just_harry @ 2003-12-27 00:18:00 |
Merry Christmas, late, anyway. Happy Boxing Day. Thanks for all the cards. I'm sorry I forgot some people and my cards were really dumb. I didn't have time to look for good ones so I just got the first ones I found.
Remus is getting better but he's still in bed. I can't tell if he likes the socks I got him or if he's just pretending because he reacts the same way when people give him fruit cakes. Hermione and Ginny came to St Mungo's today, which was really nice even though Hermione looks beat because someone gave her a load of work for the hols. We went to Diagon Alley because I've only really been to St Mungo's and Dogear Wryde lately and Ginny wanted to see something anyway. We went and saw Fred and George, too, and I think they got a lot of business for Christmas because they had stuff all organised, which was weird.
And we saw Percy, too. He was busy though.
Anyway, we went to Fortescue's and the ice cream was still just as good even though it was cold out.
New Years is coming up and I don't know what I'll do for that. It would be nice if Remus got out of hospital by then. But I reckon it's pretty hard to get out of hospital when someone poisons your drinks with silver. Yeah. I'm at Dogear Wryde now so I'll probably just have dinner and go to sleep and then go to St Mungo's tomorrow. I still have to send Hedwig out with some more stuff for Christmas. I'm really sorry about it being late.
perfectprefect @ 2003-12-27 12:14 am UTC |
Ah. Hello, Harry. How are you?
I am pleased to hear of Professor Lupin's steady recovery. It would be positively dreadful if anything happened to such a clever professor. I quite enjoyed his lessons in my seventh year.
I hope that your holidays are going well, incidents aside. Do you intend upon staying at Dogear Wryde for the majority, or shall you be visiting the Burrow?
just_harry @ 2003-12-27 12:30 am UTC |
Hi, Percy. I'm fine. I don't know where I'm staying. Did you have a good Christmas?
Harry Potter
perfectprefect @ 2003-12-27 12:37 am UTC |
Indeed I did! Did you know that there is a small group of wizards in Regina who consider you to be a Christmas icon? It is most interesting, given that it seems to put you on a pedestal with notable religious figures normally associated with Christmas. I have discovered a book on the matter if you would be interested.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-12-27 12:51 am UTC |
No, I didn't know that. I don't think I want to read about it, though. I think I'm going to go to bed, actually. Night, Percy.
(parent)perfectprefect @ 2003-12-27 01:03 am UTC |
It is a fascinating read, nonetheless. Ah, well. Goodnight then, Harry!
(parent)perfectprefect @ 2003-12-27 01:07 am UTC |
Are you also interested in rare Christmas traditions? Those held by wizarding communities in Zimbabwe are especially interesting.
(parent)turpinol @ 2003-12-27 01:10 am UTC |
I went through a phase when I was about fourteen where I read a tonne of books about other religions. I found that book in Hay-on-Wye, actually, but that was when I was about twelve. I just thought it was strange.
(parent)perfectprefect @ 2003-12-27 01:15 am UTC |
I confess myself envious! I have always wanted to visit Hay-on-Wye but have not yet had the pleasure. I have heard that their wizarding bookshops are almost equal to their Muggle bookshops. Did you find it to be suitably lively?
(parent)turpinol @ 2003-12-27 01:18 am UTC |
My family lived in Hereford when I was smaller, so we went to Hay-on-Wye all the time. It's nice. My dad knows where all the great wizarding bookshops are there, but my mum is a Muggle and couldn't get to them, so we spent more time in the Muggle bookshops.
(parent)perfectprefect @ 2003-12-27 01:31 am UTC |
Splendid! I acquired a map which pinpointed each of the wizarding shops, but alas, it was severely out of date. Perhaps I could write to your father for information!
(parent)missgranger @ 2003-12-27 01:54 am UTC |
I do sympathise! Both my parents are Muggles and it is awfully strange to have to leave them behind at times.
(parent)turpinol @ 2003-12-27 01:57 am UTC |
My sister is also a Muggle, so rather than having one child feel left out we usually opted to go to Muggle things rather than magical. I'm not sure how I would have managed preparing for Hogwarts with both parents as Muggles, though. For instance, how did you find Diagon Alley? Books, of course, but did you just leave your parents on the streets of London?
