goyle @ 2002-05-20 05:47:00 |
we are suposed to do this online thing as an assinement i dont see wy we are suposed to do it becoz thers no poynt in it but drayco sais that we hav to sins it is an asinement and all
i dont want to do this muggles and mudbloods are doing it to and i dont unerstand y we hav to its silly (no ofense ment hedmaster)
we are sposed to say sumthing abowt ourselfs
my name is goyle, my muther cals me gregory but i dont lyke that much. my farther cals me hevvy lump i dont lyke that eether. goyle is alrite. i carnt do much drayco is ranting about potter agen he always rants about potter, potter this, potter that all nite long we will get im eventuly i hope i reely cud do with a gud nite's sleep for wonce not interupted by sumthing about potter. potter stinks. (sory if u lyke him hedmaster but hes reel mean to drayco and drayco is my frend.)
gudby jurnal. i supose i wil hav to updayt u sumtime soon
potterstinks @ 2002-05-20 01:13 am UTC |
Potter has to pay, and you know it as well as I do. Once I've got a target in sight, I remain ambitious to meet my goal - total punishment. Don't be a boob. And stop telling everyone about our strategising.
potions_master @ 2002-05-20 10:58 am UTC |
Mr. Goyle,
I would highly suggest that you put the spell-check function to use. As entertaining it is to read about your private life and personal intrigues, I fear that I shall pass out with the strain of having to decode your run on and incomplete sentences.
One point from Slytherin. Do try harder next time, Mr. Goyle.
-Professor Snape
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-21 02:01 pm UTC Down with cruelty!!! Pass this on!!! ^_^ |
Hello!!! This is Lavender Brown, chairman of the LTF Love The Froggies! club ^_^ As we all know, Trevor has been murdered yesterday by Draco Malfoy who is a mean, horrible boy. Although Professor Trelawney did predict his death accurately, like she always does, it is still very sad :~c So I would like everyone to join in this campaign and pass on this banner to help stop cruelty to froggies! The crystal ball says today is a good day for a good deed! The good deed will bless you with good karma!! ^_~