jadedsirius @ 2002-10-23 01:46:00 |
Hogwarts always looks better after being away from it. New Orleans was amazing. Sometimes the Muggles get it right.
Severus and I quite enjoyed ourselves. Privacy is a novelty, and we took full advantage of it. Though I have to say that his manner of sleeping quite frightens me. He just never moves at all. It's unnatural. I devised many ways to ascertain that he was still among the living.
Returning is somewhat of a let-down. So much to catch up on. We decided to extend our stay just a bit, and therefore got in later than we had intended.
Apparently there will be a Halloween bash. I wonder if it will be as interesting as years past.
purestblood @ 2002-10-23 11:55 pm UTC |
Hmm. So first you love Remus and leave him. Before that, there was another.
How long before you get tired of Sevvie? Money's on four months. Silvia, care to chip in? Hooch?
jadedsirius @ 2002-10-24 10:16 am UTC |
I fail to see that it is any of your business. Although it must be very difficult for you to control your jealousy at this point. I'm so sorry.