hannahabbott @ 2003-08-31 01:10:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Arrow on the shoulder pointing straight onwards!
I think I might be the only person who really enjoyed the weather this summer. It's never been so hot before and I love it! I was walking around with a sheen of perspiration all over all day. I can spend my life like that and be perfectly contented.
I haven't been updating in my journal at all because of what happened before summer. I was just happy to have my sister again and I wanted to spend time with her and pretend none of that happened. So I had to stay away from here. But I'm ready to go back to Hogwarts now. I've missed my friends.
The only people I've really kept in touch with from school are Mandy and Ernie. Last month, Mandy owled me the cutest photographs of the baby ducks we saw in Hogsmeade and Cat and I pasted them up on the walls of our bedrooms. They are in Hufflepuff colours, too!
I visited Seamus in Ireland with both of them as well, my Ernest and Mandy. It was really, really great. Seamus is the best host there is! I wasn't too used to Irish food though, I like my diet the same as the past ten years. I know it makes me sound rather un-adventurous but sudden changes give me hives.
Well I must finish packing all of my things (and Cat's!) into the trunks now. I hope I didn't forget any of the summer assignments and readings. I'm going to be a 7th year! The exams! The stress! The drama! The midnight oil! The exams! Alright that's enough. Good night!
Oh by the way, a lot of people seem to be rather sad right now. With people breaking up and all that. I'm not trying to be cryptic about it, I just don't really know what is going on. Just that people are sad and angry. Well, I'm offering hugs but don't tell me too much or I'll be forced to find a side to take and that gives me hives too.
erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-30 02:44 pm UTC |
Hallo, you called me Ernest there in a post in front of everyone, did you know?
hannahabbott @ 2003-08-30 02:50 pm UTC |
Oops! Thanks for pointing that out, I think I'll just leave it up there then.
(parent)hannahabbott @ 2003-08-30 02:57 pm UTC |
Hallo, you called me VIXEN right here in a comment in front of everyone, did you know?
(parent)erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-30 03:01 pm UTC |
Well, of course I know, Hannah. I wrote it! Are you feeling okay?
(parent)![]() erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-30 03:09 pm UTC |
Some witch keeps throwing pictures of her legs at me, it's really distracting when I'm trying to organise my trunk.
(parent)hannahabbott @ 2003-08-30 03:10 pm UTC |
Well maybe she just wants to know what's in your trunk!
(parent)erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-30 03:24 pm UTC |
Uh... robes, textbooks, my cauldron, my Sneakoscope, my foe glass, my brother's prefect badge, socks, pants, trousers, this really wicked red jumper I got at Diagon Alley the other day, earmuffs, my Hufflepuff scarf, another scarf, gloves, a pair of shoes, coloured inks, my Potions ingredients, dragonhide gloves, a box of fudge flies, my hat, my night vision omnioculars, a towel, my dressing gown, my lucky mittens, Martin Miggs issues 1, 7 and 98-105, Quidditch Through the Ages, Quidditch After the Ages, a bunch of detective novels, ten galleons, ten sickles, a bunch of knuts, a book about the Ballycastle Bats, a bunch of sugar quills, food for Liver, that blue jumper you gave me for Christmas in fourth year that doesn't really fit anymore, a handkerchief, a Russian dictionary...
That's just what's on my bed waiting to go in my trunk, anyway. Why?
hannahabbott @ 2003-08-30 03:28 pm UTC |
Mittens! I don't have to bring mine then! I was wondering how I'm going to keep my hands warm this winter.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-30 03:32 pm UTC |
What's this, you want to know what's in my trunk so you can make yours lighter by just borrowing my stuff instead?
(parent)hannahabbott @ 2003-08-30 03:43 pm UTC |
In that case I'm definitely not bringing my own mittens.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-30 03:48 pm UTC |
Well I'm bringing an undershirt, too, so you don't really have to bring any bras.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-30 03:08 pm UTC |
Well now that you mention it, I'd love a lemonade. BUT! That's not the point. I am going to get my mum to beat up your mum.
(parent)hannahabbott @ 2003-08-30 03:12 pm UTC |
If you do that, who's going to make you your lemonade?
(parent)hannahabbott @ 2003-08-30 03:23 pm UTC |
Are you saying that my mum will lose in the fight with your mum?
(parent)erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-30 03:25 pm UTC |
Well, otherwise it would defeat the purpose of my vengeance.
(parent)hannahabbott @ 2003-08-30 03:27 pm UTC |
Oh alright. I hope you're planning to share the lemonade then.
(parent)hannahabbott @ 2003-08-30 03:35 pm UTC |
You just want me to do the packing for you, don't you?
(parent)![]() erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-30 03:39 pm UTC |
No, you'll organise it wrong! I have a system. You can watch though.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-30 03:47 pm UTC |
Yeah! Let me just make my mum get some biscuits as well.
(parent)hannahabbott @ 2003-08-30 03:51 pm UTC |
On my way! We can discuss the knickers problem there.