la_pensee @ 2002-10-05 18:46:00

Harry Potter's Detention
I think it is quite unfortunate that this school does not treat students equally. I realize that Harry Potter's grades have suffered, but I know that he isn't the only one who has struggled with their classes. Yet, I fail to see anyone else recieve such special treatment - special attention - other than Harry.

I have tried to support Professor Snape. I still do. I happen to think it is wonderful that he is taking interest in his students. However, I admit I worry about the repercussions of these actions on myself and how it may reflect badly upon my own record, despite the fact that I have not done anything wrong in this case. Is this not how all the students have felt?

I, personally, think that in a case such as his, where grades are suffering, that we should do as many other schools do --- take away extracurricular activities, such as his being part of the quidditch team. While I think he is a wonderful player (no one doubts this), the priority of Hogwarts is the academic education of their students. Therefore, I feel that if his performance does not pick up, it would make more sense to use the time he spends practising on the quidditch team on studying instead.

However, as I have not yet received detention, I will try to have a little faith in Harry. Furthermore, I will propose this: I, Pansy Parkinson, offer an hour of my time each day to you, Harry Potter, for tutorial purposes in order to aid your grades. If you feel uncomfortable with my presence, than perhaps you could ask your friend, Hermione, to assist you. It is said that true intelligence lies in the ability to know when to ask for help

