erniemacmillan @ 2002-08-04 08:14:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Something wicked this way comes, I just know it.
Well, I've just woken up, thanks to Peeves. He was sitting on my bloody bed, staring at me! Cracked up as soon as I woke up shouting bloody murder, of course. I just hope he hasn't planted anything in my bed. It just figures that the one poltergeist in this school would be in my dorm, doesn't it? And, you know, I wouldn't be surprised if he picked Hufflepuff Tower on purpose. I heard that Peeves was never at Hogwarts, so he has this huge vendetta against all the Houses. Especially Hufflepuff, since the Sorting Hat makes a big deal of saying how loyal we are. Just stay out of my room, Peeves. I hope no one put him up to it.
Went to the Festival last night, although the whole thing seemed a bit cagey to me. I mean, isn't it a little funny that they invited everyone? Anyone could have come. Who knows who could have been lurking behind the fireworks display? Sure, they come in, wanting you to think they're really great at fireworks and that their daughter is an innocent third year Gryffindor, but they could really be just hiding under a clever guise. They could be coming in to plant things on the school grounds. It's just not safe!
My mum and dad came, of course. Dad showed me this neat spell that gives you night vision for a little while, so you can see your enemies before they approach you. Mum thinks the spell is worthless, but then, she was in Ravenclaw, so what can you expect?
But what I really want to mention is the LANTERN CONTEST. In case you didn't know, Hufflepuff didn't win a single prize in it. "Why is that, Ernie?" you ask. Well, I'll tell you why. There were only three prizes! Doesn't that seem a little funny to you guys? Four Houses, but only three prizes? They had to know one House was going to be viciously cast aside. I'll tell you what I think happened. They were originally planning on four prizes, but then they decided it would be really funny to give only three, so that way Hufflepuff wouldn't win anything. Think they're a bunch of tricksters, I bet, but I can tell what's going on. If they thought this would go unnoticed, they're dead wrong.
So Hufflepuff didn't win anything. I didn't enter the contest, myself. You know how vicious the Slytherins are. I bet they sabotaged a bunch of lanterns. Justin's kept catching on fire, too, and his was really good before that. You know what I think happened? I think someone thought his lantern was good. A little TOO good. So they decided to rub out the competition. Snuck into Hufflepuff Tower, set a handy little flammability charm on Justin's lantern, and BAM. No more competition for Mr. Artist.
Now. Let's think about this here. Who has the motives to want to rub out their competition? Who has such pride in their artwork? Who worked really hard on their lantern? deanthomas, that's who. He had the time, he had the motive, and he had the opportunity. Let's just see if he can come up with a clever alibi.
Anyway, the Festival was going okay, aside from the complete unfairness of Hufflepuff being excluded from the lantern contest. And then I heard my name, and someone said, "Yeah, well, I'll get him."
I hit the deck right away. I had to crawl through the mud on my elbows, but hey, safety first, right? So I darted into some bushes, trying to figure out who it was. 'Course, they probably realised I'd been listening, because everyone around was just standing there, the picture of innocence. A little too innocent if you ask me. So I tried real hard to camouflage myself, because I'm not getting taken down like this. No, not Ernie Macmillan. They might think they can plot their little plots and plan their little plans, but when it boils down to it, I'm on top of the game.
So I climbed a tree and sat up there for a couple hours. Dad's night-vision spell came in handy when it got dark out, because if anyone was attacking me, I was sure as hell going to see them coming.
Turns out it was just Professor McGonagall saying she'd go get me to tell me she'd liked my lantern. But it never hurts to be prepared.
scotchtartan @ 2002-08-04 07:49 am UTC |
Yes, Mister MacMillian, nothing more suspicious than wanting to compliment you on your lantern. I do wish you'd tone down this strange pananoia; it seems to be spreading to the other students in your House. If you'll recall, poor Mister Moody's flavour of 'constant vigilance' earnt him nothing more than a Year in his trunk.
Instead of imagining conspiracy theories where there are none, you might want to consider picking up a Foe-Glass or a good-quality Sneakascope. You would then be free to focus your attention on your schoolwork.
~M. McGonagall
erniemacmillan @ 2002-08-05 03:58 am UTC |
Well, not to be rude, Professor, but I thought Professor Moody was keen and all.. but I really didn't trust him. I mean, and with good reason, too!
My dad sent me a Foe-Glass for Christmas last year, but I don't think it works properly. There's never anything in it! Thanks for the help, Professor.
-Ernie Macmillan
![]() seamus_f @ 2002-08-04 08:11 am UTC You've picked on the wrong bloke, Macmillan |
Don't you be throwin' mud on Dean! If you want to float along in your own paranoid universe, that's your thing. Why bring innocent people into it? I've been reasonable. I've even given you advice (which you didn't take but that's as may be). What has Dean done to you? Dean would never do what you accuse him of; he's the finest person here. If you can't see that, you must really be mad.
I'll give you a chance to apologize; we all make mistakes. But know this: Attack my friends and you make me your enemy. Trust me, you don't want that.
erniemacmillan @ 2002-08-05 04:01 am UTC Re: You've picked on the wrong bloke, Macmillan |
Hey, now look here, Seamus. I'm not saying that Dean DID sabotage Justin's lantern, and I'm not saying that Dean DIDN'T sabotage Justin's lantern. I'm just saying, if there's anyone with the motives to do it, it's him or Cho Chang. I mean, maybe Chang wanted to win just a little bit too much. Isn't it kind of funny that Dean didn't even take a prize in it? Maybe she sabotaged him, too!