just_harry @ 2002-10-19 00:51:00 |
Well, I just had a whole post written out, but livejournal deleted it, which is really nice and thoughtful.
So I guess everyone knows about Ron, Hermione and me having that Quidditch face off with Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, and Millicent Bulstrode on Tuesday. We have detention tomorrow morning to repair the Shrieking Shack, and I don't really mind that much, except that we have it with the Slytherins, so that will probably be bad. I don't know why the professors think it's a good idea to put people together for detention for fighting, because we'll probably just fight again. But maybe Hermione, Ron and me can just avoid them, the Shrieking Shack isn't that small. And I don't mind having that as a detention, because Professor Lupin will probably appreciate it.
There's only one person left to get detention, and then everyone in all of Hogwarts will have gotten a detention because of me. I don't know what Snape is going to do then.
Me and Ron are going to play a game of Quidditch with Ginny and her friend Soblessa on Sunday, so that should be pretty fun, and Sirius gave us permission to use the Quidditch equipment, too, so at least we won't get another detention. Then me and Hermione are going to work on our History of Magic essays in the library, which is good because I sort of fell asleep during Professor Binns' lecture about Yvonne the Young, and that's kind of what the essay is about.
I'm not really tired, but I should probably try to sleep so I'm not exhausted for detention tomorrow.
potterstinks @ 2002-10-18 11:29 pm UTC |
Can't take a little detention with us, Potter? Are you too afraid? Maybe you can get Professor Sinistra to protect you from the big, bad Slytherins with her thorny legs.
potterstinks @ 2002-10-18 11:32 pm UTC |
I see you've still not chosen a user picture, also. Still trying to make sure everyone notices you? Perhaps you ought to just have an icon of your scar.
just_harry @ 2002-10-18 11:52 pm UTC |
Maybe that icon would be better suited for you, Malfoy.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-10-19 12:00 am UTC |
Sorry, Potter, but I don't fancy having my skull ripped open in order to get a date. A shame that hasn't ever helped you get one, though. I seem to recall Granger turning you down for the Bleu Ball. Pity for you the Dark Lord wasn't free that night, as he seems to be the only one attracted to scar tissue.
(parent)just_harry @ 2002-10-19 12:07 am UTC |
I don't know why I ever stopped ignoring you, Malfoy. You're disgusting.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-10-19 12:13 am UTC |
Oh, ignoring me, were you Potter? I'm flattered, really. I'd no idea you cared so much. Couldn't take the pressure?
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-10-19 12:14 am UTC |
Or were you just trying to prove a pathetic little point?
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-10-19 12:24 am UTC |
How should I know? I certainly hope you didn't think that I noticed, Potter. Since everything you say usually sounds like dead air anyway, I didn't even realise there was a change.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-10-19 12:31 am UTC |
I also notice you've started using a photo now that I've pointed it out. Interesting.
(parent)just_harry @ 2002-10-19 12:43 am UTC |
I don't CARE if you didn't notice, and I don't care what you think of my picture either! I don't care what you think of anything, Malfoy, and I didn't ask you. Why do you keep commenting to my journal? Isn't having detention together enough? Or did you want to make sure detention was even worse? Don't you have anything else to do?
(parent)![]() potterstinks @ 2002-10-19 12:50 am UTC |
Why, Potter, you sound upset. A little angry that no one's having to serve this detention for you, too? In a bad mood because you actually have to pay for something you did for once?