erniemacmillan @ 2003-07-10 04:23:00

Current mood: awake

Hullo! Potter and Malfoy!



potterstinks @ 2003-07-10 02:35 am UTC

What are we supposed to do with your stolen photo of a fish on a plaque?

erniemacmillan @ 2003-07-10 02:38 am UTC

It was just supposed to say "Wicked" but a photo is worth a thousand words, or something. Either way, I looked hard for a picture of a fish on a plaque, so you don't have to take it for granted!

potterstinks @ 2003-07-10 02:42 am UTC

Leave me out of your fish posts, moron. Somehow, I'll live without photographs of mounted seafood.

finch_fletchley @ 2003-07-10 05:57 pm UTC

If you find out how he did it, be sure to tell me!

erniemacmillan @ 2003-07-11 01:43 am UTC

The bird's not singing. He's being elite.

finch_fletchley @ 2003-07-11 02:41 pm UTC

That is so like him.
