just_harry @ 2003-05-24 14:09:00

Mrs Malfoy, I don't know if you're reading this, but I hope you are. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for my journal account. It was really nice of you and everything runs alot faster now, so thank you.

I'm waiting around for Seamus because we're going to Hogsmeade today, but I haven't seen him yet.

I'm still trying to decide where Sirius and Remus and I should on holiday. Ron and I were thinking of maybe Italy. I've always really wanted to go to Figiliona, but maybe summer isn't the best time for it with the season over and all. Maybe we can go next Christmas. Evan says it's dumb to think that we'd be able to meet Maloney anyway, but it's a small town and he still has to get used to it, so I think the chances that we might run into him are really pretty good.

Ginny thinks I should ask if we could go to China, and she's right, it sounds great. She told me all about old wizard dynasties and apparently one of the monasteries in the south is really the oldest wizarding school in the world that's still running. She says that it's almost 3000 years old. I guess that would be kind of cool to see, but she also says that it's hidden pretty well, so I'm not sure if we could even find it. I don't know if I'd want to spend a holiday looking at old schools anyway, and I know there's alot more to do there, but China's so far away. Dean says that if China's too far away that Ireland is really nice. If it was next summer, it would be dead easy to pick, but I don't know if Sirius and Remus would let us stay in Argentina for the whole Cup.

But really I don't know if I want to go anywhere at all. I kind of think it will just be nice to just be at Dogear Wryde for the summer. I think it will be fun just to have friends visit and maybe instead of a big trip, we could just take alot of small trips around the country. But I don't know. I still have to think about it.

I think I hear Seamus, so I'm going.


potterstinks @ 2003-05-24 12:21 pm UTC

Oh, yes, there's plenty to do in China. You can go see an old school, which will be closed, and a very large wall.

just_harry @ 2003-05-25 09:55 am UTC

Yeah, I don't think I much want to go to China. Remus says that we can stay back if I want.

Your mum was asking you about where you wanted to go, though. Are you going somewhere on holiday?

potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 01:30 pm UTC

Of course we're going somewhere on holiday. I just don't happen to know where yet.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-24 02:00 pm UTC

What time will you be back??

just_harry @ 2003-05-25 09:57 am UTC

Want to practise today? I don't think Evan's ever going to call practise again.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 10:11 am UTC

What's with Evan lately? I'll meet you after I detangle Dean from all his art materials...

just_harry @ 2003-05-26 05:31 am UTC

Guess something else came up. It took me half an hour to clean out my email. Did you know all those comments got mailed to me?

We should practise tonight instead, if you're not busy.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-26 08:25 am UTC

Ha ha! Sure! If you're around tonight!

lupercus @ 2003-05-24 02:21 pm UTC

Can't bloody believe they traded Maloney. Next thing you know, McCormack will leave Portree and I will be forced to give up and start following Muggle football (don't even think about it, Dean).

Harry, I think I like your idea of small excursions here and there and the bulk of the holiday spent at home. I don't think you've travelled much with Sirius but he's bloody impossible on long journeys. If he can't Apparate or Floo there, he's bored five minutes in. I don't know how Buckbeak ever put up with him.

If you want, let's just stay at home this summer, and we'll take some little holidays here and there. The village where I was born, Ogdred-Upon-Weary, is not too far away and we can have a look round my old stomping grounds a bit, if you like. It's not terribly interesting, but I remember a few good shops here and there (including a brilliant Quidditch supplier and a books dealer called Scuffle & Dustcough). I believe my parents' cottage is still there as well, and as far as I know it's still mine... I should look into that, really. Remind me to send an owl.

There's also the tiniest wizarding village called Lying-In-The-Way, about a stone's throw from where your parents lived in Godric's Hollow. We could go there, if you like. Actually... you've never been to the Hollow, have you? If you ever would like to go, for any reason, just say so and we will take you. Though I'd understand if you wouldn't want to. I haven't been back in years, myself, and I don't think Sirius has either.

Incidentally, I wanted to talk to you about something later, if you've the time. Pop on by our rooms later - we'd love to see you.

just_harry @ 2003-05-25 10:00 am UTC

Did I leave my broom last night?

just_harry @ 2003-05-25 10:01 am UTC

Never mind. I'll just stop by and look myself, if that's okay.

lupercus @ 2003-05-25 02:36 pm UTC

Did you find it, love?

