just_harry @ 2003-06-09 01:25:00 |
Sirius is the best cook ever. He made me pizza last night and it wasn't like any pizza I've had before ever. He said he learned to make it like that when he was travelling, and he said that next time he was making it Chicago style, if I thought this was good.
I think we woke Remus up, even though he said he was awake already. We didn't get back until about 2 in the morning yesterday and I know we weren't as quiet as we should have been when we came in. He had a few slices with us and then he told us to go to bed and that he would clean up since we were leaving pretty early this morning for Figiliona.
I thought I would get lots of revision done this weekend but in the end I didn't get any done at all. I was kind of hoping for a quiet weekend, but Saturday morning it turned out that we were having guests. It got pretty crowded pretty quick, so as soon as people started showing up, Sirius and I decided we'd just take the bike and go. It would have been better if Remus could have come too, but he stayed with Seamus and Mrs Malfoy instead.
We rode around for a few hours and I told him about how Uncle Vernon and Aunt Marge took Dudley to EuroDisney last summer, and Dudley said that it was brilliant. I always kind of wanted to see what he was talking about because he made it sound like it had to be cool. Sirius knew where there was a portkey there that was only a couple of hours away and we had enough fuel so we decided to go right then. We even got to take his bike through the portkey with us so we could ride around when we got there.
EuroDisney was awful, though. There was almost no one there and we wandered around for about an hour or so. We stopped at a concession and got popcorn and I have never had popcorn that was that disgusting in my whole life. It was way too sweet and soggy and it was absolutely gross. We had a few bites and decided that we'd had enough, so we left.
We rode around for a while and we thought about going to Italy, but by then it was getting pretty late so we stopped for dinner and then headed back for the portkey so we could go home and then go to Italy on Sunday instead.
We were supposed to try to find Maloney today but we didn't even really get started. We looked in this amazing Quidditch supply store in the centre of Figiliona, and we almost didn't come back out again. I haven't seen any place like it ever before. I finally got my own set of Quidditch balls and Sirius and I found hoops, too. They had all sorts but we found one set that we figured we could get back to Dogear Wryde with us and set up. They had people you could hire to set them up for you, but we looked at the instructions and it doesn't look hard at all. We figured that we could probably do it ourselves, no problem. I bet Remus is going to think it's really cool, too, but Sirius and I thought maybe we should stop by this candy store in Geneva for chocolates for Remus, just in case. We're going to put them up maybe next Sunday. I thought of just the place in the garden where they should go.
We got back late tonight too, and I asked Sirius if he would write me out of my first couple of classes tomorrow, but he figured I should probably go anyway. He says he'll cook me breakfast in the morning before we go back, and that's almost worth it.
turpinol @ 2003-06-09 01:17 am UTC |
Surely we are beyond these formalities by now, Harry. Or should I call you "Har"?
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-06-09 01:19 am UTC |
You can, but it's the most awful nickname ever and I probably won't answer.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-06-09 01:25 am UTC |
Can I call you Niprut? Or do you think Ernie will be onto us?
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-06-09 10:55 am UTC |
You and Sirius make me sound like a whinging housefrau who can be bribed with chocolates. The first part of that sentence is completely untrue.
I'll be interested to see you and Sirius put up a backyard Quidditch set. Should I sell tickets? Perhaps have a Medi-Wizard on hand, just in case?
And just what bit of the garden are we discussing, here?
just_harry @ 2003-06-09 12:35 pm UTC |
Well, away from the trees. I was thinking more over where the rosebushes are, but not the really big roses? The tiny yellowy ones, by where those flowers on the ground are with the long purple petals. There's lots of grass there and no trees in the way. Or maybe out back closer to the forest? I have a couple of ideas, really.
I hope you don't mind that I took some of your chocolate. I figured you wouldn't since you were already convinced about the garden and all.
lupercus @ 2003-06-10 10:58 am UTC |
I think closer to the forest would be best, because for one thing the trees will keep the Snitch from leaving the grounds and fluttering off into the neighbouring village and frightening the pensioners. What about the meadow out there? That would be perfect I think, it's not regulation size but this isn't exactly the Quembley Quidditch atadium is it?
And you're just lucky the full moon is on Saturday and I'm off chocolate for a bit, boy. Hmph!
By the way, Harry - you looked a little off during the lesson today. Are you feeling all right?
Is it what I think it is?
- Remus
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-09 11:32 am UTC It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
just_harry @ 2003-06-09 12:38 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
It'll be great for this summer. I can't wait! How long do you think your parents will let you stay?
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-09 01:11 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
As long as I want to! You have to come to the Burrow too! And bring whatshername? Lavender keeps calling it Sootie, now I can't remember her real name.. But yeah! Charlie keeps asking about her!
(parent) wehaveseven @ 2003-06-09 01:19 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
(parent) wehaveseven @ 2003-06-09 01:20 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
Still Mum.
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-09 01:22 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
(parent) percyneedsalife @ 2003-06-09 08:18 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
Come on, Ron, sit down, stay a while. You know you want to.
PS Mum is driving us insane and Dad keeps bringing home strange things. We're beginning to fear for our lives.
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-09 08:20 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
Did they really buy a whatcam???
