goyle @ 2004-04-14 21:26:00 |
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noe plays on erth wud be so nys...jus tayk mi hand ets paradys
o mann i nevur nu wot paradys hogwurts woz untul we caym bak. peeple scremin bludy merder, crab snoarin lyk a hururcain end blaymin et on me end throaing choclut evrywer wots up wiv thet?? end thee tens wer orful. orful. owers smeld lyk katfink pis end of cabiges. end anuther fing wy must thee howselvs et hogwurts mayk cabiges tu putt wiv tee? wus unaprishativ. cum bak frum tentin (crab shoors me thets thee werd fer wot we deed) end get orful food?? scandul. absolut scandul.
mynd yu, ther wus sumthing orful els i herd et thee tentin ekspudishun. (haha, sept fer thet limrik wossnaym hed boys frend toald mee 'ther wuns wus a boay frum thee stix hu lykd tu rite limmerrix. butt he fayld at thee sport cuz he rote them tu short.) thes CRUNKUL sownd. onustley. everytym i workd owt thee tens. crunk. crunk. cruuuuuunk. end i KNOE thers onlee wun fing in thee werld thet mayks thet sownd.
thee dung of a crunkul hoarnd snorkak.
i red abowt them in thees magaseen thet wus in thee cumon rum. the kwibul or sumwot. i knoe ther frum sweeden but hu noes wer we wer!!! ennway, i toal colunn abowt me suspishuns end he jus laffed!!!!!!!!!!!!11 noe faer.
rite ey am off tu se ef ennywun wil beleev me. wish me luk. no wun beleevs me offen i wunder wy??? im not gud at lying (sept fur lying doan hooha) shoorly they noe this bi noew??
GREG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 :----) @--:---)