jadedsirius @ 2003-12-19 23:13:00 |
Ahhhh, the ever-accurate Hogwarts grapevine.
Most of you know by now, of course, that professor Remus Lupin has been recovered, in critical condition, from captivity. Exactly where he was and what he was doing when captured, I cannot, sadly, say, although I will say that his life was indeed in jeopardy. However, I can say, with perfect confidence and in contradiction to the stories I've overheard before class, that at no time in the last weeks has Professor Lupin been:
--transfigured into a pig, an oak tree, or a streeler
--decapitated, defoliated (see above), or defenestrated
--imprisoned in a cloven pine, a lonely tower with creeping vines, a jar in Severus Snape's offices, or a giant knarl habitat
--held captive by a tribe of rengade free-range veelas
--braised, baked, boiled, stir-fried, curried, or otherwise cooked and eaten
--for-god's-sake pregnant
Ten points from each house for shameless rumour-mongering.
I've been hesitant to post until I had some positive news to report, and am happy to say that Professor Lupin is finally in stable condition, although still rather battered--his weakened condition has made magical healing tricky and slow--and still unconscious.
I'm sure Professor Lupin will want to thank everyone in person for the cards, the flowers, and the lifetime supply of chocolate stuffed into his room at St. Mungo's, and so I'll leave him to it to do so, soon I hope. But in the interim, let me just say that if any of his students is as happy to see him alive and improving as I am, that'll be gratifying enough.
wehaveseven @ 2003-12-19 08:31 pm UTC |
oi sirius thanks for the news!! and is he up for visitors yet because if i can get away from here a bit early i thought i;d swing by st mungo"s and drop in if its no problem
whats wrong with him anyway WHAT did those bastards DO to him
do i need to send out the dragons then
cheers sirius. cheers much.
jadedsirius @ 2003-12-19 08:54 pm UTC |
We could've used a few dragons last week. Next time we'll give you a call, okay?
You can visit him as of this afternoon. St. Mungo's has assigned visiting hours in the afternoons, but you'll want to check with the staff before you visit, because the hours change from day to day, for some reason. But if you've a limited amount of leave, you might want to wait before visiting, because of course he's not conscious, and not responding.
And the injuries list:
crushed right leg
Substantial amounts of silver in his system
minor concussion
severe dehydration
It's the silver that did the trick, really. Bastards.
wehaveseven @ 2003-12-19 08:56 pm UTC |
they put silver in him? those absolute IF I EVER GET MY HANDS ON i cant believe it good lord
how the hell did he live through it? cor
i will try and get out of here by tomorrow and see about landing in london on sunday. dont care if hes not talking. i want to see for myself hes ok
thanks sirius. your a good man all round
wheresmytoad @ 2003-12-19 11:24 pm UTC |
Silver??? Oh no, that's dreadful.
I'll be visting at St. Mungo's on Christmas Day, anyway, so I'll check with the staff and stop by to see him, if it can be worked out.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-12-19 08:41 pm UTC |
Thank you so very much for the news on Remus! Do please let him know when he wakes up that I should like to see him as soon as he is feeling up to visitors. In the meantime, I shall be sending an owl along shortly with a basket containing many of his favourite sweets and teas.
Narcissa Peltier Malfoy