just_harry @ 2002-05-18 18:48:00

Classes have just started and already it's a nightmare. I can't believe that we have both Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts with the Slytherins. At least in Defence Against the Dark Arts, we have Sirius for our Professor. That's alot of fun. I couldn't believe the look on Pansy's face when he put her in a Full Body Bind after she hexed Neville. It was even funny when he did it to Ron, too. I think Sirius was just trying to be fair, but I think I saw him laugh when he was changing Pansy's hair back from green to brown.

Ron's still pretty angry, but we're going flying after dinner. That'll snap him out of it.


knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-18 05:11 pm UTC

I'm not mad anymore, but it really wasn't FUNNY, Harry!

just_harry @ 2002-05-19 12:42 am UTC

It was too! And the look on Pansy's face when you turned her hair green was the funniest part of all! It's too bad we have to have class with the Slytherins, because I think it's going to be the best class we have.

Do you think McGonagall will let us leave the grounds to see the Cannons play next week? I'm going to ask Sirius to see if he will let me.

knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-19 01:53 am UTC

Well that pug-face should be glad I changed her hair to match her house colours, shouldn't she?

McGonagall HAS to allow us to go see the Cannons! It is a matter of life and death! I'm sure she will understand, don't worry.

potterstinks @ 2002-05-18 11:36 pm UTC

It's not like we want you in our classes, either, Potter. But then again, it makes sense that a class taught by a dog should be taken with YOU.

potterstinks @ 2002-05-18 11:37 pm UTC

Oh, and I'm sure it's just torturous for you to be taught by your GODFATHER. Let's see, we have your little werewolf friend, your doggy-style godfather, Dumbledore... boy, you sure have rotten luck with teachers. What ever SHALL you do with your sycophants delivering lessons?

potterstinks @ 2002-05-18 11:38 pm UTC

Oh, and by the way - I was wondering. Since your mother went to school with Black and all, do you suppose she liked it doggy-style?

just_harry @ 2002-05-18 11:58 pm UTC

Don't talk to me, Malfoy. Stay the hell away from me. You didn't know my mother, you spineless little piss, and if you ever mention her again, I'll make you hurt.

potterstinks @ 2002-05-19 12:09 am UTC

But Potter, you seem to be forgetting. You didn't know your mother either! Ha ha ha.

perfectprefect @ 2002-05-19 12:11 am UTC


Brilliant to see you here, simply champion. While I cannot find a way to console you on the matter of sharing your curriculum with the Slytherins, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you luck on your school year. Please do not allow yourself to be influenced by my brother.

As for Malfoy, I have just recommended to Lavender Brown that she ignore him. I would suggest you do the same, but that does not seem to be working. I think you may be, as they say, 'screwed.'


just_harry @ 2002-05-19 12:23 am UTC

Dear Percy,

It is good to see you, too. How are you? How are things going at the Ministry? I hear that you are working with cauldrons. That must be very exciting.

Thank you for wishing me luck in school. I think I will need it. I try, but I am just not so good at school as Hermione. I know you did very well when you were here.

Have you read any good books lately? How is Penelope? I hope she is good too. Please tell her I said hello. I have tried to ignore Draco Malfoy, but it doesn't seem to be doing any good. I might have to talk to the Professors about it.


Harry Potter

perfectprefect @ 2002-05-19 12:32 am UTC


Oh, working with cauldrons is incredibly fascinating. Have you ever noticed, that while the standard pewter cauldron is almost lightweight, the bronze weighs quite a bit more in comparison? There are, of course, other aesthetic differences between the two, but I would say that you and the other students are fortunate for your required pewter cauldron. I could also give you a few tips for getting rid of particularly nasty spots and stains. There's something that you can do with a toothbrush that is absolutely shocking. It seems so simple, yet I never would have thought of it on my own. Of course, no one else would have either. Naturally, I was rather close to developing it myself, but I'd never thought to use Bertie Bott's as a cleaning tool.

I am, of course, up to date with the best reads, as always. Recently I've enjoyed, Give Me Cauldrons or Give Me Death, by Fleuteus McHavershire. Another good find is 734 Ways to Better Flaterry, by Ursula Landgress. I might recommend you check out Orphaned No More, or, Cauldron: Man's Best Friend by Raycheel Marisueno. I think it's right up your alley.


potterstinks @ 2003-06-10 06:09 pm UTC

have tried to ignore Draco Malfoy, but it doesn't seem to be doing any good. I might have to talk to the Professors about it.


Draco Malfoy

just_harry @ 2003-06-10 06:10 pm UTC

What are you doing?

knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-19 03:32 pm UTC

What's that supposed to mean?!

- Ron, who is a good influence and not boring.

perfectprefect @ 2002-05-20 01:36 am UTC

You know what it means.


knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-20 01:51 am UTC

You are ANNOYED?! Stop picking on me, will you?!

Still a good influence,

theirishwonder @ 2002-05-19 09:39 pm UTC
Buck up, Harry!

You've survived classes so far, and I know it hasn't always be a breeze, but think of it this way - if Malfoy's nearby, at least that way he's an easy target! ;)

pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-21 02:03 pm UTC
Down with cruelty!!! Pass this on!!! ^_^

Hello!!! This is Lavender Brown, chairman of the LTF Love The Froggies! club ^_^ As we all know, Trevor has been murdered yesterday by Draco Malfoy who is a mean, horrible boy. Although Professor Trelawney did predict his death accurately, like she always does, it is still very sad :~c So I would like everyone to join in this campaign and pass on this banner to help stop cruelty to froggies! The crystal ball says today is a good day for a good deed! The good deed will bless you with good karma!! ^_~


colin__creevey @ 2002-05-22 08:40 pm UTC

HARRY! HI! Look! I've got one of these journals, too! Isn't that great?! Now I can contact you anytime I want! And we'll always be super close, because these journals are way cool. Don't you think so Harry? My mum says that it's ok for boys to keep journals... that all people do it! I think she's right! Journals are really cool! Especially if you've got one! Wow, Harry! You went flying and you didn't let me know! When are you going flying next? Do you think you'll be working on some secret new Quidditch moves?! Wow, I think that would be so cool! I'm so excited for the next game! Are you, Harry?? Cor, I know you've got to be!

Well, I've got to be off now! Nice talking to you Harry!!! :D