goyle @ 2003-11-04 21:25:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
nossie callad gave??? wurris loony wuvring abowt noe?>??
argor parte was blurry gud.
dresd as frug agen haha bet yu didunt sie vat wun cumming haha! miles of, eh? wel i mayd it broan so i wus a jyunt chocculut frogger liyk all them wons that colunn has (HAHA ""HAD"" EF EY HAV MUCH TU DU WIF ET!) ennywae i us gonna rite befor but nuffing much has hapuned crab sed im shtoupid fer sayenf nuffing had hapuned wen it has but nuffing much difrunt has hapuned yu se stranj stuf happuns al ve tynme end its snot verry unyushual ef yu noe wot i meen. wy wy wy ar al my soks weerd? i didunt fink ve wer weerd but aparuntly soe?? i fink i am geting smaerte sownds a brilyunt fing to be smart haha but not fer granjer cus her mugl hed wil expload! i wish i cud se vat drayco swares blynd (wifout swaring aktualy, teechers) vat her hed wil expload i oanlee sae i wunt to be arownd wen it dus!!! is mugl blood a difrunt coullur to pyurblud culur? et must be coz ets dilooted!!111111~~~ sily shiftkea. ennywae i am dum apruntly but i can speek so i shudnt be! end ennywae if i wus smaert i fink my hed wud expload too i wont to sei vis but not at expens ov my oan hed! besiedes i just fort i cant sei mi oan hed expload i wud be tu bizzy explaoding to sei it!!!! sily me. wy wy wy is sumwon yeling retern at me? retern retern retern. wy shud i retern? retern wer? oh apuruntly it meens i shud yoose the retern kea but wot hass it evur dun fer me thets wot i wunt to noe.
ennywae skool has bin sort ov craizee everywun is panucking abowt exams i sae therll cum but sum are saeing weel all di horrubly the dae befor in ower dreems! wy wil we die the dae befor in ower dreems? i hoap it is troo i cannun and wil not understaend tranlayshun in transfiggurashun, not if me lyfe depindud onn it end im perfektly shoor it dus!
jus bin toald mugl blud is saym culur as pyoorblud wot a letdoan! bet it smels difrunt tho. like burnded toest or sumat. hows elvs burn toest a lot i hav discuvverd i must discuvver wy mayby vey ar mad at ve gryfundorks SMEG or wutevver ther antihowse elfs campayn is.
wel i hav to go end practus my wond swunging. i swunged it gud last lessun but ve rong wae!!! haha sily me.
yors faithfuly
GREGORY GOYLE, SLYTHERING. :-------------------------------------------------D
potterstinks @ 2003-11-04 03:08 pm UTC |
Goyle, 'Draco' doesn't have a 'y' in it.
Your socks are odd because your feet are odd.
goyle @ 2003-11-09 04:14 am UTC |
wel wiv orl ve fus abowt soks i jest funk mi soks ar doo sum considurrayshun tu.
yor name is speld draco? wel wy is it sed drayco. i musttuf bin saeing it rong! sory draco.
Goyle :----------C