(parent)wehaveseven @ 2003-06-11 09:08 am UTC |
(parent) just_harry @ 2003-06-09 04:37 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
I can bring Rosie, I bet. She's half wolf, did you know? Maybe we can split the whole summer half and half, at your place and my place. It'd be fantastic. I'll ask Sirius and Remus.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-09 04:39 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
Yup I know she's half wolf, it's brillant! Half and half sounds great! I'll owl mum to ask her in a bit!
(parent) just_harry @ 2003-06-09 10:53 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
I asked her already but she hasn't answered me yet. Has she said anything to you? And I'm not going to go visit, I don't think. It's late.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-09 10:55 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
Nope, nothing yet but I reckon she'd say yes anyway.. Visit what?? You're not coming to the Burrow???
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-09 10:56 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
The Burrow doesn't really have opening times you know?
(parent) just_harry @ 2003-06-09 10:57 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
Of course I'm still coming to the Burrow! I'm not visiting the hospital wing. It's late.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-09 10:59 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
Oh good! Why not? It's still open, isn't it? I'll wait for you, I've to set a trap so Colin can't sneak back into the room tonight anyway.. I whacked him with a pillow last night when he tried that, you'd think he'd have gotten a bloody clue and left!!!
(parent) just_harry @ 2003-06-09 11:04 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
I'm just going to go back to the tower and sleep, I think. Are you going to hit me with a pillow or should I knock first?
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-09 11:06 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
Oh well I'm sure he's fine anyway, you know how he is with pretending to die from papercuts
Ha ha! Knock first! I'm whacking anyone who comes in without knocking!!!
just_harry @ 2003-06-09 11:16 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
Yeah, he probably is. I'll be up soon, okay?
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-09 11:20 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
(parent) just_harry @ 2003-06-09 11:49 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
Sorry. I'm going to be late, okay?
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-09 11:50 pm UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
R. W.
lupercus @ 2003-06-10 10:59 am UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
Her name is Rosie, much to Lavender's chagrin. Is there no Silencing Charm for that girl?
Charlie's asking about her?
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-10 11:15 am UTC Re: It won't bloody let me use my Cannons picture!! |
Lavender's gone mad but everyone knew that! And yeah! Owl him a picture or something to shut him up, will you??
(parent) petitemillicent @ 2003-06-09 01:12 pm UTC Re: |
Draco says Hello.
Actually he does not.
But I am out of things to say to you.
M. B.
petitemillicent @ 2003-06-09 04:50 pm UTC Re: |
Potter, I can feel you moping all the way across the school.
Conbined with The Angst up in the hospital wing, I am starting to develop an ulcer.
Surely you are too much of a Gryffindor to sabotage my health before our match.
M. B.
petitemillicent @ 2003-06-09 11:12 pm UTC |
All the better to hear you with, Potter.
At least you are not speaking in third person.
When is your next Quidditch practice.
M. B.
just_harry @ 2003-06-09 11:13 pm UTC |
I don't think I was talking in any person, actually. We have practise tomorrow after dinner. We booked the field. Why?
petitemillicent @ 2003-06-09 11:19 pm UTC Re: |
You will meet me right after dinner.
Exact location has been emailed to you.
I suggest you show up alone.
Although it would be very funny if you brought a friend, so feel free to do so.
M. B.
petitemillicent @ 2003-06-09 11:31 pm UTC Re: |
Which part of the "eating very fast" concept do you not comprehend.
I would dye my hair blonde if that helps but it would require too much effort.
M. B.
just_harry @ 2003-06-09 11:33 pm UTC |
I have practise! I can't meet you! I'm sorry! Some other time, okay?
(parent) petitemillicent @ 2003-06-09 11:35 pm UTC Re: |
Apology not accepted.
Kindly put yourself out of my misery and state your current location.
M. B.
just_harry @ 2003-06-09 04:43 pm UTC |
You really don't want to go, Hannah. It's this theme park, is what they call it, with rides and things, kind of like Wyrd and Wacky Water Park. Only it's expensive and it's not fun and the food is bad. It's in France.
(parent)wehaveseven @ 2003-06-09 01:25 pm UTC |
While I'm here Harry dear you know you, really shouldn't be staying up too late in weekends because woe betide you if it catches up with you come Monday! Learnt that lesson the hard way, I did, and I don't want to see any bags under those eyes!
Mrs Weasley
just_harry @ 2003-06-09 04:45 pm UTC |
Hi, Mrs Weasley. It's okay, I was only a little tired. Is it okay if Ron comes to visit me this summer? You guys have had me over so often and I thought it would be nice to have Ron over for a bit. Is it okay?
(parent) petitemillicent @ 2003-06-12 06:04 pm UTC Re: |
Oh you are no fun.
It is not like I have been waiting forever for you to say the infamous four words.
M. B.
petitemillicent @ 2003-06-12 06:21 pm UTC Re: |
You know it is the funniest thing since Creevey serenaded you.
M. B.
potterstinks @ 2003-06-12 07:07 pm UTC |
Oh, I see. I'm only of use to you if I'm telling jokes.
(parent) petitemillicent @ 2003-06-12 07:09 pm UTC Re: |
And the hot sex.
But we promised to keep that secret.
M. B.
petitemillicent @ 2003-06-12 07:16 pm UTC Re: |
Did you pawn your crutches for more drama?
M. B.
potterstinks @ 2003-06-12 07:17 pm UTC |
There are stairs. If I do it myself it will take me forty-five minutes to get there.