knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-06 17:19:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | GO RAVENCLAW! |
I've got HARRY POTTER socks!
That Colin moron dumped a whole bunch of HARRY POTTER merchandise on Harry's bed yesterday so we spent a long time going through them. Did you know there are HARRY POTTER mirrors?! They talk, too! In Harry's voice! It's rather creepy really, we burnt most of them while we had a long chat about things and nearly caused a fire in the room, ha! And there are HARRY POTTER storybooks! With rather strange storylines, one of them had Harry as a Muggle pirate (I think they're blind in one eye and lives in the sea or something, Hermione told me to look it up in a book but I don't bloody think so!!)...these people have too much sodding time on their hands if you ask me!!!
Harry let me keep some of the stuff, like the socks and the action figures- those are wicked! One of them starts flying if you say "Catch the Snitch, Harry Potter!" and it flew and hit Harry on the head which was brililant! Though he didn't think so, ha ha! But the action figures are way too tall, I mean, they are taller than my CANNONS action figures and Harry's sort of gnomish (no offence, mate!), they don't really know Harry well, do they?! Still, it must be cool to have your own action figures and I can give them to relatives as Christmas presents this year!! I kept some of the books as well, besides two of them's got my name in it as Harry's best friend, kind of strange seeing my name in books but pretty darn cool!
Bloody hell is Dean STILL going on about Seamus?! He's been running around like a madman trying to apologise to Seamus and he hasn't showered in sodding DAYS! You'd think he'd try and wash out all that drawings all over him by that weird Boot person but no no, he keeps trying to hide them but Dean, there's a bloody HORSE on your FACE, mate! Go shower, already!! I don't see why he's apologising for anyway, Seamus's CLEARLY got his own friend to play with, what's the big problem here?! I mean, honestly! Well I'm not going to say anything in case people start asking me to delete my comments again and nobody ever listens to Ron anyway, but really, everyone's gone bloody mental! MAD, I'm telling you!! Like CHO for one! What's she thinking trying to give up Quidditch?? It's QUIDDITCH!! You can't just give up on QUIDDITCH!! If she loses the match against SLYTHERINS tomorrow, I'll chop off her feet and replace her eyes with them, I'm not sodding kidding!!!
![]() seamus_f @ 2003-06-06 01:08 pm UTC |
Seamus's CLEARLY got his own friend to play with
Nice to know how where your loyalties lie, mate. Way to kick a pal when he's down.
And if you answer this in all caps, I will never talk to you again, and I'm serious.
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-06 01:10 pm UTC Re: |
Who the BLOODY HELL are YOU to talk about LOYALTIES, SEAMUS?!
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-06 01:14 pm UTC Re: |
It wasn't in ALL caps, what's your bloody problem now?!
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-06-06 05:51 pm UTC |
You know, darlig, it is quite unfortunate that they do not make action figures of you as well! Although I fear if they did I would be quite compelled to purchase one and keep it beside my pillow.
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-06-06 05:57 pm UTC |
Why, nothing at all, darling! I am baking some cookies to send to your father. Do you think you would enjoy some?
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-06-06 06:00 pm UTC |
Oh, darling, don't be silly. Why on earth would I do that? No, I simply wanted to thank your father for answering some questions I had about the ministry.
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-06-06 06:03 pm UTC |
Well, it was quite a while ago, but better to have a belated thank you than none at all, dearest.
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-06-06 06:19 pm UTC |
If that is the case, I would hate these to go to waste. Would you care for them instead?
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-06-06 06:30 pm UTC |
Why chocolate chip cookies, of course! They are fresh baked and still warm. I could put on a cup of tea, darling.
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-06-06 06:48 pm UTC |
Well, darling, I'm afraid I already had one of the house elves bring them up! If you're not interested, perhaps you could be a dear and see if Harry would like one.
la_pensee @ 2003-06-06 06:52 pm UTC |
Now, Ron, darling, don't be silly! Who doesn't enjoy chocolate chip cookies?
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-06-06 06:59 pm UTC |
Oh, Ron, I always did love your sense of humour. But I must be off!
(parent)![]() wehaveseven @ 2003-06-08 11:01 am UTC |
What a cute kittie! Look, it has flames coming out of it for 'hot'!
wehaveseven @ 2003-06-08 11:05 am UTC |
Well your father's gone out to pick up a few things so I thought I'd have a look at the computer a bit more, you know it's your father's thing more than mine, I've just downloaded Y!M! Now we can talk all the time! !
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-08 11:07 am UTC Re: |
You downloaded WHAT?!
Oh no, what is your ID there??
wehaveseven @ 2003-06-08 11:13 am UTC |
Uh... mynameismollydamnyou
wehaveseven @ 2003-06-08 11:22 am UTC |
Why haven't you added me back??? After fourteen hours in labour you can't talk to your mother on the information super highway?!
(parent)wehaveseven @ 2003-06-08 11:22 am UTC |
Also I don't quite see why they call it a highway, what's a highway?!
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-08 11:27 am UTC Re: |
I can't remember really...
Isn't it time to cook lunch???
![]() wehaveseven @ 2003-06-08 11:03 am UTC |
You're not chopping off anyone's feet, you haven't an axe! >:O
wehaveseven @ 2003-06-08 11:27 am UTC |
What's this "build your own webpage"????