knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-14 16:56:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Guess who is sitting next to us in the computer lab right now? He who got poo (Harry said that icon really looks like a clabbert) all over himself! Draco Malfoy, that's who! Professor Lupin said the smell won't be coming off him in a long, long, long time (not that anyone would bloody notice the difference from his usual stinky self anyway) so serves him right!
There are a lot of other seats in the room actually... I reckon all the degnoming this afternoon made Harry a tad wonky, but it was nice hanging out with Hagrid and Harry. One of them took a liking to Harry and refused to let go of his hand and was cooing at him in Gnomish, haha! Hagrid was laughing his head off but Harry didn't think it was very funny... Well, it was the BEST detention ever, though I didn't actually do anything wrong. That git (who is now trying to hide his screen of porn from us) started it first! First he refuses to return Ginny's mooncake note and THEN he threw a totally ridiculous insult at me and so I threw the only thing I had in my hands at him. It's not MY bloody fault that the just HAPPENED to have digested its lunch at that very moment. Hah! Ha ha hah!
Why are the sodding Slytherins taking all our mooncakes anyway?! Just because they don't have any friends doesn't mean they have to take OURS! Mine was for Hermione, dammit! But nooooo, Bulstrode had to go and gulp it down like a hungry hippo! It took me AN HOUR to write that poem! (Okay so Ginny helped but it's not easy to rhyme, okay?!)
didn't we use to fight like foes?
ain't it funny how we were blind as moles?
now I'm just very happy to know,
that I can make you blush as red as a tomato,
Anyway! The Lantern Festival was pretty fun, but it was very bloody strange to have Mum and Dad beaming all over Hermione now that she's my uh, girlfriend. It's still strange calling her that, really, but Penelope said I'll get used to it eventually. (She's so very cool, why is she with Percy?) She also told me that before Percy and her started dating, they used to bicker like Hermione and I all the time... I very nearly snorted starfruit juice through my nose but I thought it wouldn't be very polite. But I mean, honestly, what on earth do Percy have to bicker over?! "My wand was made from a phoenix feather that originated in BC4327 from Rolfsjubxland and is therefore more superior to yours!"?
Everyone steered clear of any food and drinks that Fred and George offered so the night was disaster-free, except for a fight between Lucius Malfoy and Sirius, and Mini Malfoy felt into the lake and looked like a drown ferret. Very entertaining, I must say! Bill had a new piercing, which Mum spent all night tutting over, and Charlie gave Ginny, Hermione, Harry and me a dragon claw each. I have it with me now and I'm about to stab SOMEONE repeatedly with it if he won't bloody stop sneering at Harry!
potterstinks @ 2002-08-14 10:08 am UTC |
I DO NOT SMELL, WEASEL, AND YOU KNOW IT. I would smell better than you if I bathed in dragon's blood for a week. It must be such a pity not being able to afford soap.
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-14 10:11 am UTC |
You SMELL and I know it! I can smell you all the way from TWO seats away, no wonder Harry looks faint! And only YOU would use girly bubble bath thingys to bathe in!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-14 10:18 am UTC |
Harry, are you alright? I think Pomfrey needs to check on your nose, it could be The Flu...
(parent)just_harry @ 2002-08-14 10:35 am UTC |
I'm sorry, I really don't smell anything except some girly soap.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-08-14 10:44 am UTC |
Gee, Potter, I'm delighted to know you can smell me. Perhaps you can stop stalking me now.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-08-14 10:21 am UTC |
I do NOT smell. And for your information, that is the finest imported bath foam you can get, and I'll thank you to remember it. Nice poem, Weasel. But isn't it a little ODD that someone would write a poem for their girlfriend that spelled out the name of a toy they gave their sister?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-14 10:25 am UTC |
What the sod are you talking about?! There is no Dante in the poem! Why do you remember Ginny's dragon name anybloodyway?! Ask Mummy dearest for one if you are THAT deprived of things to hug to bed!!
potterstinks @ 2002-08-14 10:33 am UTC |
You made the first letter of each line bold, you nimwitted neanderthal. Did you think no one would notice?
potterstinks @ 2002-08-14 10:43 am UTC |
That little mouse button right there. You know, the one with WHISKERS on it? It told me I could click on your bloody link, just like everyone else can. And stop staring at me. You look pathetic.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-14 10:47 am UTC |
Well! I bloody said only Hermione can read it, DIDN'T I?!
Nice slippers, Malfoy, does everything you own have whiskers on them? Heh heh..
![]() potterstinks @ 2002-08-14 11:04 am UTC |
Who the sod wears slippers with robes? Perhaps in your family you have to scrape together all the clothing you have, but in mine we care a bit about fashion.
(parent)![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-14 11:09 am UTC |
Until you change MY hands and robes back, you'll wear slippers with your robes and, oh look! Bunny ears to match! HAH!
(parent)just_harry @ 2002-08-14 11:11 am UTC |
Ron, I don't think the pink looks that bad, but it kind of clashes with the green.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-14 11:16 am UTC |
Harry, I don't bloody want pink robes OR green hands even if they match my hair! MAKE MALFOY CHANGE THEM BACK!
(parent)just_harry @ 2002-08-14 11:19 am UTC |
Well, you did turn his shoes into bunny slippers.
Malfoy, change Ron's robes and hands back.
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-14 11:29 am UTC |
He changed your computer into a frog, Harry!
Whose side are you on?!
petitemillicent @ 2002-08-14 11:51 am UTC |
I most certainly did not "gulp it down".
I laughed before eating it, you Shakespeare, you.
I do not appreciate being compared to a hungry hippo.
M. B.
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-08-14 01:24 pm UTC ^_~ ^_~ |
Awwww, Ron!!!
That poem is sooo cute!!! I'm sure Hermione will love it!! :)
You'd better get her to get the hexes off you, though. You look very scary!!! :0
Your friend,
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-14 01:26 pm UTC Re: ^_~ ^_~ |
Hermione is not bloody here, is she?! That git is still refusing to take the hexes off and Harry is taking 76 bloody years typing up his entry!
(parent)just_harry @ 2002-08-14 01:41 pm UTC |
It probably wouldn't be taking me so long to type up my entry if there weren't arms and wands waving in front of my monitor every few seconds. Just a hunch.