la_pensee @ 2002-12-23 16:30:00

Leaving for Hols
I do not suppose I'll be online much. I'm only coming on once in a while to text Draco and Millicent. Still mother does not approve of this "muggle contraption" even though I've bought it through a wizard company and it is fitted with all the latest magical features. However, I've taken it into my room. I'm glad I've got a laptop and not a computer, although I'm sure a simple shrinking spell would have solved portability problems either way.

Father is not home yet. This time is one of the busiest times of the year for him but he promises to be home by Christmas eve. In any case, I spent most of my first day home wrapping presents. I found the most glorious wrapping paper and ribbon last week. I'm ever so fond of deep reds.

I'm glad that owls are so very dependable and nothing shall be arriving late. I didn't have to worry about the house gift baskets I gave out since we enjoyed them on the last day before the hols, but I did purchase some presents for my close friends in the Slytherin house and also Professor Snape because he has been so wonderful to me this year. I am thankful, of course, that my father was able to help me find all kinds of nice things for my family and friends this year.

Speaking of school reminds me of that rather scandalous affair at the ravenclaw/hufflepuff party. I suppose they do deserve a little attention since we, Slytherins, and the Gryffindors seem to get most of the glory even when it comes to stirring up trouble. Draco had the luck of catching one of the hufflepuff boys half dressed - I almost envy him for that.

I am sure it was all very amusing if you were there, but most of the gossip going around about the whole affair is terribly uninteresting. After all, the majority will be handled quite effectively by the professors and the rest is of a horribly personal nature that would have been best kept among those involved. Of course, mistakes are easily made and often made by individuals and not the group. I am certain most Ravenclaws were wise enough to keep such things to themselves and most Hufflepuffs were loyal enough to not betray the secrets of their own in such a public forum. One can only hope that this will blow over once we return to school and that in the future more discretion is used.


potterstinks @ 2002-12-23 03:18 pm UTC

Come now, Pansy, who cares how personal it is? It was amusing, for about ten minutes. Now it's just hideously boring and I do wish they'd shut up about it. As though anyone cares. Myself, I'm quite hoping one of them will decide to go out with a bang over the holidays. Maybe I'll owl some rat poisoning and rope to Finch-Fletchley.

la_pensee @ 2002-12-23 04:22 pm UTC

Draco, darling, let us not argue about such insignificant things. You are of course right. It is horribly boring and no one with good sense wants to hear any more about it.

In any case, happy christmas if I don't talk to you before the twenty fifth.

potterstinks @ 2002-12-24 01:40 pm UTC

I'm quite sure I'll be busy throughout holidays, as Mother and Father are always eager to spend time with me. Mother's owled off a gift to you and your parents, incidentally, though I've no idea what it is. Have you sent anything to Crabbe and his mother?

la_pensee @ 2002-12-24 06:48 pm UTC

I sent Crabbe a gift basket of some things I've baked. My parents and I also picked out something nice for his mother from the whole family, although it's nothing spectacular I'm afraid.
