28 pm UTC |
Then perhaps she ought to wash her hair more often, as it felt like an elbow.
What do Pansy and I have to do with your journal?
erniemacmillan @ 2004-05-02 12:32 pm UTC |
YOU cobbed LANDGREEN anyway, it just wasn't exciting enough to post about. Touché from Ernie Macmillan!
potterstinks @ 2004-05-02 12:35 pm UTC |
Oh, but seeing me out of doors is exciting enough to write about?
(parent)erniemacmillan @ 2004-05-02 12:41 pm UTC |
Touché from Draco Malfoy! Not! I had a lot of stuff to cover in the match, the cobbing just didn't make the cut. Sorry, man.
(parent)la_pensee @ 2004-05-02 12:18 pm UTC |
I admire your dedication in providing such a riveting blow-by-blow account of last night's match. However, what Draco and I were doing this morning really has no relevance to your post.
erniemacmillan @ 2004-05-02 12:22 pm UTC |
He's the Slytherin captain! Why are you all so touchy!!
(parent)la_pensee @ 2004-05-02 12:29 pm UTC |
Being a quidditch captain hardly means you're privy the details of his life or posting on them.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ 2004-05-02 12:33 pm UTC |
I just thought it was odd that the rest of Slytherin was still cheering away and he was just sitting there, since he's the one who one the game! It was on topic! What does it matter! It's not like I posted private details, you weren't hiding or anything! You were sitting right out in the open, what the hell, man?
(parent)la_pensee @ 2004-05-02 12:43 pm UTC |
Draco and I celebrated the night before with everyone else. So why is it so strange that we might occupy ourselves doing something else the following morning? Perhaps I am overreacting but you seem disturbingly interested in my boyfriend, and I can't help but be a little concerned.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ 2004-05-02 12:48 pm UTC |
Just what is that supposed to mean! Malfoy rots, who cares about him?!
(parent)purestblood @ 2004-05-02 01:29 pm UTC |
He is not your boyfriend, my dear, nor will he ever be. A fleeting dalliance does not a romance or betrothal make. I agree that you are not the same young woman you once were--and believe me when I say that I am sure someone, somewhere is celebrating that fact--but you are not suitable for Draco in any official capacity.
(parent)purestblood @ 2004-05-02 02:44 pm UTC |
As I said, a fleeting dalliance does not a romance or betrothal make. You know this, Draco, as we've discussed it before.
How are you feeling?
potterstinks @ 2004-05-02 12:54 pm UTC |
We assumed no one was spying on us, you odd little creature.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ 2004-05-02 12:59 pm UTC |
What's the big deal? You were just whinging about your nose, which you've already mentioned in YOUR journal!
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-05-02 01:06 pm UTC |
My journal is quite different. I'll thank you to keep both Pansy and my nose out of yours.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-05-02 12:37 pm UTC |
Oh, of course it does. Evidently my life is so exciting that Hufflepuffs are now trying to live through it vicariously.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-05-02 01:14 pm UTC |
It wasn't a Wronski Feint, I saw the Snitch. It was gone by the time Ginny took the spell off me, though.
erniemacmillan @ 2004-05-02 01:54 pm UTC |
Oh? Oh well, nice effort, Potter. Good match, then?
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-05-02 02:15 pm UTC |
Um. I guess. I mean, we lost. And Ron's knees are on backwards.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ 2004-05-02 09:50 pm UTC |
There's a rematch, son, buck up. Nice job with the freezing charm on the Bludger, too, you'd have to be quick for that!