I expect a fashion show later, you know. And please, for all our sakes: don't let your godfather talk you into leather anything. I'd never live through it.

- Remus

lupercus @ 2003-05-25 02:39 pm UTC

Also, thanks for the chat, dear. I'm glad you're all right with the idea. If you want to come with us when we go, let me know - I'd love your input since, you know, this is going to affect all three of us!

- Remus

just_harry @ 2003-05-26 05:12 am UTC

Yeah, I found it. It was right by the door.

When are you going? Because I really want to go, too. Can I help pick?

lupercus @ 2003-05-26 01:18 pm UTC

I'm not sure when we're going. I need to discuss it a bit more with Sirius but I can't find him. You haven't seen him have you? I'm very nearly tempted to put a bell around his neck you know. The man gives new meaning to the word stealth.

You may certainly come with us, love! Of course!

hannahabbott @ 2003-05-24 07:08 pm UTC

Harry, I'm glad to hear you and Seamus are spending time together. :)


just_harry @ 2003-05-25 10:03 am UTC

Thanks, Hannah. That's a really good picture of you, you know.


hannahabbott @ 2003-05-25 02:00 pm UTC

Thanks! Su took it, she just developed them.

blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-24 07:52 pm UTC


You are quite welcome. I am glad that you are pleased with your faster service. I should be the one thanking you, though, as I appreciated your hospitality whilst I was staying at Dogear Wryde.

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

just_harry @ 2003-05-25 09:59 am UTC

Oh, it wasn't a problem at all. I'm sorry you didn't like the hamburgers more. I'm going to try to learn to cook something better in case you visit again. What do you like to eat?

blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-25 11:14 am UTC


It's perfectly all right about the hamburgers. I daresay that Echo enjoyed hers and I've taken to asking the house elves to prepare them for her every once in a great while.

It's very wonderful that you are learning how to cook different foods. I myself am having a grand time trying things out in the kitchens here at the Manor. Salmon and watercress sandwiches are two of my favourite dishes actually. One can prepare salmon in so many delicious ways!

Since we are both learning how to cook, would you like for me to come to Dogear Wryde sometime? Wouldn't it be lovely for us to attempt to prepare something together? I daresay Remus and Sirius would be amused at the very least. I imagine Draco would be interested to see his mother try her hand in the kitchen.

Do let me know what you think about this.

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

lupercus @ 2003-05-25 02:24 pm UTC


You are welcome at any time. And please ignore the growling mongrel I call a husband. He'd be happy to see you as well - you do know that Sirius is an incredible chef, and I'm certain he'd love to give you and Harry some lessons in the culinary arts should you come for a visit. Ask him to show you his rack of lamb, and ignore the inevitable leer that follows. The lamb is delicious.

- Remus

blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-26 07:14 am UTC


Thank you very much for your hospitality.

Sirius is quite the chef, isn't he? I daresay he nearly had a fit one particular evening when he discovered Dacey teaching me how to roast a duck in his precious pristine oven.

I do believe I have become blind to his leers.


just_harry @ 2003-05-26 05:28 am UTC

I've never had salmon before. I'm not really sure I'm much of a fish person, but I'd like to try some sometime. You should definitely come over this summer and you can show me how you make it. Does Draco like salmon too?

blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-26 07:11 am UTC


I am quite sure that you would like it. I would be delighted to come to Dogear Wryde over holidays if you all would have me. Dacey shall accompany me and she can instruct us on the preparations. Draco has a very similiar palate to that of his mother so, yes, he does have a taste for salmon. I am unsure of as to which particular way he fancies it prepared but I do recall that he seemed to quite like the maple and caperberry glaze.

