goyle @ 2004-06-13 07:33:00 |
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wel ther yu goe. it seems the skool not oanlee puts potter abuv everywun els but orlso ennywun he konsorts wiv. the WHEESLEY wopped hiz oan hand of end missus pomfry is goeng tu PUT ET BAK ON.
tis is groas injustis. GROAS injustis.
i lost won meesly fingur dutu won of draycos meesly muud sewings, end it cudnt be reatached! butt wen its WHEESLY hoo wops of his oan hand, he getts royul treetmunt! holey unfare.
luk i noe colin tried to et mine, end thets wy it cudnt be reatached. its not his folt he thort it wus a pig in thee blankut. it cud hav hapuned to ennywon. end et wus a WHEESLEY's folt thet sumwon brort a joak fingur to be reatached. butt stil! it mus be oanlee WHEESLEYS hoo kan kip sevured apendiges!!! end thet is not faer. i wil hav to mayk a formul complaynt abowt thee saefte standuds ov thes skool end complayn abowt prejudis cos jus cos yu carnt stand potter's presens yu get penalyzed fer et.
i fownd my comixs they wer were id left them, wups. hav memry like swis chees man i cud reely goe fur sum ov thet naow. mm chees. wy du we nevur lern to charm nys things lyk chees in charms. or lern haow to mayk a poashun thet matuyurs chees fastur. i doant lyk that nansy myld chees. wots thee poynt of chees if it dusnt tayst of chees. end non of thoas nansy crakers eether. yukkers.
crabbers is studeeing reely hard fer crabbers. :----) ey am tu altho i doant se thee poynt. i alreddy noe wot missus pomfry corled diswotsic (alrite i doant remembur) is cowntin agenst mee. lots of faymus peeple hav it, aparuntly, lyk celestina warbeck (did i menshun id ben on a CW foarum end i sor a cuple of uther hogwarty peepul on ther??) end gwenog jones. (urg, boath GERLS!)
oh speekin ov chees thers a weerd gy folowin missus hooch a lot thet smels of bad chees. he remynds me ov won ov my arnts, his fays luks lyk her arse haha. the shayp ov et, i meen. not that i havs een my arnts arse eww.
wel id betur goe. mi campayn agenst unfarenus in skool begins NAOW!