goyle @ 2003-01-31 06:41:00

Current mood: awake
Current music:the sownd of crabbe snoaring helP!

thee sownd of a crabbe beest snoaring
crabbes snorring is owt of CONTROLL. have complayned in comunity page maybe sumthin can be dun abowt it!!!


colin__creevey @ 2003-01-31 07:52 am UTC

Wow!! That must be really loud, huh?

goyle @ 2003-02-01 10:15 am UTC

"reely" doant kwite cuvver it.

then agen neether dus "lowd"

la_pensee @ 2003-01-31 07:57 am UTC

Perhaps you could talk to Madame Pomfrey about it. I'm certain she would know any charms or potions that could be used.

sinistra @ 2003-02-01 05:23 am UTC

You've clearly never found yourself in hospital when Pomfrey has fallen asleep, Ms Parkinson. If only she would apply the same theories to her own nasal congestion.
