knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-28 07:31:00

Current mood:GO, CANNONS!
Current music:GO, CANNONS!

They won! THEY WON! The Cannons did! THE CANNONS WON! They bloody won!

Mind you, I'm not the least surprised or anything but bloody hell! You've got to see that move by Maloney to believe it! It was brilliant beyond brilliance! Not that I saw it with my own eyes, of course, I read all about it in the Daily Prophet. 240 - 120 for Chudley Cannons! 12 goals by Appleby and 9 goals by Cannons and Maloney swoops in with his famous Plumpton Pass and caught the Snitch! All in 53 minutes!!! Wicked stuff! Even the Appleby's arch rivals, Wimbourne Wasps, were there cheering the Cannons on! I have to say, the 5th goal by the Canons was the best play ever done by the Cannons! Knode threw the Quaffle over to Claiborne with the Reverse Pass, who then used the Porskoff Ploy to distract the Appleby chasers and passing the Quaffle to Nieves and he SCORES, while O'Neill and Phoenix sent Molko (who was doing a really stupid Sloth Grip Roll) falling to the ground with a Dopplebeater Defence! Hah! Brilliant, brilliant match, I'm telling you!

They had new memorabilia and everything, including fake Maloney ears and huge Maloney sleeves with a Snitch that flies in and out of it! But of course I didn't managed to get anything since I couldn't go to the match.

Uh, yeah, so anyway, it was the Hogsmeade weekend today which was fun as usual, although I'd almost overslept, not sure why I was so tired last night really, since I didn't go for the match. But it was great visiting Fred and George at their shop, we had a long discussion about why we think Percy must be adopted and I had free supply of Pepper Imps, Canary Creams and fake cauldrons that spits out anything you put in them (perfect present for a certain Professor, you reckon, George?).

We went to the Three Broomsticks and met up with Seamus and Dean where we discussed the match results over warm Butter Beers. Told them all about the different strategies that the Cannons used, wonder why they didn't read it in the Daily Prophet. After that, I went to Honeydukes with Harry to stock up on Sugar Quills (hey we need something to do in Divination other than predict our 45 million ways of death, don't we?) and Hermione went to the bookshop to buy -surprise surprise- MORE books! She won't stop until she has more books than the library, I swear.

We bumped into Neville and Lavender at the pet shop, too. They were picking out new toads and Lavender was doing the girl thing, you know, squealing over anything that has fur. Hermione was acting all girly as well, kept glaring at me and saying weird things about Neville and Lavender doing cute stuffs. How is choosing a toad "cute"? Crazy girls. Harry and I bought some snakes and we talked to them. Well, Harry did. It must be nice to be able to talk to snakes. He has been rather strange since last night, not sure why, probably stressed about the exams with Hermione nagging us 34 hours a day about it even though it is a century away, honestly.

Oh well. I'm off to practice some dart throwing. Ha ha ha.


theirishwonder @ 2002-05-26 09:38 pm UTC

I prefer to hear it from you, Ron boy, cause you make it seem more real than even the Daily Prophet. Quidditch comes alive in the telling, y'know?

knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-27 01:07 am UTC

Of course, Seamus, nothing beats being right there at the match though. Wicked, wicked stuff, mate!
