finch_fletchley @ 2003-10-04 00:25:00

Ernie and Susan reminded me that I could fail my course if I didn't update. It wouldn't be my fault if I did fail though. I mean, it's not MY fault I've had detention for the last few weeks.

Well, maybe I'd better explain. See, before the end of last term Weasley and I agreed to fight when school started up again. So I waited in our usual spot by the greenhouse for hours, man, HOURS, and he never showed. I was so mad. I mean, that is so like him. But just as I was about to leave, I saw a fuzzy red head in the distance. So naturally I attacked.

Except it turned out to be some bloody freakishly tall first year with flaming red hair.

I've been in detention ever since.


knight_to_h3 @ 2003-10-03 09:37 am UTC

What the bleeding sod is "our usual spot"?!