la_pensee @ 2003-04-07 21:08:00 |
Weasley Parents and My Own
I found that this evening I had quite a bit of spare time. I though to myself that I might as well use it productively by making a baked goods basket to welcome the Weasleys to our journal community with. I remembered reading Mr. Weasley writing something about scones, so I thought I would bake him a fresh batch. I also added a few assorted fruit tarts, Tiramisu, and some chocolate eclairs, and sent it off with a nice welcoming note. They do seem like such a nice family.
It is quite odd, however, that they are what one considers an "old wizarding family" and yet my mother and father have never really associated much with them. But perhaps that is because Mrs. Weasley does not attend the luncheons that my mother always does, but then I think she is neither part of the London Witches' Homes & Gardens Club nor the Ladies' Aid Society. I hear, however, that Mr. Weasley works for the minsitry. I am, of course, keenly interested in working for the ministry so perhaps I shall have to ask him about it someday. I'm certain whatever he does is fascinating.
I also took the time to write my own mother and father and send them a few nice things to eat. However, my mother responded quite promptly, and I do believe she was in quite a foul mood. She demanded how it was possible that Draco Malfoy was seeking a nice girl to go out with, and he has managed to ask every girl in Slytherin but me. I wrote her back quite plainly that I had in fact been the first girl he went out with, albeit that was months and months ago. I told her we are quite content being friends now. I am certain my mother won't believe me, but honestly, I do not care what she has to say.
la_pensee @ 2003-04-07 08:05 pm UTC |
Tonight you are keeping my feet warm as always. I don't care who wins you.
petitemillicent @ 2003-04-07 10:06 pm UTC Re: |
Draco should move in.
My bed has been collecting dust.
Draco collects dust.
M. B.
la_pensee @ 2003-04-07 10:24 pm UTC |
Brilliant idea, darling. I think he would agree it is for the best. We should really help him out and have Crabbe and Goyle move his things to the girls' dormitory immediately.
![]() blushcrush @ 2003-04-08 06:06 am UTC |
That's really nice of you, Pansy! I'm sure Dad would be happy to tell you all about working in the Ministry. He says they can always use bright young people!
blushcrush @ 2003-04-08 09:52 am UTC |
Didn't you read her entry? She sent Mum and Dad a lovely welcoming gift. Listen, Ron, why don't you go make up with Hermione?
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-04-08 10:06 am UTC Re: |
Why the bloody hell would I read her entry?! And shush! IT'S A BAD IDEA FOR MUM TO HAVE A JOURNAL NOW YOU SOUND LIKE HER MY LIFE IS OVER
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-04-08 11:30 am UTC |
Ron, you really don't have a life to end right now anyway.
(parent)![]() blushcrush @ 2003-04-08 11:45 am UTC |
Of course not! You have things to do, you know. And I would miss you way too much!
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-04-08 11:53 am UTC Re: |
Want to play Quidditch before lunch, Curlyface? Ask Cho along!
(parent)la_pensee @ 2003-04-08 12:37 pm UTC |
The two of you have such an adorable family. I am very much looking forward to getting to know everyone.
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-04-08 12:57 pm UTC Re: |