knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-23 11:07:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | FILTERED POST. |
To Harry!
Where the bleeding sod are you?!
Guess what!! I bumped into Ernie, that Hufflepuff boy who always looks like he's going to piss himself? Anyway, I was on my way to owl a Gabber-Jabber ballon to Percy. This one's even better than the one I sent him last week, ha! Check this, instead of just singing ROCK A BYE BABY non-stop, now it will follow him around AND it lets me record a message so it will burst with a gigantic pop next to his ear and then shout out "WHY THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU IGNORING ME?!" It is the work of brilliance, haha!!!
ANYWAY, as I was saying, Ernie slammed right into me like he was running away from someone but there was nobody anywhere. A bit mad, that one. So I asked him why he hasn't been updating his journal because I couldn't think of anything else to talk to him about, and he said he has but they are all filtered posts. Hah, bet you don't know what that is, eh? Apparently, you can post private entries that only allows a few people to read them!!! Trust the teachers to CONVENIENTLY NOT TELL US ABOUT THAT! No more rotten Slytherins stalking our journals, imagine that! No more of their slimy Head of House poking his beak into our business and giving us detentions for nothing!! I'm telling you, no more detentions for Ron EVER!!!
I'm going to post an entry to Hermione asking for her CoMC essay "for reference", want it? Alright, I've got to go murder that Parkinson cow, look what the bloody hell she did to my journal layout!!! I HATE SLYTHERINS!
P.S: Where the hell are you?!
potions_master @ 2003-03-22 09:00 pm UTC |
Au contraire, Mr Weasley.
I believe that is the best layout I've ever seen from a Gryffindor. Take five points to your house for a drastic improvement.
-Professor Snape
lupercus @ 2003-03-22 09:24 pm UTC |
Did you read Mr Weasley's post?
I mean, the rest of it?
- Lupin
potions_master @ 2003-03-22 09:31 pm UTC |
Of course I did. However, I could not be arsed enough to take offense. After all, if there is anything that one can count on Mr Weasley for, it is predictability. Honestly, he makes an entry that declares his unfettered hatred of All Things Slytherin at least once a fortnight. Almost to the point where I can set my watch by it.
Frankly put, I simply do not care enough to be offended.
potions_master @ 2003-03-22 10:31 pm UTC |
::cynically amused::
That would be an affirmative, Mr Weasley. In fact, I believe the entire Wizarding World can see your "private" filter. I should give Gryffindor another five points for providing nominal amusement this night, but that would be against my beak-nosed Head of House nature.
-Professor Snape
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-22 10:34 pm UTC Re: |
So this is not filtered???
Thanks for the points, I guess, uh. This is really weird.
potions_master @ 2003-03-22 10:52 pm UTC |
So this is not filtered???
That would be a resounding no, Weasley. Do not thank me for the points. As you can see, only your imbecilic ranting about Slytherins can be excused because it is so completely moronic it entertains all who read it. Why even the other houses are howling with laughter at your inability to use the friends filter. Really, Weasley, if you are going to insult people, at least be smart enough to do it in a place where they cannot see it.
-Professor Snape, still extremely amused
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-22 10:54 pm UTC Re: |
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-03-22 11:02 pm UTC |
Actually, no. I will keep commenting because I know it distresses you. It is not my fault that you cannot choose the "friends" option on your journal client now, is it? Because we all know that in the deepest darkest recesses of every Slytherin heart lies the desire to irritate a Weasley. There. You have now been informed of the main purpose of Slytherin. And that is to make your life in particular, very uncomfortable.
-Professor Snape, extremely amused at this point
just_harry @ 2003-03-22 11:13 pm UTC |
Well you're on Ron's friends list so I'm sure that would be a big help.
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-03-22 11:26 pm UTC |
::sighs dramatically::
Potter, I am quite sure that even you know that you can friend and defriend at will. It does not take a genius to figure out the friends filter. If Albus (technophobe that he is) can do it, then surely a Weasley can do it.
-Professor Snape
just_harry @ 2003-03-22 11:34 pm UTC |
Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to make you sigh dramaticllally.
