erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-25 10:35:00 |
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The walrus!!!
So Justin gave me this book about The Beetles. They are this Muggle music group, sort of like the Weird Sisters or a normal musical group, only they only use a few instruments. Anyway, I can't listen to them or anything since we don't have those things you play their stuff on, unless I go to Justin's but Mum said since I already went to Seamus's she wants me to stay home for a bit over hols. So I've just been reading their lyrics and they are really wicked. Apparently the two main lads are these John and Paul people who were best mates since they were teenagers, just like Justin and me! Maybe we could start a group as well, only I can't sing or play anything, so maybe I'll just be Brian Epstein. Only I don't really want to die early on. I'm not going to be Pete Best, I can tell you that right now!
But anyway, the real point of this post is that I don't want to be Paul either. I happened to be holding a flat mirror up to one of their "albums", though I don't really get how it's an album or anything because it's just a picture, and I discovered something pretty interesting, which is this:
Now, I've been doing a little reading, and Paul McCartney was apparently in a car crash on November 9, 1966. Now if you look at that, you'll notice it says I ONE IX HE DIE. I = 1 in Roman Numerals, and IX = 9, so it says, 11-9 he die. Now some people write the date with the month first, so that says NOVEMBER 9 HE DIE. Coincidence? Ha! Apparently Paul McCartney's been dead for years and they brought in some imposter - the best I can figure it was this Billy Shears bloke, AKA William Campbell. There's some song called Strawberry Fields, and I've BEEN to Strawberry Fields. It's a cemetery! Why would they be writing about cemeteries?
Also! In this picture I've got they've got a bass drum that says OLDIES. If you move the letters O and L one letter forward in the alphabet, you get P and M. PM DIES. Coincidence? I said Ha! already.
Now you've also got some more obvious stuff. Like the licence plate on the Abbey Road cover that says 28 IF - how old Paul would have been IF he hadn't died in the old car crash. Child's play, really. But it's more than obvious to me that everyone's been covering up Paul's death for thirty years!
Why? Well, that's hard to say. From what I gather, they had a pretty good following among Muggle girls, 500 or so at least, so I reckon they didn't want to lose their fanbase if they found out Paul was dead. I mean, Muggles probably don't get really big fan bases in music and stuff. Music is really magical so I don't imagine Muggles are too into it. So if you had like 500 fans you'd want to hold onto them, so you wouldn't want them to know your Paul had been decapitated in a car accident.
So they hire a look alike, one Billy Shears, who is introduced in these lyrics here, and say Paul survived the car crash. NEVER MIND all their lyrics afterwards about car crashes! "Wednesday morning at 5 o'clock as the day begins" - November 9, 1966 was a WEDNESDAY, and Paul's accident was supposed to be really early on in the morning. And "You were in a car crash and you lost your hair"??? If he's been decapitated of course he lost his hair. Plus in a bunch of pictures Paul is wearing this little badge that says OPD which we all know means Officially Pronounced Dead.
I rest my case. I'd just like to send an owl to this John fellow and let him know I'm onto him and dead Paul.
wheresmytoad @ 2003-08-25 06:34 am UTC |
They're called "The Beatles."
Maybe you should just stick to listening to their music. It's really pretty good.
erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-25 06:47 am UTC |
Er, HULLO, I can't? I'm not a Muggle? I don't have that electric stuff?
(parent)finch_fletchley @ 2003-08-26 08:17 am UTC |
Don't listen to Longbottom. He's nutters, remember?
(parent)turpinol @ 2003-08-26 02:45 pm UTC |
No, I mean, he's actually dead. He died in 1980. Died as in, no one has ever seen him since. Unlike Paul McCartney, who is still walking around.