legit_regit @ 2002-09-10 22:32:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | ArrowSmith - Crazy |
All You Need is... A Snidget?
We finally got to go to Hogsmeade this weekend! After cleaning all the lavatories last weekend, I think we dissevered it. Poor Terry still seems a bit ill from it all, but we did try to convince him not to wear that shirt. I need to talk to Eloise to see about sending him a new Pepper Up Potion. I saw something in the village that might turn his nails a shade other than peach, though maybe someone likes peach? She sure seems to see more of him than we do around here.
Lisa and I meandered though Hogsmeade together. First we stopped at the Owl Post Office so we could pick up some cards. I am really behind on writing to my mum. Next we hit Honeydukes, I bought some Licorice Wands, Peppermint Toads and Drooble's Best Blowing Gum. I think I'm set for a month, or at least a week or two. Maybe.
Then we stopped by Dervish and Bangs. I didn't find anything I wanted and Lisa didn't buy anything either. We had lunch at the Three Broomsticks and then headed over to Gladrags. They had next season's line out, so we tried on a few things. I think I might owl Mum about one of the dresses, but I don't know.
Our last stop was Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. I practically had to drag Lisa in there. I don't know why, but she's been a bit of a foul mood lately. I thought maybe something in there might make her smile. Merlin, was I ever wrong.
She wasn't thrilled about it and found a corner to sulk in while I began to shop. There weren't many people in there, we might have been the only ones, I suppose, because soon the shop owners were hovering near us. It's a bit disconcerting to find one's self and one's friend being followed by identical twins but, it wasn't too bad.
The one nearest me ask if he could help me find anything. I told him I was looking for something for a friend, and George said he had just the thing.
"We came up with these items for our mum, girls love them." he said. In his hand he held a small brown ball. I couldn't see anything special about it. he tossed the ball into the air three times, and when it came back down on the third time, I caught it. When I opened my hands, I found a miniature golden snidget! He told me, "One rare bird should fly with another." Though I do hope that was in reference to Ravenclaw.
Lisa saw the whole thing. She just raised her eyebrow and scoffed. So I bought it for me instead. It is rather adorable. I was about to head to the counter with my purchases, when I heard Lisa scream. I whirled around to see Lisa with a pink glob and both of the Weasley twins stuck in her hair!
It seems George had suggested she try a piece of their Walking Taffy. Only, it got away before he could offer her a bite. The taffy jumped from the wrapper and on to Lisa's shoulder. When she tried to grab it, it fell into her curls. I don't know which twin tried to help her first, but the both wound up stuck to her. Fifteen minutes, ten charms and several hex threats later, we had her back to normal and right as, umm, dark stormy rain.
I tried to talk with her on the walk back home, but, well, it didn't go very well. I think I'll just go put my snidget back on my night table and read a bit before going to bed.
legit_regit @ 2002-09-12 12:36 pm UTC |
Thanks Hannah. Oh, if you have a moment or two, I have an idea about that project we were talking about, so flag me down sometime, ok?
(parent) hannahabbott @ 2002-09-12 05:08 pm UTC Re: |
Will do.
I think all of this could be very interesting.
Come join us under the stairs (Seamus, Dean and I) and will talk some more.
- Hannah
missgranger @ 2002-09-11 02:55 pm UTC |
Oh dear. It's always wise to be careful in Fred and George's store! They have some nice things, some fun things... and then a lot of pranks that are not as fun. But boys certainly like them, don't they?
legit_regit @ 2002-09-11 07:40 pm UTC |
Well, I hadn't yet been in there, so we had to check it out, even if just for curiosity's sake. I was a little afraid of some of the items. I suppose you've seen most of them? But yeah, Geor Guys do seem to like them. Funny creatures aren't they?
What is lurking in bubbling black oozy that they keep behind the counter?
missgranger @ 2002-09-13 08:55 pm UTC |
But yeah, Geor Guys do seem to like them. Funny creatures aren't they?
Mandy.... do you... are you... we need to talk!!
What is lurking in bubbling black oozy that they keep behind the counter?
I honestly don't know - have always been a bit too afraid to ask...