just_harry @ 2004-03-26 22:17:00 |
We had Quidditch practice today. It got pretty warm out lately so it was really nice flying. Not like summer or anything but it's probably better that way, anyway. It seems really weird that there's only three months left at Hogwarts, it doesn't seem like we won't come back in autumn. I don't even know what I'm going to do after we leave. I can only ever think of one thing and it's pretty stupid, because I almost didn't get enough O.W.L.s for it after Potions and then we have N.E.W.T.s and I won't get the right amount of Potions again. I don't even think you need Potions that much for stuff that you're supposed to or everyone says you will. We learnt all this stuff in maths in my old school, before Hogwarts I mean, that they said we were going to need and you never do. I bet Potions is the same way. Some stuff is too important to do on your own forever, so you have to get someone else and alot you won't need and if you do you probably won't remember how anymore. I like Defence Against the Dark Arts more, at least when Sirius or Remus teaches. Sirius's lessons have been really cool lately.
Easter break is coming up soon. I hope it doesn't get cold again first because I don't want to spend the whole time inside. Maybe me and Sirius can put together that Quidditch stuff or something.
Ron said a bunch of people cracked from studying tonight or something and now everybody's going to have a party. I guess I'll go if he wants. I don't want to study anymore either and I'd rather hang out with Ron than sleep because that's probably what I'd just do instead if he went and I didn't go. I think Seamus is asking about it so I guess we'll do that if that's what people want to do.
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-26 08:24 pm UTC |
About time Ravenclaw cracked, I'm telling you!! THEY'VE ONLY BEEN STUDYING FOR SEVEN YEARS NOW! Let's go!
seamus_f @ 2004-03-26 08:44 pm UTC |
Sure, sometime in 1994.
I say we just head over and see what's up.
seamus_f @ 2004-03-26 08:55 pm UTC |
Well, you lot were being Cannons so I had to show my Kestral pride, eh?
Anyway, Lisa says come so go we shall. Though, is that what you're wearing? Not that it isn't fine, of course.
just_harry @ 2004-03-26 08:58 pm UTC |
What? This picture is old, I didn't just take a picture of what I was wearing or anything. Or I guess I am wearing that but they're my school robes and all.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-03-26 09:16 pm UTC |
Okay, I just meant, parties are a nice time to be a bit more informal, you know. Break out those casual trousers. Perhaps a tshirt? It's getting warm after all, and it's bound to be hot in the Ravenclaw CR with all those people there.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-03-26 09:23 pm UTC |
Oh. I thought you meant I should dress up or something.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-03-26 09:37 pm UTC |
No. Dress down, me lad. Make all the boys go, "mmm, Harry Potter in a tight t-shirt, that's the stuff."
By the way, this is supposed to be my seductive icon but Lisa found it intimidating.
just_harry @ 2004-03-26 09:42 pm UTC |
I'll just get one of Dudley's shirts or something.
It looks more upset than intimidating to me. Like you're trying to pretend you're not upset, too.
seamus_f @ 2004-03-26 09:46 pm UTC |
I need a sexy icon. Hrm. I'll work on that later.
Okay, what part of tight do you not understand? You haven't a bit of fat on those bones and you need to show it off. Make them salivate.
just_harry @ 2004-03-26 09:51 pm UTC |
That's not really me at all though. And I don't even want to show off for anyone, or dress weird.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-03-26 09:54 pm UTC |
Well, I wouldn't call it weird, personally. But that's fine.
I just want to show you . . . well, never mind. I'll show you later. You'll see, before the night's over.
divineparvati @ 2004-03-26 09:33 pm UTC |
Seamus! Have you gone Yet? I don't want to head Down there all By myself, how lame!
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-03-26 09:39 pm UTC |
Of course not! Come with Ron and Harry and me, and I think Dean is coming as well. Where is Lavender? Perhaps the Gryffindors can arrive en masse. That would be impressive, eh?
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-03-26 09:49 pm UTC |
Or perhaps we could be a murder of crows instead.
Though that sounds gang like, and this is not West Side Story. Though it could be . . .
Christ Jesus, I just referenced a musical in a public place, didn't I? Oh dear.
divineparvati @ 2004-03-26 09:46 pm UTC |
Well, I don't know Where Lavender is but give me a Second and I'll check the bathroom. Meet you in the Common!
(parent)petitemillicent @ 2004-03-26 11:45 pm UTC |
Draco and I had a better party.
We played Literati.
I won.
You have missed out, TBWL.
M. B.
potions_master @ 2004-03-28 07:32 pm UTC |
And what about Potions, precisely, is so useless, Mr. Potter?
just_harry @ 2004-03-29 03:54 am UTC |
Nothing. I didn't know you thought I was useful at them, though.
(parent)potions_master @ 2004-03-29 09:52 am UTC |
I don't think you're useful at much, Potter, it is true. However, if you applied yourself at Potions, instead of wasting your time glaring at me during lessons, daydreaming about Quidditch, agonising about having the weight of the free wizarding world on your shoulders (which you do not), inventing pseudo-witty retorts for Malfoy (who should also have better things to do), and above all, complaining in your journal about how you are useless at Potions, you might not be as completely hopeless as you are now.
Wake up, boy. There are things you need to learn, and quickly.