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

potterstinks @ 2003-05-26 03:39 pm UTC

Mother, I haven't ever had caperberries. You're thinking of Father.

blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-26 05:34 pm UTC


I could have sworn you fancied that glaze but it is very possible that it was your father and not you who prefered them. You did like the salmon with some sort of little berry or such. Or were those pinenuts?


potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 12:20 am UTC

On the other hand, rather than go on holiday you could simply sit around and spend the summer ignoring every comment you receive. It would save you from having to change your pace at all.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 04:03 am UTC

Harry's at Hogsmeade! Do you not read the entry?! He's out shopping of clothes with Complementary colours (are those directly opposite one other in the colour spectrum or wheel. That's why hunter green trousers look great with a burgundy jumper. Blue is opposite of orange so gold, rust, and brown compliment shades of blue.), I reckon. Or maybe Analogous (Colours, which are next to each other on the color wheel, go well together, such as blue trousers, a blue-green shirt and a green jacket.) colours??

pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-25 07:23 am UTC



knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 07:25 am UTC

Oh enough already! I've left them outside your door!!

potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 01:36 pm UTC

Complementary though they may be, mixing green and red is ill-advised and very rarely works out.

Were you planning to invest in blue trousers, a blue-green shirt and a green jacket? What a horrid overabundance of cool colours. Who even wears jackets? Next thing you'll be saying they ought to have shoulder pads.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 01:52 pm UTC

Uh, but red and green are Christmas colours and they look pretty alright to me.. You think blue and green are cool? I guess they are okay, I quite like blue, I think. I'm not sure why they talked about jackets though, what are shoulder pads?

potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 01:57 pm UTC

Pink and white are Valentine's day colours, so if you were looking for a holiday theme, Weasley, perhaps you could wear those, too. Red and green look atrocious, and lord knows what they'd look like if not for the fact that they're Christmas colours. The fact of the matter is that anyone wearing red and green outside of the Christmas realm looks like an idiot. Why not just wear fairy lights and fake snow in your hair?

Cool as in temperature. Blue and green are cool colours. Red and orange are warm colours. Naturally I assumed you'd know this, seeing as you are so very interested in colour wheels. I do not use the word 'cool' as a compliment as I do not speak in monosyllables.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 02:11 pm UTC

Oh, haha, I knew that! Yeah, cool and warm colours. Fascinating, really! Pink and white are kind of girly, though. Red and green are fine! Well, without the fairy lights and fake snow in the hair, who the sod does that?!

See?? Complimentary colours!

potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 02:14 pm UTC

There are no words.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 02:15 pm UTC

You know I'm right!!

potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 02:16 pm UTC


knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 02:18 pm UTC


potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 02:19 pm UTC


knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 02:22 pm UTC


potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 02:25 pm UTC

First of all, what, exactly, are you trying to say with 'complimentary'? That warm clothing sits around and tells you how good you look? NO. Complementary means two things that work and complement each other; ie, they work off of each other and each makes the other look better. Secondly, WARM CLOTHES ARE NOT WARM COLOURS. Be gone or I shall have little choice but to tear out my hair strand by strand.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 02:29 pm UTC

Oh you KNOW what I meant! I mean COMPLEMENTARY!! You're just trying to be difficult, aren't you! It's quite silly to lose hair over warm clothes, you know.

potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 02:31 pm UTC

You are offending all that is good and right. I think I'm going to be ill.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 02:32 pm UTC

Oh it's just clothes! Honestly! Did Harry show you what he bought??

potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 02:34 pm UTC

Just clothes? Where is Finnigan?

Potter didn't actually buy new clothes, did he?

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 02:38 pm UTC

He did! I'm sure he'll show you later... Not sure where Seamus is, what are you looking for him for??

potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 02:40 pm UTC

Morons. Everyone is a moron.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 02:41 pm UTC

Yeah I always say that but nobody listens to Ron!

seamus_f @ 2003-05-25 02:41 pm UTC

He did indeed. A wee bit of progress was made. Colours other than burgundy, gray, green or black were introduced and accepted. Purple was forbidden. Trouser lengths appropriate. Shirts actually fit body beneath them. Will post later, currently am trying to spend time with boyfriend now that he is actually alone . . .

potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 02:44 pm UTC

But why?

seamus_f @ 2003-05-25 02:46 pm UTC

Why what?

