erniemacmillan @ 2002-10-20 21:20:00

Current mood: uncomfortable

The virgin always lives.
So I'm guessing no one has noticed that it's a little FUNNY that three professors are gonna be gone tomorrow. Since I'm the only one with a watchful eye, let me tell you, it IS a little bit funny. Especially since one of them is a "SPY" for the Death Eaters. If I were Professor Black, I'd be watching my back. I mean, what does Professor Snape want with him for the weekend?? It can't be anything wholesome!! All I'm saying is, Black had better not leave the table at dinner, and if he does, he'd better order two new fresh glasses of water. I read a tip about that once, actually. If you're eating dinner with an enemy and you have to leave the table, you should always order fresh glasses when you come back. Don't try switching your glass with him, cause he just might see that coming. Any fool would see it coming, actually! You would be playing right into his hand! You should keep an eye on the waiter, too.

If there's one thing I've learned in my years at Hogwarts, it's that things AREN'T what they seem. So, ok, Susan doesn't SEEM to be updating, but what if she just blocked me from her entries? She talks to Justin much more than me, which ok, that's great, but if she's mad at me, I'd at least like to know about it. I mean, how's someone supposed to apologise for something if they don't know what they've done? Hannah does the same thing! Girls!

I'm definitely NOT looking forward to Hallowe'en. My dad told me that he almost lost his thumb once on Hallowe'en at Hogwarts, cause some Slytherin made a miniature guillotine and tried to trick him into using it. His eyes were peeled, though, so he didn't fall for it. My dad's a sharp one, alright, and I'm just glad I have him to follow an example from. I hope I'll be as smart as him one day!

Now I'm going to do my homework. That's me, always doing all of my homework, always doing it on time. Yeah, that's right, try to get me into trouble for that! Try to use that against me later!


susanbones @ 2002-10-20 07:51 pm UTC

ernie, i haven't blocked you from my entries i don't even know how to do that. i'm not mad at you either!

your friend,

erniemacmillan @ 2002-10-21 08:36 pm UTC

Then how come you wouldn't pass me the jam at breakfast this morning?!

hannahabbott @ 2002-10-20 10:25 pm UTC
I wonder...

If I were Professor Black, I'd be watching my back. I mean, what does Professor Snape want with him for the weekend??

Oh, I wonder...

Let me enlighten you, Ernie. :whispers in ernie's ear:

And a careful and helpful suggestion: stop being paranoid, and become just a little more sociable - instead of sitting by your self by the common room fire, muttering to yourself about cloaks, daggers and hostile takeovers. Integrate, Ernest and become enlightened. Or maybe not.

erniemacmillan @ 2002-10-21 08:35 pm UTC
Re: I wonder...

Hannah, why are you trying to tell me how to make friends when you make your friends mad at you once a week?! Don't call me Ernest, either! That's so embarrassing! Are you trying to get me beaten up?!

hannahabbott @ 2002-10-21 09:32 pm UTC
Re: I wonder...

I haven't made anyone mad at me since that whole debacle with Justin and Ron, and that was almost a month ago.

But it looks as if my good track record has just been eliminated from the game. :shrugs: Oh well. Not a severe loss by any consideration.

And I was not telling you how to make friends, just reminding you that your old friends are always around for you whenever you want them, but obviously you don't.

erniemacmillan @ 2002-10-22 01:53 am UTC
Re: I wonder...

Why do you hate?

hannahabbott @ 2002-10-22 09:21 pm UTC
Re: I wonder...

I don't hate...I especially don't hate you. Is that so hard to understand?

sinistra @ 2002-10-21 06:03 am UTC

Mr. Macmillan, that will be four points from Hufflepuff due to your inability to make it through puberty and the facts of life.