erniemacmillan @ 2003-11-04 21:49:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | Undumb (the Jumper Song) - Weezerd |
Well the ball was all right, I suppose. As you all know, I went as Martin Miggs, the Mad Muggle! Except like four other people went as him too. But my costume was the best one there, you must admit. Anyway. Seamus Finnigan went as Scorpio Nespoir so he kept looking at me like he was confused but I reckon that got cleared up. Justin was Weasley which was kind of weird.
Since Seamus and I matched and all I hung about with him for awhile and we decided the ball was kind of old hat. I mean, we're seventh years, we're kind of grown past that. So Seamus said he knew this really good pub in Dublin and I knew it too so we decided to go! We got a bunch of people to come with us, too, including Hermione Granger which I really didn't expect to happen. I kind of thought she was coming just to get us in trouble but there wasn't really anything she could get us in trouble for so it was all right. She's not all that bad, anyway. I reckon she didn't have much else to do, on account of the fact that Weasley was a giant basketball in tribute to Don Cassidy, greatest sidekick ever, but you couldn't really stand within a close enough distance for him to even hear you talking. Plus Potter wasn't there of course so Hermione Granger didn't seem to have much to do. So she came with us and so did Lisa Turpin, even though she's the head girl! Hahaha, it was really wicked, prefects and head girls coming to a pub in Dublin. Anyway it took us awhile to get there because we had to leave Hogwarts first.
We got sort of pissed while we were there but THAT'S NOT AGAINST THE RULES. We're all seventeen and so we shouldn't have got detention for that or anything. But we did get back to Hogwarts kind of after curfew, except no one saw us. Yet we all got notes from the head boy in the morning! I doubt Terry Boot is head boy but he was with us and I know I'm not head boy. How else could anyone have known? Unless he followed us, which would be really dirty!
Hufflepuff plays Slytherin this Saturday. Go Hufflepuff! Of course, I've got to be impartial because I'm the commentator and all, but I can still support my house when I'm not on the pitch. Then Susan's birthday is 18 November so we're going to go see Ballycastle vs the Prides on the 19th with Justin and Hannah. Hannah doesn't know that much about Quidditch, but that's fine.