(parent)missgranger @ 2003-12-27 02:08 am UTC |
Oh, no, I'd have had quite a time tackling Diagon Alley on my own as a first year - I'd have bought everything in sight! - so my parents simply came through the Leaky Cauldron with me. I had to find it, you know, but instructions were included with my Hogwarts letter, so it wasn't difficult at all. The man who manages the pub allowed us through, thankfully! How lucky your father is a wizard! My parents are still confused at changing over money and the like. And I'm having to keep my dad from tasting the potion I'm working on! I would so like to have another witch or wizard in the family.
(parent)turpinol @ 2003-12-27 02:13 am UTC |
I suppose it must be a relief in that when things like the attack last year happen your parents are entirely unaware of it, but then again, I don't suppose that's very good for them.
(parent)missgranger @ 2003-12-27 02:20 am UTC |
I'm very relieved I'm still being allowed to come to Hogwarts, but of course there's no place better, and really I must get proper training. If you don't mind my asking, do your mother and sister know about You-Know-Who - I mean, does that carry any weight with them at all as it may with your father?
(parent)turpinol @ 2003-12-27 02:36 am UTC |
My mum does; she's quite frightened of him. My sister doesn't understand what, exactly, he can do, because as far as she knows he's just a wizard with a wand, the same as my dad. It definitely carries more weight with my mum, though. Maybe more so than with my dad, because my mum doesn't really know what it is that she's afraid of, precisely, and I think fear of the unknown is even greater than fear of something you know about.
(parent)missgranger @ 2003-12-27 02:44 am UTC |
That's quite true. Does your father do magic around the house? I'm terribly sorry I'm being so nosey - it's just interesting to compare and contrast.
(parent)turpinol @ 2003-12-27 02:45 am UTC |
My dad does, but I don't really. I mean, obviously I couldn't, but even after I turned seventeen I didn't do much. My mum doesn't mind a bit.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-12-27 02:27 pm UTC |
It wasn't a popular book or anything like that, was it?
(parent)turpinol @ 2003-12-27 01:12 am UTC |
For New Year's Eve, I suggest you cut a rug. I mean that literally, actually. You can make a lot of neat things from them.
just_harry @ 2003-12-27 02:25 pm UTC |
I think I'd look kind of weird carrying a rucksack like yours. No offence or anything. It just has flowers on it.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-12-27 01:34 am UTC |
There's no acceptable excuse for tardiness, Potter. How sloppy.
just_harry @ 2003-12-27 02:25 pm UTC |
Yeah, I can see how staying at hospital bedside is a small thing in comparison to sending out post. You're tardy too, you know.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-12-27 04:01 pm UTC |
My tardiness is vengeance tardiness. Don't be stupid.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-12-27 04:06 pm UTC |
But I thought you said there was no acceptable excuse for tardiness.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-12-28 10:27 am UTC |
Yes, I've to prepare for my birthday and ponder what I shall do with the Christmas gift My Mother gave me.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-12-28 12:42 pm UTC |
Okay. I got your owl. He tried to button my collar, I thought he was trying to peck my throat.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-12-28 12:48 pm UTC |
Well, if you looked sloppy, of course he did. I only get the very best owls.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-12-28 12:51 pm UTC |
You know that's weird, right? I mean, does he button your buttons, too?
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-12-28 12:53 pm UTC |
He hasn't the need to, as I, unlike you, am able to attend to my own clothing.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-12-28 01:06 pm UTC |
It was only one button. I don't wear my collars buttoned to my throat. I think breathing is a good thing to do, you know? What else does he do?
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-12-28 01:10 pm UTC |
Wouldn't you like to know? I'm not going to reveal all the secrets of my owl here for all to see. I wouldn't want them to get jealous. You know how it is.
I'm to take tea with My Mother soon, so I shall now go and dress like a proper person.
just_harry @ 2003-12-28 01:16 pm UTC |
Okay. You can tell me later.
Tell your mum I said thanks for the Christmas presents.
just_harry @ 2003-12-27 02:26 pm UTC |
I didn't really realise how much I was staying in. I hope you and Ginny are having fun, if you stopped working on the potion at all yet.