finch_fletchley @ 2002-07-09 20:16:00 |
I guess this is how you update with this wizarding terminal. It's a bit different than the one we have at home. Hopefully this is okay.
Today was kind of hard. We had double transfiguration with Gryffindor. We had to change an apple into a kettle. Mine ended up with the stem sticking out at the top and it was still red, but Professor McGonagall still gave me credit on it. Susan's turned out pretty good even if the spout was a bit crooked.
Hermione got hers perfect as usual. I had to partner up with Harry. I had a headache throughout the entire class. Maybe that's why mine wasn't as good. Maybe next time, Professor McGonagall will let us team up with partners that we choose. I should ask her, but I hope she doesn't get mad about that.
I went to the Bleu Ball a couple of weeks ago. I really didn't have a good time. I was kind of glad to see my friends, and they all seemed to have a good time, so I guess that was okay. Susan went with Harry Potter. I didn't even know they knew each other that well. I don't know...I guess I thought that Susan would go with one of us...for friendship's sake, I mean. I got to dance with her toward the end since Harry disappeared and left her alone. Well...I guess the ball wasn't that bad.
So, Susan was kind of upset about the ball, so I thought it would be a good idea for her to go to Hogsmeade. It was supposed to be Ernie, Hannah, Susan and me. I don't know what Hannah ended up doing, but she kept insisting that she needed to work on Arithmancy. It must be extra credit because Hannah doesn't have Arithmancy.
Then about ten minutes before we were supposed to go, Ernie backed out saying that he ate something bad at breakfast. Bad bacon, he said. Ernie never eats bacon. That was kind of weird. So I guess there's a reason why he doesn't. I mean, if he gets sick just by eating it once, it's probably a good idea that he stays away from it.
So it was just Susan and me that ended up going. I guess I wasn't feeling very well because my stomach kept doing flips every time I tried to talk to Susan. Maybe I shouldn't have bacon either. It's probably a prank that someone played on us. I bet it was the Gryffindors.
We went to the Quidditch supply store and Honeydukes. Susan got a lot of chocolate flowers. I just got a cream soda bar. I don't really remember what we did, actually. I just know that we probably walked all around Hogsmeade because I looked up and it was almost sunset! Susan thought it'd be a good idea to go to the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer. You probably know the rest.
Professor Snape and Professor Black got into a fistfight, and then Madam Hooch joined in. Plates, glasses and food started flying. I think Harry smiled at Susan. Just at that very minute, I thought I saw someone try to jump on us out of the corner of my eye. So I pulled Susan under a table and threw the nearest thing I could grab, which turned out to be a bottle. I hope that discouraged whoever it was. For the rest of the fight, we were not bothered at all.
We have double Herbology with Gryffindor tomorrow. Susan's doing really well in that subject. Maybe I can talk to Professor Sprout. I'd much rather have Susan as a partner.
I'll just hope for the best. I guess that's all.
![]() susanbones @ 2002-07-09 06:44 pm UTC |
hi, justin.
i think you and harry's kettles looked really nice. even if yours was red. who said kettles can't be red, anyway? :) i didn't really have a good time at the bleu ball either but you know that, i guess. i don't really like dances.
but i mean, it was nice dancing with you and all.
i really liked those chocolate flowers in hogsmeade and i think you should have tried one! and i am glad that no one bothered us at the fight too. i was really scared, but i hope you didn't notice. it's a good thing hannah and ernie didn't come. i am glad they weren't in danger too.
your doing much better in herbology than i am! proffesor sprout thinks your her best student, i think, except maybe neville longbottom but you are really good too.
i should probably start getting ready for bed soon! i'll see you at breakfast :)
your friend,