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 02:44 pm UTC

Dean's here! He's looking for some art program on The Internet...

seamus_f @ 2003-05-25 02:50 pm UTC

Christ Jesus, Ron, I know that, and I am trying to get him out of the damn room so I can spend some quality time with my boyfriend rather than acting as a referee for you two idiots. Honestly, I don't know how Harry does it.

potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 02:52 pm UTC

I wasn't looking for a referee. I was merely looking for someone else to try to talk some sense into Weasley, as I feel a vein in my forehead is about to burst.

seamus_f @ 2003-05-25 02:55 pm UTC

See, you're going about it the wrong way. The trick is to never want to "talk some sense into Weasley" because if you've reached that point things are too far gone already. Redirection often works, though.

potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 02:59 pm UTC

Fair enough. Regardless, if Weasley borrows another fashion magazine from Brown I may heave.

seamus_f @ 2003-05-25 03:03 pm UTC

I agree, on many levels. Dean is very theoretical in his explanations; unfortunately Ron lacks the ability to apply the theories appropriately.

I am leaving and I am taking my man with me, bodily if need be. Try to play nicely with Ron; he means well.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 02:53 pm UTC

Who are you refereeing for?! Nobody's fighting!

seamus_f @ 2003-05-25 02:57 pm UTC

Perhaps not yet, but it is so easy to irritate Her Majesty over there, you know.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 02:59 pm UTC

Ha ha! But that's still not my fault he gets cranky so easily!

seamus_f @ 2003-05-25 03:06 pm UTC

No, it isn't.

Okay, Dean and I are going elsewhere now. We are going to be snogging. I suggest you stay here and play nicely with Malfoy until Harry gets back. Okay?

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 03:08 pm UTC

Hey! Where are you going??

deanthomas @ 2003-05-25 03:48 pm UTC

It's ok, Ron! Shay was just kidding about the snogging. You wanted me to explain saturation and contrast to you, right? I found this great book...

seamus_f @ 2003-05-25 03:55 pm UTC

Dean, if you don't come with me RIGHT NOW I will run amok! Colour can wait! My libido cannot!

I'll make it worth your while. I'll do the thing . . .

deanthomas @ 2003-05-25 03:56 pm UTC

um...but ron....

seamus_f @ 2003-05-25 03:59 pm UTC

Come on, baby. You've been with Ron all weekend and I haven't seen you at all!

I'll do the thing twice, and I'll let you do that other thing. You know you want to.

deanthomas @ 2003-05-25 04:03 pm UTC

but...but I...but I told...


you're very convincing, you know...

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 03:55 pm UTC

Wicked! I'll see you in the common room yeah?

deanthomas @ 2003-05-25 03:57 pm UTC

um...but Seamus....

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 04:05 pm UTC


deanthomas @ 2003-05-25 04:10 pm UTC

er...sorry...um....I've leave the book on your bed, ok..?

Shay, stop pushing...

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 04:16 pm UTC

Uh, okay..

seamus_f @ 2003-05-25 04:09 pm UTC

Ron, you've had Dean all to yourself all weekend. I am asking for two, maybe three hours. After that we can share him. Okay? I think that I'm being very fair here.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 04:19 pm UTC



perfectprefect @ 2003-05-25 03:51 pm UTC

If you find my brother's very existence so offensive, I would suggest you refrain from participating in conversation with him about topics that he does not understand. He has clearly tried to absorb some knowledge, which I feel is a sign of improvement.

Percy Weasley

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 04:05 pm UTC

Hullo Perce! Did you get my owls??


seamus_f @ 2003-05-25 02:44 pm UTC

Ron, what the bloody hell is THIS? With all the time you've been spending with DEAN lately one would think you'd pick up on the way this works. Honestly.

Stop provoking Malfoy. It just makes him sputter and the keyboards get all wet.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 02:46 pm UTC

Complementary colours!! What do you think it is?? Dean pointed them out in Lavender's magazines! I'm not provoking Malfoy, Merlin knows what he's sputtering about!

wehaveseven @ 2003-05-25 11:01 pm UTC


just_harry @ 2003-05-25 09:41 am UTC

Sorry! I went to bed right after I got back from talking to Remus and Sirius.

potterstinks @ 2003-05-25 02:26 pm UTC

I am going to feed Weasley his socks one by one until he pops like a fat sausage.


knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-25 02:31 pm UTC

What did I DO NOW??!

just_harry @ 2003-05-26 05:56 am UTC

You know, he won't just sit there and eat them. I think you'll have to come up with a better plan.

potterstinks @ 2003-05-26 06:03 am UTC

I am quite patient.
