goyle @ 2004-06-21 19:20:00

ey gott a P! ey gott a P! ey gott a - P!

Editerd: oh, red it rong, gott a D :( butt paruntly yu carnt entiyurly fayl frum a yor diry entrees its oanlee hoamwerk if id noawn i wus gonna get a D i wudnt hav bovured. oh, at leest i didunt get a T.

Newts ar orful. goeng badly, wudnt be serprysed if im heer next yer. hey colin wed be in thee saym yeer!!! wudnt thet be nifty. crabbers wont be heer tho hees smartur than mee. potter mite be tho hoohah! wudnt that be amoosing????

i gott my- wayt wit am i doing stil riting heer? i fayled it its not lyk i'm goeng tu get a betur mayk up grayd or sumthing, aw this is pathitic. wel, maybe it kan luk lyk i roat mor end luk unfaer thet i fayled. haha. stil not gud i got DETENSHUN fur not doeng my jornal. sooo not faer. not naow, i meen, i got detenshun befor. it wud be stppid to giv me detenshun naow.,. just ading tu the stres of fayling and im stil riting heer wots rong with me no doant anser that colin ar yu ther meet me in the librury i have to retern yor cards end vefor thet its diner soe i got to eet gotta keep my stremngth up fer the examering. i hoap its gud fud end im stil riting hoooo boy i shal hav to get my hed examind cos i carnt stop wondur if ther is a spel to mayk yu kip riting in a jornal maybe luuny louvgud is undur that spel tu she rites orl thee tym yu carnt stop her tip tip tipping all thee tym end non of her jornal mayks sens i luked at it to se hoaw yu got an O end i cud se i hadnt dun what she had so its rite i didnt get an o but oh its stil not faer i fayled i tryd i shal protest end ask fer a remaerk yeh thats wot ill du end oh i shud hav luked for that spel ayjes ago wen we got the jornals. hey dus ennywon remembur that kwikspel cors i used to get smaert?? wel, ges wot, it totully helped in astonomy cos i totully remimbur everytfing i lerned frum it!! eevun thee stuf on partikuls end stuf. thet no won new! but wos it thee spel or wus it reely me ill nevur no now. maybee the kwikspel gayv me curage to du it or maybe i just neded the smarts muvvers alwaeys saying i need the smarts to du fings, ennyway im STILL riting WY? WY? soe id better goe befor i go mad torking abowt mad il get MAD at yu crabbers if yu- oh rite it wusnt yu im sorry wot du yu meen im a thik oaf? ok i get yor poynt but okiys we hav to go, im going i reely am i reely reely am, o woops wots thet on mi-oh. yor wotsit. okay. bye.


gregory goyle, esk.


crabbe @ 2004-06-21 03:53 pm UTC

it is never me.