jadedsirius @ 2004-02-02 21:10:00

There are some people I miss. One, of course, is Remus--he may be reachable, but it just isn't the same without him here in the castle, and I suppose now with him resigning it will never be the same. And the other is my one true love Sinistra, who doesn't even have the excuse of convalescing to be not-here. Wherefore art thou, lovely Sinistra? When will we run off together? Have you forgotten your promise to come to me wearing only a scarf?

I dare you.


potions_master @ 2004-02-03 02:21 am UTC

"One true love"? How can you have two?

Well, I suppose that nothing in that particular line is impossible for you, Black. I regret to inform you, only I don't, that Sylvia is currently in my quarters with Xiomara and Trelawney, partaking of various beverages. You, naturally, are not invited.

jadedsirius @ 2004-02-03 02:28 am UTC

My dear Snape. Did I say I wanted to be invited? I do not believe I did.

potions_master @ 2004-02-03 02:34 am UTC

My mistake, Black. I thought this miserable, pathetic, whinging post that takes up far too much room on my "friends" page was intended to be some sort of expression of your solitude, and how much you resent it, being the gregarious, social sort you are. Why, just look at your picture in this icon I am using. You are so very much the life of the party in that one.

jadedsirius @ 2004-02-03 02:47 am UTC

Yes, indeed, I don't know how you put up with my long-winded, maudlin requests for Sinistra to entertain me in the altogether. Especially since you yourself are always a model of stoic acceptance, in the face of your own pathetic loneliness.

potions_master @ 2004-02-03 02:51 am UTC

It is nice to have one's virtues appreciated, even at a late date, and even by someone like you, Black. But I am afraid I have no more time to waste here. Beverages are calling. Good night.

sinistra @ 2004-02-03 12:45 pm UTC

Perhaps next time you may consider a "No boyS allowed" sign, Severus.

lupercus @ 2004-02-03 05:59 am UTC


You do know I can still read this, don't you Padfoot?

jadedsirius @ 2004-02-04 09:51 pm UTC

Why, yes, Moony, I do. Why do you ask?

lupercus @ 2004-02-09 09:37 pm UTC

No reason, I was just curious.

Do let me know if Sylvia turns up in but a scarf, won't you? I'm ever so curious, particularly as it is quite drafty in that old castle. She's like to catch her death, if she goes round starkers - scarf notwithstanding.

jadedsirius @ 2004-02-09 10:27 pm UTC

Oh, Remus. The day Sinistra shows up at my quarters wearing a scarf and nothing more, I will put an organza frock with seamed stockings and we will come visit you, okay?

Trust me, it's not going to happen. Silly.

lupercus @ 2004-02-10 01:23 am UTC

Well, now you've got me hoping!

I wonder how much gold it would take her to do it...

Just kidding, love. Or am I?

sinistra @ 2004-02-03 12:44 pm UTC

My dear lost love,

The days are like torture without you.

So much so that I have had to resist the joy of this community.

Alas. I have been spotted.

I still have no scarf.

In exquisite agony,
Sylvia, lady of Sinistra

jadedsirius @ 2004-02-04 10:00 pm UTC

I understand, my heart. I, as your devoted cavalier, shall, er, devote several spare moments to my newest quest: acquiring you a scarf, so that we may finally celebrate our love.
