la_pensee @ 2003-06-10 07:52:00

Draco's Release from the Infirmary
Draco is finally out of the hospital wing, although the poor darling has to use crutches! I cannot help but be little concned that Madame Pomfrey could do nothing else to heal his injuries, but she was kind enough to aid me in brewing some special tea to soothe his aches and pains. Draco dearest is just in such an unfortunate state! Of course, I gave him the card that I had passed around the previous day with all sorts of lovely messages wishing him well.

Millicent has also been such a dear, carrying his book for him, and I am making sure Draco's notes are in perfect order, because it is very understandable that he is still very sore from that terrible mishap during the quidditch game. I only wish there were more Millicent and I could do with everything that has happened!


petitemillicent @ 2003-06-10 08:35 am UTC

Speak for yourself.

The only left that he has not asked us to do is bathe him.

No, just no.

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2003-06-10 01:32 pm UTC

I haven't asked you to do anything. Sod off and die for all I care, leave me alone.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-10 01:37 pm UTC

Yes, sir, Mister Malfoy.

M. B. is leaving you alone to die for all I is caring now, sir.

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2003-06-10 04:36 pm UTC

Find a new Beater.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-10 04:38 pm UTC

I have.

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2003-06-10 04:41 pm UTC

Well done. We'll practise after dinner tomorrow.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-10 04:42 pm UTC

Whatever you say, Captain.

M. B.
