erniemacmillan @ 2002-08-30 16:57:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
It's not paranoia - there's a wand at my back.
Man am I glad I never joined the Quidditch team! Everyone seems to think I'm on it, I guess because, you know, ALL HUFFLEPUFFS LOOK THE SAME TO THEM! But no. I'm not on the Quidditch team! Mum wanted me to try out for it, but Dad reasoned with me. When you go to school with the Slytherins, being on the Quidditch team is just unsafe. Of course, Susan and Eloise and Justin are absolutely brill. Really brave of them to be on the team and all. Especially when everyone else cheats!
You know, I didn't want to say anything before, but isn't it a little funny that the only other person that ever caught a Snitch against Harry Potter is - well - Cedric?
Thanks to that huge detention Snape assigned Hufflepuff because of Harry Potter, I was sick for a week. A week! Eloise is actually the one who got sick first, and she says she didn't drink any of the water in detention at all, so I guess it's not because of that. She seemed kind of mad that I was asking, too. Hmm. I guess being sick makes people grumpy. Anyway, I was bed-ridden for a whole week, and I missed all of my classes. Justin and Susan and everybody else were sick, too. The whole Quidditch team, ODDLY enough. They only got to have one practise, and Justin was STILL sick. Oh, but there's nothing funny about that at all, is there!
And then, on top of everything else, Justin coincidentally has to sneeze as soon as the Snitch gets close to him, leaving Harry to jump right in and snatch it.
I smell a rat.
I'll tell you what I think happened. Everyone knows that heavy doses of salt will counteract the balance of pepper-up potion. I wouldn't be surprised if someone on a certain opposing Quidditch team was carrying salt with them that very day! No wonder Justin was sneezing! And how are you supposed to catch the Snitch when you're sneezing? Hmm? Tell me that!
And suddenly Hannah has decided, oh, I have no idea what. That it's MY fault Terry Boot hates Harry Potter. Terry's a good guy, it's not my fault if he decides to hate someone, and it's really not the end of the world! Maybe some of the people in this school are starting to wisen up about the strange little goings on around here! If you don't like me, Hannah, just say so, instead of trying to act like a teacher!!! Justin said you told MALFOY to take points off if I refused to talk to you!! Malfoy took six points from Hufflepuff because I told him to mind his own business! What, exactly, do you think I need points taken off for?! For being, oh, say, LOYAL to my own House? Thanks a lot, Hannah. Now every time Malfoy sees me he's going to take more points off! I hope that makes you feel like a good Prefect, since nothing else is important to you!
![]() finch_fletchley @ 2002-08-30 06:02 pm UTC |
You know, come to think of it...that IS weird, Ernie. Maybe it's a good thing that I didn't get that snitch after all! I mean, quidditch is fun and all, but I don't want to end up six feet under because of it!
![]() erniemacmillan @ 2002-08-30 11:07 pm UTC |
Oh, good lord! Will the streak of violence never end?!
(parent)sinistra @ 2002-08-31 03:45 am UTC |
I smell a rat as well, Mr. Macmillan. Do make a stronger effort at your personal hygienics rather than concerning yourself so often with carrying garlic to ward of vampires. Just look what happened to Professor Quirrell.
hannahabbott @ 2002-09-01 05:16 pm UTC |
Ernie, you have been avoiding me like I single-handedly developed the black plague all week, all because I simply refuse to indulge you 'Theory':- how else am I supposed to get hold of you?
I am going back to bed. I simply don't have the energy to deal with you at the moment. *sneeze*
![]() erniemacmillan @ 2002-09-02 12:45 am UTC |
If that's what you think this is about, Hannah, then you obviously haven't been paying attention to anything at all.
(parent)hannahabbott @ 2002-09-03 12:33 am UTC |
Please explain it to me then, Ernie.
I wish nothing more than to understand.
Will be in commonroom if needed.