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-03-22 11:30 pm UTC |
I am sorry, Weasley, but I cannot tell you. Oh who am I kidding? I am not sorry at all. I just would rather see you stumble about trying to figure out the most elementary aspects of online journaling for yourself.
-Professor Snape
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-22 11:34 pm UTC Re: |
You've been most helpful, Professor, don't busy yourself with replying anymore!!
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-03-22 11:46 pm UTC |
I'll stop replying when you stop replying.
-Professor Snape
lupercus @ 2003-03-22 11:52 pm UTC |
My, aren't we mature tonight, Severus?
If, indeed, you are Severus.
Because you seem to have been replaced by a semi-literate first year, instead.
- Lupin
potions_master @ 2003-03-22 11:56 pm UTC | I supposed to be intimidated by the Big Bad Wolf icon?
Answer: no.
lupercus @ 2003-03-23 12:31 am UTC |
Intimidated. That's a big word for you, isn't it, Sevvie?
Whoever you are, eventually the Polyjuice will wear off, and you can tell us where our properly snarky Potions Master has got to.
- Lupin
potions_master @ 2003-03-23 12:41 am UTC |
I am quite sure you've had that in your arsenal for weeks now. Perhaps I am only answering because the decree from Albus says "Severus Snape, you have been remiss in your journal commenting duties. Therefore, you must comment at least twenty times in the next week." I am certainly not here for the deep and interesting conversations that are to be had with you and yours.
lupercus @ 2003-03-22 09:26 pm UTC |
As much as it pains me to do this, Mr Weasley, I'm taking ten points from Gryffindor for the disrespectful nature of your entry. You know better than to talk about your professors that way. At least where they can see it.
Of course, if they don't notice, that's another matter entirely.
Still. Behave yourself, Ron.
- Proffessor Lupin.
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-22 10:24 pm UTC Re: |
Uh, Professor? You can take points off for saying things in private now???
Is this working?
lupercus @ 2003-03-22 11:15 pm UTC |
As much as I'd like to help you, Ron, I've a house full of people at the moment. I'm only looking at your journal to see if whether or not you were busy.
I can see you've got quite a night ahead of you.
Still, you're welcome to pop on over if you wish. Harry's here as you know and he might like the company.
- RL
potterstinks @ 2003-03-22 09:35 pm UTC |
How interesting to know what you have to say in private, Weasley. God, are you really that obsessed with Slytherin? How very sad.
potterstinks @ 2003-03-23 01:02 pm UTC |
No, Weasley, I've just commented to it because it's inpenetrable to me. Actually I've hacked into your journal and exposed it to the world. Ha ha ha ha.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-22 11:22 pm UTC Re: |
Uh. I don't think he is online... good thing, too.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-03-23 12:59 pm UTC |
Yes, Weasley, it's a good thing some of us have more to do with our Saturday nights than to sit around on a school assignment.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-22 10:42 pm UTC Re: |
Why are you there?!
I'm at Hogwarts like the rest of the world, of course!!
just_harry @ 2003-03-22 10:45 pm UTC |
Ginny is here too and Colin and Neville, and I told you I was going to Professor Lupin's houseawrming party. I even left you a note on your bed to remind you. And I said, 'I'm going to Professor Lupin's houseparty now, see you later.' Ginny is here too. And Ginny and Cho are here.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-22 10:48 pm UTC Re: |
Ginny is there 3 times?? WHAT IS GOING ON?!
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-22 10:49 pm UTC Re: |
Oh. The note Pig ate for breakfast. I just found it. Bloody hell.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-03-23 01:23 pm UTC |
Incidentally, Weasley, what a fascinating layout you have on your journal. I've always known you couldn't possibly satisfied with Granger. I'm sure she'll be quite happy with your layout as well. In fact, I'm going to see her at a Prefect meeting later this afternoon. Shall I show her the way?
sinistra @ 2003-03-23 03:01 pm UTC |
The way to your imaginative photo of Ms Parkinson's Bludgers, one would imagine.