goyle @ 2003-03-25 06:53:00 |
cruciatus esay...
There are a lot of legends and myths that suggest the origin of the Cruciatus curse, but nothing that proves anything. The most popular myth is the one most recently published in the book "Gloomy Ghouls and Manky Myths" by Loose Iffer. In his version of events, Grindelwald, the second most popular Dark Lord in Wizarding History, (Grindelwald secured 43% of the votes in the February edition of "Witch Weekly". 'Popular' is used transitively, meaning 'most well known' as opposed to actually liked) dropped an anvil on his foot in his early years, and was trying to yell "excruciating pain." The myths are pure conjecture, involving the various ones that suggest Apolpha, the thirteenth soothsayer of Ouagadougou, accidentally discovered it while making tea for his honoured guest Filfa Opadopolus.
While myths can never really be taken seriously, some have a real basis in fact (like the Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts which was found recently so it was real even though it was a myth) and the one thing that is common in all the myths is that it was a complete accident.
Cruciatus was first recorded in the 14th century, by Griffel of Solsbury Plain. She wrote in her diary: "Tuesday. Large wizard outside of house yelled "crucio" and this little man fell over in my cabbages howling like a girl. Ruined my cabbages." She was never heard of again.
The Council of Magic outlawed Cruciatus in the 16th century, after Andilus Effenpot used it on his wife, to make her fall out of a tree.
this iss tayking so long using the dicshunary... is anywun else duing cruciartus? neeed ayt more enches and carnt spell "arwuddegyus"...
arithmantra @ 2003-03-25 02:16 pm UTC |
Very nice job, Mr. Goyle. Take ten points to Slytherin for having the fortitude to do your homework without Mr. Malfoy's help, for once.
Also, perhaps if you put that interesting verbal concoction into a proper context someone could help you out with the spelling?
goyle @ 2003-03-25 09:34 pm UTC |
perhaps if i did wut with my verbals???
if yuu meen riting wifowt the dicshunary i tryd that but then nowun cud unerstand it afterwuds but fankyu for the advyse mayb i shud try agen shoorly im not as bad a spela as milisunt ses thet iy am
arithmantra @ 2003-03-25 10:29 pm UTC |
Hmm. Let's try a little project, shall we? Take five points to Slytherin for every word you manage to learn to spell correctly, Mr. Goyle--
Or, alternately, five points for every post you get someone else to write for you. Gracious, I do believe my head is spinning.
potions_master @ 2003-03-26 01:58 am UTC |
Masterfully gracious of you, Hilda, to award something to a student with such a minimal amount of self-discussion.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-03-26 03:23 am UTC |
Not bad, Mr. Goyle, though incomplete. Half marks, and if you finish it by the end of the week I'll consider adding some points.
Though I have no clue what that last word is meant to be.
goyle @ 2003-04-08 10:57 am UTC |
Arwerdicus. as in Arwedicus Phenson, hoo ferst wrote abowt cruciatus
had to luk up speling ser but fownd it nnow
heh beter layt then neva