knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-15 22:13:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | Goodbye, cruel world. |
No justice! None!
Yesterday has GOT to be the worst day of my life and you know what? I've a bloody feeling today will turn out to be an even bigger nightmare than yesterday and you know why? I'm about to go for detention and Professor Lupin told us to bring a change of clothes because we're going into the Forbidden Forest. And by "us", I mean Drabbit Malfoy and me, isn't that just bloody great. I'm going to be used as bait for some gross creature with a lot of hairy legs, I just know it, the extra clothes must be for all the bloody blood I'll be losing by the end of the night. I can't believe. It was only a few hexes and that git didn't even lose a hair. Honestly! And yet! I'm getting fed to Argog as punishment, what the bloody hell is wrong with everyone?!
Hermione is still pissed with all the points lost EVEN THOUGH I wasn't the one who started it and saying I should learn to "bear responsibility for my own actions". Which part of "He started it" did she not bloody understand?! You'd think I'll get more support from her now that we're, you know, an item eh? But no no, there she was nodding her head, agreeing with everything my mum said (or shrieked) in the howler I received at breakfast today. I didn't manage to leave the table in time (Sorry, Professor Lupin, Errol's fault, really.) so the whole sod of a world heard the howler go off in the Great Hall and the only thing Hermione said was, "You should have known better." Thanks a lot. Instead of having a girlfriend, now I've two mothers, just what I bloody need.
On top of that! At least 23 pea-brains came up to me today and went, "So have you heard? Something juicy happened in the library yesterday!" IT IS NOT FUNNY, OKAY! Even PROFESSOR SPROUT decided to join in the sodding fun and made no less than 8 jokes about having GREEN FINGERS during Herbology class. Ha ha bloody ha.
I haven't even recovered from last night's detention and now I'm almost late for the second one. I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! This is all that git's fault but did he get a howler? NO! But I got the exact same detentions and essay as him WHEN I'M THE INNOCENT ONE! What justice is there?! Do you have any bloody idea WHAT we had to do for detention last night?! Up close and personal with all the creatures in Hogwarts and beyond, that's what! Every single cage and nests and poo buckets! All for us! HOORAY!
Have you ever tried stuffing Diricawls back into their cages? IT'S NOT BLOODY POSSIBLE, I'M TELLING YOU! They go POOF! into a puff of feathers whenever I go near enough to feed them and then reappear elsewhere, waddling around with their fat body looking smug as bloody hell. INGRATEFUL BIRDS! It took me one whole bloody hour and 3 mouthful of feathers before I got them all back and not one of them said thank you, mind you! Birds these days! Honestly.
And we had to do all of it without magic since our wands got confiscated because Professor Lupin didn't want Drabbit's fur shedding all over the place. That git was, obviously, incompetent without his wand and ended up with a Grindylow stuck to his nose. It was all very funny until Professor Lupin asked me to help hold that scaredy cat down so he can take the Grindylow off him. The creature is 1/69432 his size for Merlin's sake! The way he screamed, you'd think he got attacked by an Erkling! And that sod is hobbit size! Professor Lupin is, well, not! Why the hell did he have to get me to help for?! I'll never get these ferret flea off me this lifetime!
By the time I crawled back to the dorm, it was almost midnight because I stayed back for a bit to chat with Professor Lupin and I collected Harry's mother's photo album for him since I know he must be dying to see them, but he didn't seem the least bit excited when I gave them to him. I think he's still mad about the extra scar I hexed him with by accident.. He said he's not but, oh well. Maybe he's just tired or something..
Anyway! It's time to meet my doom. If I don't see me in school tomorrow, it's been nice knowing you all and this is all bloody Malfoy's fault.
lupercus @ 2002-08-16 01:22 am UTC |
You know, Mr Weasley, when you claim not to have done anything wrong, you also did not do the right thing, either, which would have been to go to a teacher if someone's bothering you. You did not, and instead you only aggrivated the problem, and therefore you are as much at fault as Mr Malfoy is, for flagrant misuse of your powers and a lack of respect for others, as well as yourself.
Though, I think after tonight, you might understand what I'm talking about a bit more.
blushcrush @ 2002-08-16 03:24 am UTC |
Aw Ron, I'm sorry about the howler! You know, you've got feathers in your hair. *plucks*
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-16 03:31 am UTC |
It was pretty funny actually, Seamus spat out his pumpkin juice, haha! Though I nearly went deaf, trust Mum to show no mercy for tomato ears! Better not tell her about your Transfiguration problems, one howler from her a year is very bloody enough! I'm not TOO horrible at it and Harry is pretty good too, we can tutor you!
(parent)blushcrush @ 2002-08-16 03:37 am UTC |
Oh no - I already have. But I haven't gotten a howler yet, so I don't think I will, but I'm sure she was terribly disappointed. I hope it's not one of the reasons she was so quick to send a howler to you!
Do you really think you could help me with Transfiguration? I can usually keep up with lessons, but it has been really difficult lately. :\
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-16 03:43 am UTC |
Sure I can! I managed to transfigure most of the boots into watermelons today, even though some of them still had laces but who can tell from afar anyway! Don't worry about it! I'm don't have to go back for detention anymore, have you heard?? Professor Lupin is wicked cool! I have all the time to tutor you now :)
(parent)blushcrush @ 2002-08-16 03:53 am UTC |
Professor Lupin is so nice to let you off like that! :D D'you remember having to turn cards to books? My book never has any words.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-16 06:17 am UTC |
I remember that! My books had words but they were rather small, like card size but still! It's still a book, isn't it? Harry is pretty good at that, no worries, we'll help you with this, I promise!
(parent)sinistra @ 2002-08-16 03:06 pm UTC |
An extra scar, Mr. Weasley? I assume this was intended for Mr. Malfoy. Take two points for Gryffindor for making me cackle at the thought.
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-16 05:07 pm UTC |
Wicked! Thanks, Professor! I thought it was pretty funny myself (Harry didn't think so), if only it hit Malfoy instead..
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-08-16 08:02 pm UTC |
How is it MY fault that your pal Lupin decided tomato-ears were worth a week of detentions? You're the one who decided to throw the clabbert at me in the first place.
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-17 02:24 pm UTC Re: |
If YOU didn't insult Ginny and THEN hexed Harry's computer, NONE of this will ever bloody happen, you arse! I hope you have nightmares of bloody horses for the rest of your life!
(parent)missgranger @ 2002-08-16 08:52 pm UTC |
Oh Ron! It's not that I was agreeing with what she's just that it was inevitable that your mum would send a howler! I'm sorry you don't think I'm being supportive enough. *twists hands* This is new for me too, you know? I don't expect you to change - despite what Malfoy might think!! - so I wouldn't think you'd expect me to, either.
But you got to see a unicorn birth!! That must've been brilliant. I wish I could've seen that!